Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who, or David Tennant, or Billie Piper, or any of those fabulous people!

AN: I'm writing this fic mostly for my amusement, also for my friend, who is also in this. my name(Amy), hers(Sami), and in a later chapter, another person(Bryce), will be the only 3 names mentioned that are real people. Since this is supposed to be a real fic from where I actually live, I also didn't mention any place names, I can tell you I do live in America though. You don't have to read this, but if you want comments are appreciated

This is rated T bacause I have almost no idea of what the later chapters will be like

This first chapter I refuse to call a actual chapter because its so short, its kind of a prologue, but you cant read the next chapter without reading this and still get it.


It was math class at about 1:30 on April 27th, 2008, and the 8th grade kids were working on their homework. Sami and Amy both hated Math, homework, and school. The only thing that kept them there without going insane was the fact that they both loved Doctor Who and talked about to each other 24/7.

It was a normal day, as every day, until it happened. Off in the front corner of the room, everyone heard a noise that only Sami and Amy would recognize as the TARDIS. Amy looked back at Sami and they both smiled manically and started looking for the TARDIS. As they saw it materialize their smiles grew wider and they freaked out.

"What on Earth is that?!" their math teacher cried over the sounds.

"TARDIS" Amy and Sami replied in unison, trying to contain their squeals.

Just then the TARDIS door opened and out stepped The Doctor.


See, short!! Next will be longer! I will keep writing this even if you don't read it, but still, please do!

This whole idea just started as a minute lond talk between me and Sam before math started. Kind of an "oh my god how cool would it be if the TARDIS just appeared here" thing