This is an iChat roleplay. I am Mello. I was bored and sick. My friend (Mattpuppy) is Matt.

Enjoy. Review and there will be more!

Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note, or iChat…. But Matt is mine!

Mello is sick in bed. He logs on to iChat hoping for some entertainment. Ever since he and Matt have been living in different houses… Mello has been bored, very bored…

Matt: How're you feeling?

Matt: Mell?

Mello: not so great

Matt: Aww.

Mello: I'm dizzy and fell like I'm going to pass out

Mello: I wasn't in school today

Mello: and I'm not going tomorrow

Matt: I should hope not.

Matt: That sounds like hell.

Mello: yeah

Mello: just short of it

Mello: how r u Mattie-kun?

Matt: Heh, can't complain. 3

Mello: psh...

Matt: But you know me.

Matt: I could be dying of the plague and still feel fine.

Mello: true

Mello: especially if you have your freakin ds or a ciggy

Matt: Exactly.

Matt: Or some porn.

Mello: that too...

Mello: I had to explain to Far (a/n: Far is a character that my friend and I made up, he is kind of like the Nega-Near) what seme and uke meant today

Matt: Hah, he really didn't know?

Mello: nah

Mello: I told him to get me chocolate

Matt: That's.. surprising.

Mello: and he told me to ask you because you're my bitch

Mello: and I said but your seme in bed

Matt: Damn straight

Mello:...we are actually damn gay

Mello: any way he got all confused

Matt: Of all people I thought Far would know what a seme and uke are. He really is Near's opposite.

Mello: yeah

Matt: fucking near

(a/n: said this at the same time)

Mello: Fucking Near.

Mello: haha

Matt: Lol.

Mello: brb

Matt: A'ight

(a/n: Mello answers call of nature)

Mello: I'm back

Mello: didja miss me

Matt: Of course

Mello: I got some chocolate.

Matt: Orly.

Mello; huh?

Matt: ….

Mello: oh

Mello: really

Matt: Yes.

Mello: ...

Mello: dont make me feel stupid

Matt: …

Mello: I scored better then you at whammy's

Matt: Aww, but I never get to be the smart one. ;;

Mello: no

Mello: you just get to be SEME

Matt: Heheh yeah

Mello: you are so happy about that

Matt: Of course I am. 3

Mello: fuck you

Matt: Yes plz.

Mello: sure

Matt: Get over here, then.

Mello: yeah i'll go apparate over there now…

Mello: damn it

Mello: we dont live together anymore

Matt: /whine

Matt: I knooowww..

Mello: what?

Mello: you noticed your chocolate stock wasn't fully depleted?

Matt; That and I'm not getting laid every night. ;;

Mello: awww

Mello: my poor matt puppy

Matt: /whiiine

Mello: damn it

Mello: all that whining is turning me ooooonnnn

Matt: I'm sorry, Mell. 3

Mello: no your not

Matt: True

Mello: damn you

Mello: oh and btw...I DO say fuck

Matt: In the script? (a/n: script anime)

Matt: When?

Mello: when chief yagami finds out my name using the eyes and tells me

Mello: my eyes bulge out of my head and I quote "oh fuck"

Matt: Well fancy that.

Mello: yep!

Mello: well I g2g

Matt: Aww.

Matt: Feel better. 3

Mello: thanks Mattie-kun

Mello: one of these nights you'll be next to me when I say goodnight

Matt: Countin' the seconds.