Maybe If

Maybe if I had told you the truth before...maybe it would have been different.

Maybe if I had told you why I had really wanted to jump...maybe we could have...

Maybe if I had told you that I wanted to jump with you...
Because I wanted to hold your hand, or because I had wanted it to be "Finny and Gene" for once instead of just "Finny".

Maybe if I had told you...things could have changed.

Maybe if I had told you that I wanted to me more then just "friends" you would have obliged.
Or would have drown away...

Maybe you would have just left me then and there and we never would have climbed that tree...
But, if that was the case, maybe I was right not to tell...
Because even though it cost me; that time I spend with you...and you alone...
I wouldn't trade it for the world.

And maybe...just maybe...
You'll accept it.

I guess I'll just have to wait to tell you, after the surgery. Huh, "Pal".

I guess, it doesn't really matter if I tell you before...
Besides, it gives me something to look forward to when I wake up.

You by my bedside, waiting for me to awaken...
And when I do...I'll tell you.

I'll tell you everything. Everything and more.

I don't really remember when it happened, but...I fell in love with you, Gene..
But you'll know that soon enough, won't you...

Still, I can't help but wonder...

If love me too?

This was alot longer when I wrote it out XD So I was a little disappointed when it ended up this short, but I still think I got my thoughts across for what I intended. ^^ Well, hopefully you enjoyed it? Maybe ;)