Chapter Six

A/N: Well people, this is it, we've finally made it to the end. I want to thank all of you for the great reviews, they really helped to keep me going. I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I did!

Brian's POV

If I should stay

I would only be in your way

So I'll go, but I know

I will think of you every step of the way

Holy. Fucking. Shit. I so did not need this right now.

And I will always love you

I will always love you

You, my darling you

Curse Justin for playing this while he was painting, and curse these fucking tears I get when remembering it!

Bittersweet memories, that is all I'm taking with me

So goodbye, please don't cry

We both know I'm not what you

You need

And I will always love you

I will always love you

Keep it together Kinney, the fucking song will be over soon. I really want to reach out and turn the radio off but my hand won't obey me.

I hope life treats you kind

And I hope you have all you've dreamed of

And I wish to you joy and happiness

But above all this I wish you love

I close my eyes as silence fills the car, gearing myself for what I know is coming next.

And I will always love you

I will always love you

I will always love you

I will always love you

I will always love you

I, I will always, love you

That's it! The fucking song was mocking me, I knew it was. A month of working my ass off at work and my radio wants to mock me. I slammed the door of the vette, cutting off the music and wiping at the slight excess of wetness in my eyes. Stupid song brought back too many memories I was more than ready to leave behind.

"Hey Bri," Michael greeted me once I made my way through Babylon's normal throng of sweaty bodies to the bar where the boys had been waiting. I mumbled a quick hello to them before ordering a Beam and collapsing onto the stool next to him and slumping over the bar.

The guys were so fucking predictable as they exchanged 'worried' glances behind my back as I downed the Beam in two big gulps, feeling it burn my throat on the way down, helping to numb my overactive mind that was close to short circuiting. It also helped me to forget.

"I'm sure dear Theodore has already told you tales about my long hours and temper due to lack of sleep so I trust I don't need to explain my appearance that has you all staring." I didn't even bother turning to face them. I didn't need them for me to know that I had shadows under my exhausted eyes and my attire of old comfy jeans and a black t-shirt was far from my normal Babylon 'hunt them down' outfit.

"It's okay honey, we know that with Justi-" before Emmett even got to finish five pairs of hands clapped over his mouth. I turned slowly to look at him, my thoughts turned blank and I suddenly felt lost at the mention of…him. "I'm sorry Bri." Emmett apologized, eyes downcast.

The rest of the gang seemed to tense as they watched me for my reaction. Feeling the walls that had always surrounded my emotions set themselves up again I ordered another Beam, downed it in one gulp, and slammed the glass back onto the bar before standing up.

"Hey professor, mind if I borrow your husband for a dance?" I asked Ben.

"Nope, go right ahead." Ben gave Mikey a kiss before my best friend followed me onto the dance floor.

An hour later the boys had all ended up dancing with their partners and I realized how alone I was. I glanced around to see if there were any interesting guys, not that I had expected much from this crowd. I had a lot of eyes on me, what else was new? But no one seemed to catch my eye that night. I really doubted that anyone ever would, after finding a seventeen year old twink no one seemed all that appealing anymore.

Promise me that you'll still be open to love.

Okay Justin, I'll try for you. I took a moment to push back the tears that automatically welled up at the thought of him. Swallowing the emptiness that had taken root inside me a month ago I spend the next half hour dancing with various guys. I'm sure there were some pretty hot ones, but whenever I looked at them I kept seeing blond hair and blue eyes.

Finally feeling like I'd rather down in misery back at the loft rather than stay in the suffocating club I say goodbye to the boys and make my slow way out of the place and into the blessedly cool air of the night. I just stand there for a moment with my eyes closed, letting the air wash over me and cool my skin along with my lonely inside that missed having its blond counterpart with it. No Kinney, no thinking that. All it will lead to it a load of shitty misery I really don't need right now.

When I open my eyes, almost reluctantly to see my reality spread before me, they instantly lock onto a nice looking blond that sends my senses spinning. He's dressed simply in cargos and a white t-shirt with his long blond hair messily falling into his blue eyes that are locked on mine. He's leaning against a lamp post, his lamp post, and I'm tossed back in time six years to when I found another blond under that light. Granted, this one looks a lot more confident and older than my last one, but they both have the same allure and pull to them that I can't resist. Noting that he's even got a not too bad looking ass I can feel the loneliness starting to ebb away.

Knowing that Justin would want me to keep my promise to him I slowly make my way over to the blond, noting that his sparkling blues are watching my every move. When I get right up in front of him, he looks up with a slight smirk and he continues to lean against the light post that blonds just seem to flock to in order to draw me in.

"Busy night?" I ask him, almost grinning as my memories start playing.

"Just checking out the clubs." He replies, smirk still in place as his eyes wash over me, taking me in. Judging by the glimmer I see in his eyes he likes what he sees.

"Got anywhere special to go?" I figure why the heck not, he's hot enough. When he shakes his head no, I can't help but beak out into a grin. "I can change that." I assure him. "Wanna come back to my place?"

The blond's smirk morphs itself into a full dazzling Sunshine smile. "Sure, I'd love to. I just got out today you see," he raises a hand to show the white hospital band on his wrist, "just finished physical therapy. But I'd love to see your place. I just need to leave early tomorrow for a wedding I'm attending." He answered, his eyes now shimmering with unmasked happiness.

"Really? Tying the knot I presume?" I ask as I finger the ring that's resting on his chest suspended by a delicate chain. "You do know you're tying that knot around your neck right?" He gently swats at me for that. "I hope you're ready for it."

The blond just smiles at me before pushing away from the light post so that there's only a breath's width between us. "I've been ready since the day I met him." He assures me before placing his hands on my shoulders for leverage and reaching up to press his soft lips against mine.

I find my arms automatically winding around his waist as I kiss him back, letting his simple touch melt away the last month of stress and emptiness to replace it with a deliriously happy feeling I wasn't too sure I'd be feeling again anytime soon.

"I love you Bri," he whispers as he pulls away.

"I love you too Justin, always will." I murmur into his ear as I hold my blond close to me.

"Promise?" I can feel him smiling against my chest and find myself smiling along with him.
