Title: Of All Places...
Characters (in order of appearance): Dean, Martha, Ten, Sam (cameo)
Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to the BBC and Russell T. Davies. Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and The CW. Only playing around with the characters here...
Spoilers: Doctor Who - takes place after Blink but before Utopia; Supernatural - Season 1, before Shadow.
Summary: Dean Winchester meets Martha Jones and her friend, The Doctor.

The fic is in two parts. Part 2 will be posted in a few days, a week at most. Feedback is always appreciated.

Of All Places...

Dean looked up from where he was sitting at the diner. Sam was at the local library doing some research on their latest hunt. Dean had decided to scope out the town – ask around. It was far more interesting than looking through books and microfiche, so he just left his geek brother to it.

The bell had rung as a woman about Sam's age walked in looking frustrated to say the least. As she went past where Dean was sitting, he tried to get her attention. She was worth a look after all, and who was he to pass up a chance to flirt and turn on the charm?

"Hey, need some company?" Dean asked, testing the waters.

The woman looked at him, a bit surprised that he was talking to her, but then she smiled and said, "Thanks for the offer." She sat down across from Dean.

She definitely had a British accent, Dean thought. He wondered what brought her all the way across the pond. Rockford, Illinois was the last place he would have expected someone like her to be at – in a mom-and-pop diner in the Midwest.

"I'm Martha." She said.

"Dean. What brings you here? You don't look like you're from around here."

She waved her hand, "Oh, car trouble. My friend and I – we're from the U.K.-- we're here on vacation. The bloody rental is being awful though. My friend is trying to fix it now while I get some food. How about you? Do you live in the area?"

"I'm here with my brother – he's at the library now. We're just passing through. Originally from Kansas, I guess you would say."

"I've never been to Kansas. I've always wanted to go to New York – well the present day New York. See Times Square – bet it's brilliant at New Year's Eve, right?"

Dean looked at her strangely, "What d'you mean – present day New York?"

Martha made a small "O" sound realizing she had almost said too much, "Oh, you know – I visited New York once when I was very little – barely remember it. It would be nice to see it now and actually remember what I did."

He nodded, "I've been to Times Square once or twice. Never at New Year's Eve, but I've heard it was amazing."

She started playing with a delicate gold chain around her neck, which disappeared beneath her beige shirt. Once in a while, she would look back at the entrance to the diner as if expecting someone to come through the door.

Dean put his hand over hers – the one that was doing the tapping – and gave her his best engaging smile.

"How's your boyfriend?" Dean ventured. Sometimes the roundabout way was more fun in asking a girl whether or not she was available.

Martha jumped a bit in shock at the inquiry.

But then she smiled at him – leaning toward flirtatious if he wasn't mistaken, "I'm single. My love life is lacking, sadly. Although, I have to warn you – my friend – the one who's with me – he has this thing…" She drifted off.

"What thing?" He leaned closer to her so that their noses were almost touching.

She seemed to change her mind on what she was going to say, and said instead, "Forget it. He's sort of like an overprotective brother, you know? It's nothing."

"Alright." Dean breathed out.

She grinned mischievously at him, and drew her lips to his, kissing him. He kissed back just as eagerly as she did.

"This is moving along kinda fast, don't you think?" Dean asked after they pulled back for breath.

"Is that a problem?" She said, tugging at his arm as she stood up.

"No, but – where are we going?" Dean stood as well, letting her keep holding onto his hand.

"We could go around back and – uh, what's the term here – make out…have some fun. I can tell you're that type of guy."

Dean raised his eyebrow at her, "What kind of guy is that?"

"A fun one – the type to go with the flow. And I could use some fun right now."

"Can't say I get that often, but what about your friend? I thought you were getting food…"

"That can wait. Come on. No time like the present." She grinned at him, stealing another kiss. The others at the diner were beginning to mutter something about "young people these days – can't keep their hands off each other."

Dean and Martha went out the door and headed to the deserted passage between the diner and the next shop. Martha looked out of the passage to check for something – or someone, Dean revised. Something told him that this friend of hers was not just a friend.

She directed his attention back to him, and pushed him against the wall. Dean found he didn't mind at all that she was the one in control. It was kinda kinky, he thought.

Her hands latched onto his neck, and she started kissing him as if there was no tomorrow. Dean put his hands on her waist, and gave as much as he was getting. He was a bit surprised that she seemed like she was trying to devour him with her mouth.

And she said her love life was lacking?! If she could kiss like that…what guy could resist?

"Martha Jones…" A guy who also spoke in British accent said in a tone of "what the hell are you doing?"
