This is my other IchiHime fic. Starting a new one…

Warning: This story is not something romantics would like. I made this story totally different from the mushy things you read about IchiHime. I'm going 'in depth' with this one. Settings and characterizations would be cold, gloomy and unforgiving. And I made a DRASTIC change in character. If you are discouraged by this warning, then do not proceed. If you are brave enough to face new horizons, then proceed.

Another IchiHime fic by directX07, otherwise known as sekra07 (by her creations and cronies)…


Chapter 1


(A/N: The title of this chapter is set in a sarcastic tone, okay? But not really.)

"Are you ready, Inoue Orihime?" Ulquiorra Schiffer asked in his usual monotonic voice.

"Hai," Orihime answered – quietly but with determination.

"Then follow me."

This is it. I'm finally making the most drastic decision in my life. What's in it for me? Peace… and finally, a rest from all those years of pain and false hopes.

Ten years have passed and I'm still here. The lights go out, another soul burned – once I went here, I knew I can't return. But I still have that nagging thought inside of me that someone would come to save me someday. Day after day, I had that sinking sensation of hope and bravery. I do things on auto-pilot – I eat, I dress, I behave. I do everything for Aizen Sousuke. I thought that God gives rewards to those who are patient.

I guess life is never really that way.

What hurt me the most? They deemed me as the traitor. Judged by the very friends who told me they would protect me. I still prayed. I counted every day that that unforgiving moon shined upon my face, mocking me with its sadness and melancholy exterior. My entire future was a mystery and my present life was being drained from me.

Ten years have been enough for me to slap me into the reality that they would never come. That they had forgotten their comrade. That the man whom she loved would never come and rescue her like what he did to Kuchiki Rukia.

She was happy that the winter war ended in an even match, so that she would live another day to set things right for her. For her to get revenge – digging a grave for another and for herself.

Damn them all.

"I have arrived," Orihime stated.

Ten years of living in Las Noches has drained the vibrant color from her face. Her skin paled so much that it was close as Ulquiorra's skin tone. Her gray eyes, once unique because of the warmth it exuded even with such a cold color, finally caught up with its original reputation and looked as cool as ice and the nights of Las Noches. Her lips were still luscious, but they didn't dare lift. They were pulled down by gravity. Working against her…

Her hair, once always flowing freely, was now held up in a high ponytail. Inoue Orihime indeed changed. Now, she wanted to change completely.

"Enter," a cool, masculine voice said.

Orihime entered, only to be welcomed by 13 pairs of inquisitive eyes. Las Noches had grown to be her family. At first, they were all so cold and harsh towards her, but she eventually earned their trust and became friends with most of them, except Barragan who seemed so detached always.

"I'm ready, Aizen-sama," Orihime said, bowing deeply.

Aizen Sousuke went down from his 'throne' and stood in front of Orihime. He smiled down at her. He had always wished she would come to her senses and serve him. She would become his precious daughter and he would care for her, make her the flower of Hueco Mundo – someone alive amongst the dead.

"Then, we shall do it," he said.

He pressed his finger at the middle of Orihime's chest. She inhaled sharply and bit back a pained yell as Aizen's finger pierced through her skin, closing in on her heart.

He was muttering inaudible words as Orihime felt all the warmth inside of her leave. The process was tormenting and the sides of her clothes were torn by how she gripped them to avoid shouting her lungs out. It was difficult to breathe. It was as if ice was covering her heart and veins.

"Endure it, Orihime-sama," Aaroniero encouraged.

"You can do it," Halibel said, nodding at Orihime.

"Che," Grimmjow said.

Orihime smiled at this and bore the pain. She saw Ichimaru Gin go to her side and support her. The fox-faced ex-captain was right in doing so. She was about to collapse in the excruciating pain she felt.

Then, she felt all emotions leave her, all her insanity draining, all her false hopes shattering. It was replaced by something more powerful than what she had ever felt – will and ruthlessness.

"What did you do?" Tousen asked.

"I froze her heart," Aizen replied.

"Froze her heart? What effect does it have?"

"It will make her a part of our family now," the 'king' said. Aizen sat down on his throne and scanned Orihime's expressionless face. "I made her something close to being a hollow. A heartless human. And she will be our princess."

"Princess?" Grimmjow asked, bemused.

"Every king needs an heir, every man wants a child," Aizen said. "And I changed her for the better. She's one of us now. She has accepted her fate."

"Hai, Aizen-sama," Orihime said, walking up to her 'father' and bowing.

"Do not worry, my child," Aizen said, smiling at her 'daughter.' "You will be cared for and trained every day until you become what I want you to be. When you prove yourself worthy I will give you a mission. When the time is right, you will lead your people to success over those who abandoned you a decade ago."

Orihime's expression hardened. "Hai, Aizen-sama."

"Now go, all of you."

Okay, my first chapter is short. It's just an overview. See? It's dark and gothic. And totally different, I tell you.

Like it? Hate it? Tell me. I'll continue anyway.

Peace out.