OMFG I actually posted this. Lets see... acording to the little 'LIFE' thing it's been... 34 days since I finished Unfair... Well, I think my all time worst is going about half a year on fictionpress so that's not actually that bad (I'm stoping that record from growing today, too!)

Okay, let's see

Originally, this was a kefa mpreg (my second mpreg ever) that I wrote for a friend. In it Atem cast a spell without quite knowing what it did. I believe what he was told was "This is a spell that should be cast on no man, and the caster must take responsibility for it". It was a spell that made the target pregnant. As in, "cast it on a girl and help her with the kid" Atem figured it meant something more like "Inflicts a horribly painful demise that no one deserves and the caster sacrifices his soul to the devil" (along those lines). Think this, Atem uses the spell on Akefia, and in the end is forced to help the thief through a rather uncomfortable pregnancy that sparks a relationship.

Chapter 1

Akefia held his breath, in spite of how badly he needed more, as the soldiers ran by. He began gasping for air again once he was sure no one was there.

He peaked around the corner to confirm this before speaking "D… Diabound" he managed a say. Nothing happened. He cursed mentally. The drugs must have still been in his system. That might explain why he still felt like shit.

He waited a minute longer so as to finish catching his breath before taking off again, running across the desert as fast as he could.

After running what felt like miles he allowed himself to collapse on the sand. He shuddered at the idea of having to go back to the palace. What they'd done to him during his first capture was bad enough. Now that he'd escaped once…

Maybe he'd get lucky and die in his cell before Seth and Atem could get to him.

He reminded himself not to be to optimistic before getting up and walking around, looking for a shelter.

He was exhausted by the time he finally found a small cave, almost buried in sand, to hide in. He crawled in and fell asleep.


Akefia felt like death itself when he woke up. He could have sworn his limbs were made of lead, after all his running the other night, and his head throbbed painfully. His throat was dry and his stomach protested loudly to lack of food.

He didn't move though. He could hear noises outside, and if he made a noise someone might find him. Finally, whatever was happening near him stopped and he forced himself to sit up. He peaked out the small opening to the cave and saw a couple of the pharaoh's men resting near by.

He remained still until one spoke "This is dumb. Look for one thief in a desert. The sun'll kill him before we catch him"

"Isis made it perfectly clear" the second one said "that she wanted him found and brought back alive"

Akefia shook his head. Isis? Why would the priest be giving orders? Let alone the girl who rarely ever acted up. Someone who was actually a part of the royal family seemed a lot more likely to be controlling the pharaoh's men.

He waited for hours until he was finally sure no one was still around to see him before slipping out again. He stumbled along the desert, still tired from the previous night, and looked for a village. He was bitterly disappointed to find nothing.

By the time the sun had risen the next day Akefia was positive he'd die of thirst.


"Isis" Atem walked into the female priest private room "It's come to my attention that you've been ordering my men around"

"I'm sorry. I was certain I could do it whenever"

"That's true. As a high priest, you do have that right. But why are you having so many search the desert. What are you looking for?"


"I doubt he'll come back. If the sun doesn't kill him, his will he had to fight us was probably crushed" Atem grimaced, thinking of his role in the crushing of the tomb robber's will.

"I'm well aware of that" Isis said calmly

"Then why are you searching for him? His time in prison was certainly enough to pay for many of his crimes. His death will seal it"

"When someone begins something, it needs to be finished" Isis said softly "Akefia has something he hasn't finished yet. He can't die now"


Akefia collapsed on the sand. As hard as he tried, he couldn't get back up. He could hear footsteps in the distance.

"Hey, is that him?"

"Has to be"

"Go get him"


"Isis, what are you talking about?" Atem scowled "You don't plan to let him take all the items, do you?"

"No. To be honest, I'm a little worried. Letting him live to finish one thing may make him desire to finish the rest. It may refuel his hate, and his desire to return the items to the stone where they were created."

"Then what is this unfinished business, if not that?"

"Don't worry, You'll find out soon enough"


SnowCreek: Um… I have to be honest…

I finished this chapter a while before I posted it, but I waited cuzz… well… I've had a ton of homework so I didn't have time to work on the next chaps, and I was spending a lot of time then watching yugioh gx on youtube so… well um… (cough). Uh… I hope you liked it… (expect slow updates)

By the way, they've got some bizzaro freak sequel to Yugiohh GX where everyone duels while riding on motorcycles. I thought LittleKuriboh was only kidding. (and to add to the weirdness, according to yugioh gx, the universe was created by a card). Not only is the fact that dueling while riding on a motorcycle a dumb idea full of cheesyness and high motorcycle accident rates, but NEWS FLASH, if you actually read those little authors comments at the beginning of all the yugioh manga, the message wasn't "lets let a card game be the bases of everything we do"

Did you know he just made up for the rules of the game over night. Ain't that funny? Now it's the basis for two whole shows, going on three.