Title: A Sister's Tale: The Prisoner of Azkaban

Summary: A murderous killer has escaped from Azkaban and has sought revenge on the two people who stopped Voldemort. Due to events, Elliot is finally told who she really is and what really happened Halloween night. Meanwhile, Rachel and Amanda hold back a secret when they mysteriously show up in classes with Hermione. FredOC RonOC GeorgeOC AU Part 3 of the A Sister's Tale series.

Spoilers: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns Harry Potter, but I own Elliot, Rachel and Amanda.

Chapter 1

The summer had been one of the finest yet. Thanks to the Ministry, we, meaning the Weasleys, Rachel, Amanda and myself, had all gone to Egypt. It was bloody brilliant! there were tombs and mummies…and mayhem, of course. Not going into too much detail, let's just say that the mummies had the best time of their afterlives that unfortunately, I had to be a part of. When we had returned, Felix had delivered an envelope filled with permission forms to go to Hogsmeade. Mrs. Weasley signed everyone's, but when I handed her mine, she said, "No! Absolutely not! I can barley keep you behaving yourself here and at school. If you think for one second that I can trust you in Hogsmeade, you're wrong."

"But you signed everyone elses! Hell, you signed Fred and Georges!"

"But they didn't run through the tombs in Egypt full of Inferi and started boxing them because they were not allowed to use magic because they are underage!"

I gave a small smirk, remembering the enjoyment I had beating their non-existant brains to a pulp. Of course, that didn't sit too well with Mrs. Weasley, and she shook her finger at me and went to prepare breakfast. But it didn't stop there. As soon as we were all sitting around the table, Mr. Weasley made an announcement. "I have just received a letter back and all of you are going to spend a week with Harry at the Dursleys."

"WHAT!" we all shouted in unison as we choked on our food.

"The Dursleys hate magic!" stated Rachel.

"And anything that has to do with magic," I finished.

"Do you know how selfish you sound? Instead of thinking of how happy Harry wil. be to see you, you're more worried on how the Dursleys will treat you," replied Mrs. Weasley.

She was right, of course. I hate it when she's right. Under my breath, I replied, "Fine."

"Excellent! Now, starting next week, Rachel and Amanda will go first. The following week will be Elliot and Ron."

"But, that means I'll be spending my birthday with the Dursleys!" I cried, counting the weeks on my fingers.

"I'm sorry dear, but that is the order. The Dursleys have already set that system up. Now then, eat up. I'm sure you're all very hungry."


Before the week started when Rachel and Amanda were to go to the Dursley's, the six of us decided to play three-on-three Quidditch for some kicks and giggles. Ron, Fred and I were on one team while Rachel, Amanda and George were on the other. Almost every time we played, I caught the Snitch. The only times I didn't was when Rachel almost swallowed it and Ron caught it instead of the Quaffle. Too bad Harry was the Seeker on the team because that was a fun position. Playing Quidditch is what the six of us did most of the time so that we could spend as much time as we could before we were split from each other and sent to the Dursley's. Ooh! Just thinking about it makes my spine shiver. Oh, why us?


That next week, Amanda and Rachel bid their good-byes and disappeared into the fireplace. When they had just left, Fred and George walked away, leaving Ron and I alone. Amanda, Rachel and I had never been apart since last year when Amanda and Hermione were petrified. As I stared at the green flames that were slowly dying away, Ron placed a hand on my shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be find. She had Fred."

"It's not that, it's…" but I never got to finish my sentence. From behind us came the sound of someone clearing their throat. Ron and I turned around to see Fred and George smiling at us. "This is not what it looks like," I said hastily.

"Sure it isn't," smiled Fred.

"Come on, let's go play some two-on-two Quidditch," smiled George.

Now, two-on-two Quidditch was much more difficult than three-on-three. That's because I was stuck with Ron and he had to play keeper-slash-chaser and I had to play chaser-slash-seeker. Luckily, there were no Bludgers, otherwise we would have been toast. Apart from playing Quidditch, me and the three boys would sneak into the kitchen at night and get snacks when Mrs. Weasley wasn't looking. In fact, one night, Fred and George showed me this thing they made that made a sound like someone snoring, just in case Mrs. Weasley decided to check on us while we were eating. It was quite fun. But the week went by in a hurry, and before I knew it, Amanda and Rachel were back, meaning that Ron and I were off to see Harry. I was all ready to go when I noticed that Ron was no where to be found. "Where the bloody hell is Ron?" I asked.

"He is not feeling too well, dear, so you'll just have to go on without him," replied Mrs. Weasley.

"What? Oh no, no, no…" but I couldn't finish my raving because Rachel pushed me into the green flames to the Dursley's. I felt myself being pulled through the vortex and landing in the living room of Number Four Privet Drive. Harry was already standing there with his black hair still in a mess and his green eyes staring down at me. "Hello Elliot. It's good to see you."

"It's good to see you too, Harry," I replied as I brushed the soot off of my clothes and offered Harry's outstretched hand to help me up. "Where's Ron?" Harry asked.

"Ah, well, you see…funny story, actually. Well, er, you see, Harry, Ron…er, has decided now is a good time to, how do I put this delicately…er, fall ill?"

"Sounds like Ron." Harry and I laughed when a scream and a clatter caught my attention. Harry and I turned to see a very lanky woman staring at me with horror. And just like that, things began to get a bit strange at the Dursley's.


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