Katara, Toph, Aang, Sokka, Suki and a drunk Zuko sat around the round table

Katara, Toph, Aang, Sokka, Suki and a drunk Zuko sat around the round table. Well at least Katara, Toph, Aang, Sokka and Suki were sitting down Zuko was more of lying down underneath the table singing 'Who let the dog's out' out of tune. Toph covered her ears and put her head on the table in distress almost knocking over her cocktail.

"Who on earth allowed Zuko to drink in the first place!?" she almost shouted. Aang looked underneath the table and gave a face that signaled Zuko wasn't looking that good.

"Guys I think we should get Zuko of the floor" said Aang still looking as if he had just been inside a mental institute. Katara laughed and rested her head in her hands.

"Just leave him be Aang, he'll be alright. What harm can he do anyway?" said Katara. Aang made an even more worried face.

"He can peep up your skirt that what he can do" Aang said ironically. Katara took action immediately and squealed and held her skirt down with her hands. She heard Zuko laugh disorderly and she kicked him in the shoulder.

"I seh Plondon, I seh Crance, I seh K'taree's undaprants!" said Zuko still laughing. Katara started to kick Zuko uncontrollably but Zuko kept on laughing (though it sounded more like a wolf howling).

"Don't worry about it Katara he'll have forgotten by morning" said Suki who was leaning on Sokka's shoulder looking quite tired.

"Speaking of morning it's already quarter past one" said Sokka looking at the watch Katara had given to him last Christmas. Toph yawned telling everyone that it was probably time to go home.

"Toph can come with Suki and I. Aang you are going home by yourself in a cab and Zuko-

Sokka looked at Zuko who was now drooling on the floor singing 'I'm a little teapot'.

"You better take Zuko back to his apartment Katara" said Sokka finally. Katara glared at her brother furiously.

"Me!? Why me?! Can't he take a cab or something?!" retorted Katara angrily. Sokka shook his head a smiled.

"Because you and I are the only ones that can drive since we didn't drink anything, unlike someone on the floor here and do you really think Zuko can even talk to somebody properly at his state?" explained Sokka. Katara folded her arms and frowned at her brother.

"Fine" said Katara grumpily. Sokka smiled and then looked around at everybody.

"Okay well that's settled so we'll be seeing you guys later" said Sokka standing up to his feet while Suki helped Toph up and started to lead her to the door. Sokka followed them and exited the bar leaving just Aang, Katara and the Zuko lying on the floor. Aang put his hands in his pockets and smiled at Katara who smiled back politely.

"Well cya then Katara" said Aang and soon there we're two. Katara looked under the table and Zuko who was now on his back closing his eyes and crossing beat boxing with singing at the same time. Katara didn't know which was worst a drunk Zuko or his singing.

"I'm bwingin smexy bak! Dos mamas bows don nah ow to ack!"

Katara pulled Zuko up to his feet and wrapped an arm around his shoulders so he wouldn't fall down again.

"Okay Zuko let's get you home shall we?" said Katara. Zuko nodded and Katara started to get out of the bar without bumping any people.

"Yes Mama" said Zuko obediently. Katara looked at Zuko confused. Mama? Zuko was drunk enough to think she was his mother. Katara wondered about Zuko's mother for awhile as they exited the building. He never spoke about her much and now he was calling her his mother.

"You must be really drunk Zuko" muttered Katara softly and dragged Zuko across the city pathway.

Luckily Katara had parked her Porches close to the place where they celebrated. She opened the car for Zuko and pointed inside the car.

"Get inside and sit down Zuko" she said nicely and Zuko obeyed her saying softly another 'Yes Mama' before entering the car and almost obeying her orders but instead of sitting he lay down on the floor of the car.

"Okay you can lie down but just don't dribble please" she said and made her way to the driver's seat. He better not dribble that Katara and started to warm up the engine of the car. Zuko's apartment wasn't that far so that was good. She looked back at Zuko who was staring at the ceiling of the car as if he was lost in thought. The sooner he get's home the better.

As Katara drove she started to think about Zuko's mother again. Did she look a bit like Zuko's mother was that why he thought she was his deceased mother? Katara you're wearing a blue tank top and a black mini skirt I don't think Zuko's mum would've dressed like that. So then it probably because Zuko was down right drunk at the moment then. But maybe it could've been her face. Her face or maybe her long bushy brown hair might have been like Zuko's mother. Katara accepted that it could be the answer but in the end she dropped the topic. I'm not going to finding out anyway so I might as well forget about it and Zuko is definitely drunk enough to even mistake Azula as his mother. Katara shuddered at the thought of Zuko's sister. There were some people Katara knew that were just evil sometimes but Azula was evil at anytime and anywhere. Katara was even surprised the girl had friends. Friends. Mai was one of Azula's friends and not only that Zuko's girlfriend. Katara couldn't seem to understand why Zuko and Mai were together or as a matter of fact why Zuko even liked her to Katara she was just a bit – plain. Not many emotions were in her and if there were she didn't tend to use them a lot and then look of her it was just depressing to Katara. It didn't seem like Zuko and Mai it seemed like Zuko and The Gothic Queen. Mai was alright but Katara really thought she could do with a counselor or something to give her a bit more emotion or maybe a beautician to give a bit more colour into her face.

"Dwaisy, dwaisy Gift moy ur answie do. I'm alf cwasies al for da dove of dew" sang Zuko in the background. Katara giggled. Maybe she should record all of this and then show it to everyone. Katara reached into her hand bag without taking her eyes of the street and got her mobile and then went to the video recording section the started to record Zuko lying on the ground.

da dove of dew" sang Zuko in the background. Katara giggled. Maybe she should record all of this and then show it to everyone. Katara reached into her hand bag without taking her eyes of the street and got her mobile and then went to the video recording section the started to record Zuko lying on the ground.

"E won be ah stwilish mwarige I cwant afword a cwarige but dew lok sweeeet up don dah seet of wha bihicle mwade fwor twooooo"

Katara laughed as he sang and hoped that the laughter wouldn't ruin video or Zuko's song (but Zuko's voice probably ruined it already). Zuko started to change the song.

"Don wana choose me ice. Do wana fwall ash sheep caush I mish ya K'twarah and I dwon't wanaa mish a shing"

Katara glance back and almost forgot to look where she was driving. Did she just hear was she thought she heard? No he couldn't have possibly have said that.

"Cuash evn vehn I dweam of dew. Da sweetest dwem pud neda du. I'd steel mish ya K'twarah. Und I dwon wanna mish a shing"

Did he say it again?

Katara retraced the words he sang and felt a shiver up her spine. Was Zuko singing about her? They finally reached Zuko's apartment and Katara hauled him out of her car still recording what Zuko was doing on her mobile. When they came to his door she reached her hand into his pocket and found the key to the door.

It was dark in the room and the only light was from the moon. Katara didn't bother turning the light on but instead put Zuko on his messy couch and went to get him a drink of water. Zuko took the cup and began drink and Katara sat and down and stared at him. What was with Zuko? Why was he singing about her? Why was he calling her his mum? Question filled her head and she couldn't give any of them a absolutely 100 correct answer. Suddenly she heard the ring of the phone and she went to go pick it up.


Katara recognized the dull voice immediately.

"It's Katara. Zuko is completely drunk and I had to drive him home" said Katara.


Mai's voice seemed a bit sadder. Katara got another question from her mind. Was Mai a bit jealous?

"Okay well just tell Zuko I'll be coming in the morning" said Mai.


"Well bye"


Katara hung up automatically and sighed looking back at Zuko who was now using his glass as a telescope.

"Who waz dat?" asked Zuko.

"It was Mai. Your girlfriend. You know the one you love" Katara spelled out for the almost deranged Zuko. Zuko grunted and flung his head back.

"Not her"

Katara looked at Zuko curiously.

"But don't you love her?"

"I dwont dlove er. I dwove K'twarah?"

Katara stared with wonder. She had know idea what to say. Right now Zuko thought she was his mother and now he was telling her (well who he thought was his mother) that he loved her- Katara- his enemy then friend.

"Katara?" asked Katara blankly not knowing what to say. Zuko nodded.

"Yeh new noh da won I wash shinging abot" said Zuko. Katara came to realization. He had been singing about her in the car.

"She's pretty" said Katara not knowing what she should say to him.

"Shes beautiful" corrected Zuko looking at nothing. Katara blushed and was thankful that it was dark and he would be able to see. Zuko looked at her tiredly and yawned.

"I shink I vant to gwo to sheep now Mama" said Zuko. Katara yawned too. She was tired and it probably was close to quarter to two now.

"Okay" said Katara and she took the cup from him and put it on the coffee table. She helped Zuko up and entered the bedroom. She did all the things she thought a mum would do she tucked him in and gave him a kiss on the forehead and turned of the light. But Zuko didn't fall asleep yet so she decided to leave the room.

"Mama I can nit geht to sheep" said Zuko just before she was going to walk out the door of the bedroom. Katara froze and looked back.

"Can u sheep wit me Mama?" asked Zuko innocently and Katara thought for a moment. Well he thought she was his mother so he couldn't do her any harm, and in the morning she'll just wake up before he does and that will be it. She nodded at Zuko who just saw and her and smiled. Katara slowly walked to the other side of the double bed and slipped in under the covers. Katara felt awkward. At first she thought a mother sleeping with her son didn't seem weird at all but it wasn't a mother sleeping with her son so he could get to sleep. It was Katara sleeping in the same bed as Zuko. She remained stiff she lay down and Zuko wrapped his arms around her like and child would. She felt warm now. It was a nice feeling and Katara thought she would like it when she had a kid of her own and had to sleep with him or her. She closed her eyes and began to start to drift off but then Zuko started howling with laughter. Katara sat up quickly and looked at Zuko.

"What's wrong Zuko?" she asked quickly and Zuko sat up too.

"I can't believe you fell for that!" said Zuko still laughing. Oh no he's speaking in full sentences that can't be good.

"B-but you were drunk!" stammered Katara. Zuko laughed.

"I am drunk. I'm absolutely hammered" said Zuko.

"Then why did you say all those things?"

"Because I knew you wouldn't go into immediate spazz if I told you that way. Actually it was your brother's idea but I did make some of it"

"Sokka? Wait did you mean all those things?"

Zuko leaned in and kissed her softly then lay back down on the bed.

"Good night Katara" he said calmly but Katara wasn't going to give up that easily.

"But haven't you planned this? What are you going to say to Mai? 'Thanks it was great now see you later?'" asked Katara. Zuko didn't get back up to tell her but instead just smiled at her.

"Don't worry your brother and I planned it out" said Zuko. "Now go to bed". Katara slipped back into the bed obediently.

"Oh yeah you haven't given your answer yet" said Zuko.

"What answer?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" asked Zuko. Katara suddenly felt her heart leap with warmth and joy and she said 'yes' before thinking about it.

"Good" said Zuko and they just lay there silent.

…until Zuko started to belt out-

"I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing"

And Katara started to join in.

"Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing"

Author's Note:

I don't own Avatar or any of the awesome songs Zuko sang.

Song's used in order:

Sexy Back


I don't want to miss a thing

If you saw 'In-progress' before you started reading or if you are about to scroll up and read it for yourself, that's because I'm not sure. This was originally going to be a one shot but I think it could be a full story. So you guys decide- One shot? Or a Story? The most votes by next week will make the final decision. I hoped you enjoyed!
