Disclaimers: I do not own Sailor Moon or any of the characters. This is just for fun.

A/N: Thank you Aelita56, LitaDelacour, PerlaNemesis, Tache, krugern, persian85033, sangoscourage, harucino, RukaMichiSkyKing, impersonal, LazCazodora, Thepillows93, gotToLuvAnime, Ryoko05, Facing Reality, wildflower1014, Wicked Prince X, DavisJes, (whoever gave me feedback), Martiny the one, The-Cursed-Daughter, sailormeg78, KaE,Nuben290, tototo, JamesBirdsong, ElysianNeptune and Collie-loves-yuri for reviewing my first Sailor Moon fic.

No more need for a volunteer to proof read this story since it's the last chapter. Oh well.

Thanks again for everyone who read, reviewed, alerted and favorite this story. I got to say this is practically the best story I've written so far.

This epilogue might seem a bit short but it's the epilogue so yeah.


Chibi Outers


Everyone sat in the living room in silence. All hands folded neatly in laps and eyes either staring down on the ground or off to the side. Haruka and Michiru sat on the couch while Setsuna and Hotaru sat on the other couch. Setsuna raised her head to glance at each and one of them "The elders broke the telepathic connection between us and the clones. If he attempts to kill them…" Setsuna trailed off knowing that wasn't what everyone needed to hear "The elders told me it was either to put them in an alternative dimension with him or get rid of them all…"

"Setsuna," interrupted Haruka gazing in her eyes "We understand, we're not blaming you. It wasn't your fault, there was nothing you could've done,"

"You're not the villain Setsuna-mama. You did the best and you're the time guardian. You were just doing your job,"

Setsuna nodded before glancing back down at the ground "Then why do I feel like I've done something wrong and could've changed it," whispered Setsuna idly playing with the rings on hands.

"Its guilt. You just wished you could've done something when you couldn't. We all feel like that Setsuna," comforted Michiru "Its not easy being a senshi, the guardian of time and be a person. We all struggle with it,"

Setsuna gave her a smile before the silence returned. Setsuna thought for a moment before something popped into her head.

"Minna, there's still a way we can see them,"

Everyone's head snapped to gaze at Setsuna wondering what she meant.

"Nani? How?"

"We can always visit the alternative dimension. There are no rules saying why we can't visit," said Setsuna quickly whisking out her henshin wand.


"Hai," nodded Setsuna. She was soon enveloped by her 2 best friends and adopted daughter. Arms tightened around her as she soon struggled to breathe "Minna, you probably need me if you're wanting to visit," The arms loosened but they're still were wrapped around her body.

A few moments later the living room lit up in a bright white light and everyone in the room disappeared.


The surroundings were somewhat familiar to her but she couldn't figure out why it was familiar. They had arrived in this alternative dimension but she couldn't see Michiru, Setsuna or Hotaru anywhere.

She was in a hallway with gold walls with navy linings. The floors beneath her were gold tiles with a navy pattern on each tile hand made. There were painting of royals, fruit and other artwork hanging up on the walls and golden stands with either vases or statues on them.

Haruka glanced down at herself to see a silk navy gown with a gold belt strip tied around her waist. At the back was a gold bow and her nails were painted navy 'Kami-sama this feels like a nightmare,' thought Haruka to herself. She lifted up her right foot to see navy heels on her feet 'Definitely more like a nightmare,' She checked her hair to be relieved that it was the same length as it was before.

She heard another pair of heels running down the corridor to see Chiharu in the same outfit running towards her "Haruka-mama," She felt her small arms embrace her and she stroked Chiharu's head.

"Chiharu," she pulled back and stared into her clone's eyes. Her eyes swelled up with tears but she didn't dare let one tear drop. "Gomen nasi,"

Chiharu gazed at her oddly wondering why she was apologizing for "Nani? What's wrong Haruka-mama?" she asked nervously.

"I can't take you back home. When Setsuna went to the time gates to ask about the enemy, she was told to either kill him and, and what he created or sent them to an alternative dimension,"

Chiharu bit her lip and hugged Haruka again. Soon she felt her gown being soaked in Chiharu's tears. She rubbed her back in comfort and closed her eyes. They stayed like that for a minute before 3 other pairs was heard coming closer. Chiharu soon pulled away and stared at everyone else.

"Its okay minna," started Hotaru. Hotaru and Cho's gown were exactly like Haruka's but the silk was dark purple and the belt tie was black. They wore black heels and nails were painted dark purple "We'll visit you all, right?"

Michiru and Sayuri's gown were green silk with a blue belt tie. Nails painted green and the heels were the same as their fuku shoes. Setsuna and Akiko's gown had crimson silk and a black belt tie like Hotaru's. They wore black heels and nails painted black.

"Hai," agreed Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna.

"You'll be safe here. I've specially helped design this dimension years ago and it was only to be used if we had an enemy to seal away," explained Setsuna about the place they were in. "Our enemy, Takeshi is locked up in a replica of Uranus's dungeons and there is special magic bonds placed around his cell to keep him from escaping. It should keep him there for eternity,"

"So this is a replica of the Uranus palace?" asked Haruka as she glanced around again the familiar area.

"Hai but not all of it. There are limits I've placed around so only a part of the palace are here and everything else is just an illusion. Background," answered Setsuna.

"So you'll visit us every week?" asks Sayuri gazing up at Michiru. Michiru smiled back at her and ran her hands through Sayuri's hair "Of course," Sayuri beamed at her before wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Um Setsuna," starts Haruka scratching her head.


"Next time we come here, can we PLEASE wear what we want? I thought it was a nightmare first?" complained Haruka as Chiharu nodded her head in agreement.

Setsuna, Michiru and Hotaru chuckled. "Sorry Haruka-san, regulations. Just like our Sailor fuku," told Setsuna holding Akiko in her arms.

Haruka groaned at her answer and pouted "Not fair,"


Once the Outers were back home Michiru reheated dinner and soon everyone sat down at the table. Haruka was especially hungry since the last time she ate was around lunch and there was a battle right before dinner. Haruka's stomach growled as she began hungrily eating her meal.

"Slow down Haruka," scolded Michiru as began her meal.

Dinner went by fast and around 10 everyone retired to their bedrooms. Hotaru had gone to sleep half and hour earlier. Setsuna was reading a novel while Michiru just lay comfortably in bed with Haruka.

"I hope they'll be fine," sighed Michiru resting her head on Haruka's chest. Haruka's hands came up and stroked her partner's arms.

"Hai," she agreed before thinking to herself. "You know you make a great mother Michiru, you just. You were perfect,"

"So were you,"

"I dunno Michiru, I feel more like a father figure,"

"I know but you definitely have a motherly side to you. You'd make a good mother too. Maybe we should start having kids. Hotaru can easily take care of herself and half of her time is spent with Setsuna,"

Haruka chuckled nervously scratching her head "Maybe in a couple of years but right now I want to this without been interrupted," Haruka leaned down to kiss Michiru before she started unbuttoning Michiru's top.

"You two dare do it and I'll kick your asses back to the stone ages," yelled out Setsuna from across the hall.

Haruka pouted before crossing her arms "Stupid time guardian," grumbled Haruka as she reached over to turn off the lamp beside her.

"I heard that," called out Setsuna again.

A/N: There we go. That's it. Not such a sad ending but not exactly everything turned out fine. I thought if I were to create some characters and then kill them all at the end what's the point of the story so I made sure there was some ways for the Outers to still see them but not live with them. I tend to like sticking to the anime or manga.

Review please. : D

Hope you enjoyed the story.