Defiance: Chapter One

"I think you're sexy," came the voice from behind Kakashi, and he knew that voice, but he couldn't have heard the words properly. He turned slowly, his instincts sharp even in the relaxed atmosphere of his favorite bar, to find that indeed the man behind him was the prim-and-proper Academy teacher he had thought the voice belonged to.

"You do?" asked Kakashi, caught off guard. He was wearing his uniform, like he always did, and he didn't think he looked particularly sexy in it this evening. Or ever, really.

"I always have thought so," the Chuunin continued, his voice even and calm, as if he were saying nothing of any importance at all, a small smile on his face.

"So why are you telling me this now?" Kakashi asked, raising an eyebrow at the younger man.

The smile didn't waver, nor did the voice, but the words that came were, "I fully expect to be dead in a few days, and I thought I might like to take a chance on something." Kakashi sniffed the air. Definitely no alcohol on the man, and he would be able to tell, even though the whole bar reeked of alcohol anyway. No one short of an Inuzuka or his own dogs could beat Kakashi's nose. "Iruka-sensei, why do you expect to die?" he asked quietly, shocked. Umino Iruka was not a man who went on dangerous missions, nor did he seem the type to suddenly do himself in, and he certainly didn't look ill.

"I can't tell you that. It's not the point any way. The point is… I've always thought you were sexy, and I want you, and I'm hoping you're not busy tonight," the man said quickly, his words running over each other in a way that Iruka's never should.

Kakashi was fully perplexed at this point. He knew the man in front of him was Iruka-sensei, by every sense he had, including his intuition. This was Iruka, and yet he wasn't acting like Iruka. Could the idea that he was going to die really make him desperate enough to stoop to propositioning Kakashi? "You know, there are a lot of people you could have any time you wanted. I know men and women who have been after you for years," Kakashi pointed out.

Sighing, Iruka turned away, rubbing his hand across the scar on his face shyly. Apparently his boldness had worn off, and he couldn't hold up the façade any longer. "Forgive me, Kakashi-san," he said politely, turning to leave.

Kakashi's arm snaked out and caught Iruka's, and he found himself saying, "No, I'm free," and walking out of the bar with the other man. He didn't have any idea what was really going on, and he wanted to know, and the teacher was a nice-looking guy, even if not Kakashi's usual taste.

Later, with the surprisingly muscular Chuunin spread out beneath him on his bed, Kakashi was glad he'd changed his mind. Iruka's dark hair had been freed from its prison and fanned across Kakashi's pillow, and his skin carried a flush of arousal that was far sexier than the shy blushes Kakashi had seen from him in the past. The only flaw in the picture to Kakashi's eyes was the strip of black cloth covering eyes Kakashi knew to be very expressive, but it had been Iruka's idea to wear the blindfold. He wanted Kakashi to kiss him, he'd said, and when Kakashi had refused on the grounds he wasn't willing to show his face, Iruka had readily offered to cover his eyes.

Looking down at the man below him now, Kakashi regretted his own obsession with keeping his face hidden, because he wanted to meet those expressive eyes, was tempted to ask if Iruka was sure this was what he wanted even now, wanted to know exactly what it was that had brought them to this point. Instead he simply touched Iruka, delighting in the soft sounds of pleasure the younger man made, and even when he knew he should ask… Kakashi didn't, entering the other man carefully without double-checking that it was okay, without asking for a verbal permission when he had the physical one of spreading thighs and thrusting hips.

Kakashi heard a moan escape his own lips at the heat and tightness that surrounded him. He couldn't believe a man who picked up random strangers at the bar could really be this tight, and it reminded him who he was with, how amazing it was to have this particular man approach him in such a way. Then his thoughts were gone as Iruka relaxed and then tensed deliberately, and Kakashi had to exercise his best control not to orgasm immediately. He held still until the edge retreated, then started thrusting, slow deep thrusts that made him feel as if his world had always been this moment, this rhythm.

He couldn't bear it, in the end, the imperfect view of his partner's gorgeously expressive face maddening. He reached up to loosen the blindfold, panting, "Look at me, Iruka."

Iruka opened his eyes slowly, almost reluctantly, and there was confusion in those deep orbs for a brief moment, following by understanding, and finally, nothing but bliss. He reached his hand down to pump his own member in time to Kakashi's thrusts, but Kakashi took it away and replaced it with his own, and Iruka had nothing to do but enjoy, his eyes meeting Kakashi's mismatched gaze. He came with a loud cry, his back arching in a way that broke Kakashi's rhythm but sent sparks roaring through him, and it was that sight of the proper, cute, shy Sensei in full abandon and passion that drew Kakashi over the edge.

Kakashi didn't know what he expected after that, but it certainly wasn't for Iruka to pretty much immediately try to leave. "Thank you," Iruka had said, earnestly and intensely, and Kakashi had once again been completely thrown by the complete change in the man's manner.

"Please, just stay the night and have breakfast in the morning. Otherwise I'll feel bad about it," Kakashi said, pulling Iruka back into the bed. The Chuunin had looked at him strangely, but said nothing, and simply arranged himself into a comfortable position for sleep, not touching Kakashi at all but not moving away when Kakashi rolled closer to him.

Breakfast was a strange quiet meal, and Iruka-sensei was very polite and very proper throughout. It didn't add up, and Kakashi didn't like things that didn't add up. Once the teacher was gone, having begged off as soon as possible in order to get ready for school, Kakashi spent a very long time thinking about how he could figure out what was wrong with Iruka, and how exactly to help him get back to normal. Even if "normal" meant not doing things like having very enjoyable sex with him.