Bobby stood against the door frame as he watched the rest of his x-men teammates fill the almost crowded rec room

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from the cartoon X-men: Evolution.

Author Note: Hello readers and a special shot out to my readers from my previous Jubby story. This is a story I had started a year or two ago, it's just something small and fun to write before I start writing my next big story. Well enjoy!

If you don't know, here is my warning. I am a college student and definitely not an english major. I currently don't have a beta. I try my best to write and do this for fun. Spelling errors and grammars, I try to avoid them but I'm not perfect. So please don't hate.


Chapter 1: This Christmas

Bobby stood against the door frame as he watched the rest of his x-men teammates fill the almost crowded rec room. Laughter and chatter filled the room; the Christmas tree was surrounded by gifts. And it was late morning of Christmas-eve and everyone was excited for the annual opening of one gift before Christmas day.

"Aren't you going to join the others Bobby?" Ororo asked as she approached the 19 year old man from behind him.

A bit startled Bobby jumped, and turned around to look up at Ororo. Running his hand through his brown hair, he smiled and laughed nervously, feeling a little bit foolish he had been so easily scared. That he an x-man leader caught off guard from his thoughts. "Ororo, you know Christmas has never been my thing." He answered simply.

"Ah, yes Mr. Drake. I do recall." Ororo replied as she nodded her head, her eyes looked slightly upward as if to seem she was thinking of the previous years.

Bobby opened his mouth to speak but just as he opened his mouth, Ororo spoke once more.

"But I also do recall if I am correct there was one year that was special from the rest." Ororo said as she raised her eyebrow in a sort of questioning way to see if she was right.

Bobby nodded his head. "It's different this year." He answered lowering his head slightly.

"Yes it is." Ororo agreed, her gaze fell past him and into the room filled with the rest of the students whose excitement still filled the air. "As well as the others, but shouldn't we be grateful that the company is much greater then before." Ororo added, it was more then a statement then a question. "Who knows? Maybe this year will be another special year."

Bobby raised his eyes to look at the rest of his team, his friends their eyes were filled with joy and laughter escaped their lips. He nodded his head slowly in response to Ororo's words; his eyes remained watching every motion of his friends. He loved his teammates his friends and even though he knew they would indeed make it special, he knew that in the end there would be something missing.

Before the conversation could continue any longer, Ororo's name was being called from across the room by her nephew, Evan. He stood waving in the air desperately trying to get his Aunt's attention and to approach him.

"If you can excuse me Bobby." Ororo said softly as she turned to look at the young man who had grown so much since she had first met him. "Maybe we'll finish this conversation later." She added as she gave a smile and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Yes Ororo." Bobby answered as he nodded his head. He felt her hand give him a squeeze before it lifted from off his shoulder and his eyes watched her walk into the room.

Bobby leaned himself against the frame of the door once more, not taking the opportunity to join his friends. He let out a sigh, his heart heavy, and he felt sadder then usual this year.

For Bobby, Christmas was always a question of happiness since the years he attended Xavier's school, since he found out he was a mutant.

- Flashback: Start -

The first year he joined the x-men with the first line of recruits was a big transition for Bobby, for everyone. But the year went by great. Bobby was finally learning how to control his powers and even when he changed forms.

Then Christmas vacation rolled on by. Christmas vacation, that meant they were given the opportunity to go home for Christmas, even spend the vacation until New Years there as well. Spend it with their families. Despite the fun they were having away from the parents and with friends, friends that were just like them. Everyone was so excited to go back home, Amara couldn't wait to go back to being treated like a princess even if it was for a week. Jamie couldn't stop yapping on how he couldn't wait to taste his grandma's cooking.

Even Bobby was excited when he thought about it he really did miss home. He just couldn't wait to get home, that was until he made his phone call home to tell his parents of the great news. His world shattered hearing the words on the other end of the receiver. His voiced choked and his thrilled tone was no longer there.

"You can't come home." His mother said, letting out a gasp before breaking down in tears. Hearing his father take the phone, Bobby's heart raced waiting for the reason. It couldn't possibly be that his parents had just gotten use to him gone, that it was something wanted permanent. Bobby shut his eyes shut shaking the thoughts away.

"Your uncle Bobby, my sister's husband, he's not in on the whole loving mutants thing right now son." His dad calmly and slowly explained. "They're already flying in, I didn't know about it until I told your Auntie where you were. It's too soon to prepare him for it and you know how your uncle can get. He has quick temper and easy to get worked up. I'm sorry son I wish we would have known sooner that you could join us for Christmas this year."

Bobby felt his heart sink. What was he going to do; he knew all his friends were going to go home. It was like the first time he found out he was mutant, that sinking feeling like he didn't belong came pouring and putting a weight on his heart.

"Son, are you going to be ok?" his dad's voice asked in concern, Bobby could hear the guilt in his dad's voice. Guilt from turning down his own son to come home for the holidays, a time he shouldn't be any where else but home.

"Yah I'm fine. I'll be fine." He choked after a few seconds of phasing out, his thoughts completely on how his heart felt inside.

"Are you sure? I can call your auntie to cancel." His dad asked again, hearing the uncertainness of Bobby's voice.

"No, no don't. They already bought the tickets dad. Some of the other students are staying, so it's cool. Tell them I said hi, and I'm sorry I couldn't fly down." Bobby managed to say, trying to lie in his best voice. His dad bought it and the rest of the conversation seemed like a blur.

Finally putting down the clicking off the cordless phone he dropped it carelessly on the floor and fell crashing into his bed. It killed him; he wasn't going to go home.

- Flashback: End -

The memory in Bobby's head was soon interrupted as something hit his chest. Looking down to see what it was it was gift wrapped up.

"Iceman, stop daydreaming." Called out Ray, causing the rest of the x-men team laughed, their eyes all on him.

Bobby smiled a bit embarrassed the team had caught him off guard, especially since he had yet to join them ever since the morning. He was still standing by the frame of the door.

"Are you going to ever join us?" Ray asked, as Bobby slowly bended down to pick up the wrapped box.

Grasping the box in his hand Bobby stood straight his eyes move to look at Ray who stood with a large smile on his face. The rest of the younger x-men watched Bobby, waiting. Letting out a sigh he rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand and began to slowly walk into the room.

Smiles filled their faces at the new company by their x-men leader and the chatter that had stopped returned. Bobby reached the group, 'the gang', and his friends. Ororo was right this year the company was a lot more than it use to be.

Finding an empty space on a love seat sofa, he took a seat. Placing his gift onto his side Bobby looked around as he watched his friends interact with one another. It seemed that the more 'formal' part of the lunch was over. The professors were gone and everyone else to seem to be just talking. Some seem to be even opening their gifts still.

Bobby could feel Ray occasionally look over at him and he knew his best friend would soon be over next to him nagging him about why he was not social. But from what it looked like Ray was arguing with Roberto about something and the way those two was together it could take awhile.

Letting out a sigh Bobby turned his gaze over to the fire place. Let it be his luck that his best friend is a person that knew his reasons why his attitude was like this during Christmas. But still be the guy that wouldn't let it stop him from dragging Bobby into events like these.

His grey eyes watched the fire dance. And Bobby took the moment of being slightly alone and leaned his head against the sofa. The flames dance and Bobby watched it like nothing in the world existed.

- Flashback: Start -

The rest of the week went by amazingly fast; it was probably due to the constant amount of people that were leaving the mansion. Before he knew it, it was the evening before Christmas Eve. Most of the recruits were already gone, with the exception of Sam and Jubilee. The mansion was becoming deafening quieter something not normal and Bobby felt sick to his stomach knowing this is how it would be two weeks of nothing.

Sitting in the living room, Bobby sat digging a spoon in this ice cream. His grey eyes bore deep into the fire place that was right in front of him. His thoughts in a daze, this is the worst Christmas ever, 15 and spending it with almost no one. Well no one including all the professors. How much fun could that be? It wouldn't be.

"Hey Bobby. I'm leaving." Sam called out as he stuck his head in the living room to say good-bye to his x-men leader in training. Sam's face beamed with a huge smile, one that was rare from the normally shy quiet mutant.

"Have a safe trip." Bobby answered as he weakly smiled back. "I'll see you when the holidays are over."

"You betcha. Don't cause too much mayhem when I'm gone." Sam lightly joked as he let out a small laugh. "I'll see you later." He then replied as he waved his free hand and turned to walk out of the door.

Bobby let out a sigh as he watched the last of his teammates leave. Majority of his team especially those he had been recruited with knew Bobby wasn't leaving for Christmas. Although they expressed their concern he carried on like it wasn't a big deal.

But with him being almost the last x-men recruit there, it was starting to settle in just how lonely this Christmas would be. And Bobby let out another deep sigh. His appetite for the wonderful cold ice cream was no longer there as he held in his hands.

The fire in front of him captured his attention once more. And Bobby watched with interest as it danced freely in front of him. If he were home he'd be roasting some marshmallows with his family laughing over something funny. If I were home.


The soft voice filled the quiet room. The fire crackled and Bobby looked up slowly to see Jubilee take a seat next to him.

"Hey." He softly answered. He wasn't in the mood to converse with anyone and before he could tell her that. He watched as she took the spoon from the bowl he held took a scoop of ice cream and placed it in her mouth.

Jubilee smiled as she closed her lips around the spoon. Her eyes twinkled as she swallowed the Sherbet ice cream.

Bobby sat speechless no longer because he wasn't in the mood for company but because of Jubilee's simple actions. Jubilee was of the newest recruits, although they talked on more than one occasion they still weren't the closest. However, Bobby had always thought from the moment he met her that there was something about her that intrigued him. And that action was one of those times that reminded him why.

"Yum." Jubilee said with a giggle as she placed the spoon back into the bowl.

Bobby remained speechless and quiet as his eyes followed the spoon and then rose back up to meet her eyes. And Jubilee raised an eyebrow as she looked at him. "Thanks." She said with a tease as she turned so she could better look at him. "You're wasting good ice cream there if you're just going to sit with it in your hand."

He shrugged his shoulders and extended his hand out to her and placed the bowl in her hands. "Have it."

Jubilee frowned slightly, it wasn't normal that Bobby was so calm so passive, so dull. Placing the bowl on the nearby coffee table, she turned back to look at him. "What's going on Iceman?"

His grey eyes shifted from her sapphire eyes back to the orange flames that moved in the fire place. "Not much." Bobby mumbled. Although he was quite entertained at the fact that Jubilee had decided to join him, he did not at all feel the mood to talk.

"I can see that." Jubilee replied, her voice a little sarcastic as she gazed towards the fireplace, the place that seem to hold his attention deeply.

He remained quiet and Jubilee shook her head, "You know … you don't need to watch its every move the fire isn't going to go anywhere."

Bobby smirked; he should have expected Jubilee would make a comment like that to end the silence. "Yeah, and I'm not going anywhere either unlike everyone else."

"I'm here." Jubilee simply pointed out as she crossed her arms.

"And um aren't you supposed to be leaving?" this time Bobby torn his eyes away from the fireplace to look at her.

Jubilee let out a laugh. "Well yes. But right now, right now, I'm not going anywhere either." As she said this she slid her arm around Bobby's and leaned against him.

He was speechless once more at her action and more so at her statement. All of sudden he didn't feel so alone. Although it was just for that moment as she sat there with him entwined, it was the first time since he heard the news from his parents he didn't feel so alone.

- Flashback: End -

Releasing herself from the arms that snaked around her Amara stood up from where she sat. Looking down she caught sight of her confused boyfriend, St. John. Giving him a quick kiss on his cheek she whispered, "Be back."

She gave him a quick smile which he returned slightly before turning around. Walking up to the young man she let out a sigh as she watched him carefully for a second before taking the open seat next to him.

"I miss her too." Amara said softly so only he would hear.

Bobby looked up to see the person to join his company on the couch. A small relief washed over him the instant he heard Amara's voice and the four words she had said made it known to him he wasn't totally alone. "Yeah…"

"It's been over three years." Amara stated, even though she knew he already knew that. With a small laugh she brushed her hair behind her ears, "You think it'd get easier after each year, I guess it doesn't."

He nodded his head. His eyes lowered as he played with his hands. "No it doesn't." Amara, Jubilee's best friend since the moment they entered the mansion. If there was another person who knew about Bobby's mood like Ray did, it would be her. It felt almost bizarre that they be talking about this in the middle of everyone's festive event. Just the mention of her name placed him in a position where he felt like his heart was open for everyone to see every feeling. "I hate this season." He shared.

Amara let out a short laugh as she shook her head; she grabbed his hand and placed in hers, a sweet gesture among friends who felt almost the same sadness. "You know, from what I heard you seem to love it one year."

Bobby smiled knowing exactly what she was talking about, his Christmas with Jubilee. "No offense, even though I have you guys here with me. It's not the same with her gone." It hasn't been for a long time. And Christmas always seem to make it worst.

"None taken, I know what you mean." Amara whispered as she thought about her best friend. Even though it had been 3 years since she left, she had yet to ever find someone who she could turn to like she did with Jubilee.

Taking in a deep breath and exhaling, Bobby squeezed Amara's hand and released his hand from hers. Standing up slowly he turned to look at her. Amara had quickly risen after him and the two friends stood next to one another.

"Thanks for the company Amara. But I think I'm going to get some air." Bobby confessed as he smiled weakly at her. Amara nodded her head in understanding. "Do me a favor? If Ray goes looking for me, just tell him I needed some time?"

Amara nodded her head in agreement and she watched silently as he began to walk away. Before he was out of ear shot she called out, "Bobby, maybe you should call her."

He turned to look at her at the sound of his name. With her suggestion he gave her a smile and small nod before turning around and walking out.

- - -

Bobby sighed as he pulled his jacket tighter around him. He had left the company of his friends and teammates no longer than half an hour ago. With not wanting to be bothered he set out to watch the sunset on an abandon balcony, one of many in the mansion.

Although he was able to get away from the reminder of what holiday would soon be approaching it didn't allow him peace from his thoughts. It still harbored the "firework" mutant in mind.

Watching the smoke appear in front of him as he breathed he played with the wrapped box in his hand. Finally with nothing else to do, he began to rip open the wrapped box that Ray had presented to him. Pulling off the cover of the box it revealed a pair of dark ash grey gloves and a note.

Scribbled in Ray's sloppy handwriting, Bobby, the practical guy I am I got you some gloves, I thought it seem silly to be getting an ice mutant gloves. However Amara made a point that you always wear that dark ash scarf whenever we go out … so there something to wear with it. I know its lame but the blades I got you for your skates you are still coming in. Merry Christmas. -Ray

Pulling the gloves out of the box, Bobby placed the note down. A smile on his face, Ray despite his character during holidays was always a big sentimentalist. Holding the gloves he placed it against the scarf that hung from around his neck. It indeed matched. Amara always the observant on fashion.

- Flashback: Start -

Bobby slept soundly on his warm bed thick blankets covered him. It had been a good sleep and he was finding himself amused by the dream he was in. Soon enough the dream world ended when a soft weight of fabric fell to his face.

"Huh?" He mumbled as he pulled the offending fabric that had awoken him. He let out a loud yawn, still tired from his night of doing nothing but sitting in front of the fireplace.

"Rise and shine Drake." A voice sung in the room.

Bobby groaned as he squint his eyes open to meet the person responsible for waking him. "Jubilee?" his voice cracked.

Jubilee let out a laugh as she looked at his surprise face. "Well don't look too excited to see me Bobby."

Sitting up he ruffled his hair. "What are you doing in my room? And what time is it?" He asked as he threw off the covers.

"Waking you up, it's almost 11 a.m. Are you planning to sleep in the whole day it's Christmas Eve!" Jubilee exclaimed as she pointed towards the window, revealing snow falling.

"Eleven?" Bobby repeated as he looked up at Jubilee, she nodded at him. "Wait weren't you suppose to be gone 8 this morning?"

"Oh that." Jubilee said with a smile. "I decided not to go." she answered nonchalantly as she waved her hand in the air.

"What!" Bobby exclaimed as he jumped off his bed. "Why?"

Jubilee shrugged her shoulders as she took a quick glimpse around his room. "We were going to see my dad's cousin. Did you know my Aunt and Uncle are like complete rich snobs? When I'm there it's always about being proper." Sticking out her tongue Jubilee expressed her disgust. "My parents didn't mind anyways … I think they knew I wasn't looking forward to drinking eggnog and laughing over some old people jokes."

Bobby stood speechless and now wide awake at Jubilee's explanation. Why was it that he was always finding himself speechless around her? Shaking his head he was in disbelief.

"Besides" Jubilee continued on when she realized he wasn't going to say anything anytime soon. "I figured why should you spend your Christmas alone? I didn't want you to be miserable when I could offer you my company with such little sacrifice."

"What?" Bobby said out loud. He was in disbelief. Did he just hear her say she was staying here? Cause of him?

Jubilee rolled her eyes and she pushed him a little. "I am not explaining myself again Drake."

Bobby shut his mouth although he had a million questions running in his head. Grabbing the dark ash grey fabric that she had thrown on his face, he held it in the air. "What is this?"

"What does it look like?" Jubilee answered as she crossed her arms.

"A scarf?" Bobby answered as he watched it drop down so it hung almost touching the ground. "What's it for."

"I can't believe they're training YOU to be an x-men leader." Jubilee said with a tease as she shook her head. "It's to wear, DUH. Now hurry up and get ready so we can go."

It was then at her statement that made Bobby finally realize that Jubilee was all bundled up ready to head outside. Shrugging his shoulders slightly he nodded his head. "Okay." He mumbled, figuring they would be going outside.

Jubilee smiled with approval and uncrossed her arms. Spinning around Jubilee walked out the door to give him privacy.

Still holding the new scarf in his hand he watched her every movement. "Hey Jubilee." He called out and he watched as she paused slightly. "Thank you."

Looking over she raised her eyebrow. With a laugh she looked at the scarf. "Your welcome, after I got it … I began to wonder if you'll even need it being that your Iceman and all."

Bobby laughed a little, "Thanks. No I'll definitely use it. But actually … I meant thanks for um." Pausing he scratched the back of his head and smiled shyly. "… Thanks for staying."

Jubilee eyes widen a little and her smile soon turned into a large grin. "You're welcome." Her eyes sparkled as she spoke.

- Flashback: End -

Maybe you should call her. Amara's words repeated in his head as the memory disappeared. But the idea sparked in his head and he rubbed the back of his neck.

It had been months maybe even over a year since he last talk to her. Although every urge and desire to talk to her came almost every day especially after a rough mission life however never gave the opportunity for him to be able to.

The sun began to set and Bobby watched it quietly with a small pout on his face. He spent almost every ending of his day out on that exact balcony. Something they often use to do. It made him feel closer to her.

Jubilation Lee. After the Christmas she sacrificed to spend with him, the two became close friends. It was definitely a Christmas season to remember and a monumental one in fact, sparking a new friendship. Unfortunately life had other plans for them. Five months later the mansion was attacked and her parents no longer found Xavier's School safe for their daughter.

The short 5 months spent together, Bobby found one of his closest confidants. His partner in crime and someone he could turn to whenever life felt lonely. The feeling and relationship had been mutual, for he did his best to be just as a good friend Jubilee was to him, to her.

Even though it had been three years since she left. Bobby couldn't help but still feel cheated from life, for having his friend be taken away. It's not that he spent his days moping around; it's just secretly he felt like a part of him was missing or empty. There were things he shared with Jubilee he felt like he couldn't share with anyone else.

Letting out a sigh he watched the sunset. He held his cell phone in the palm of his hand spinning it. Finally working up the courage to call his friend, he pressed the speed dial button and held his breath.



"Hey Jubi-"

"…You reached Jubilee's phone. Sorry I can't get to it. But leave a message!" Click.

Bobby closed the cell and shoved it back into his pocket. Let it be his luck that finally when he makes the move to call her, it goes to her box. Kicking the snow at his feet, his shoved his hands in his jacket pockets and walked into the mansion.

Walking in Bobby was relieved that no one from the rec room would see him. With his room in his mind of destination he began to walk. praying that no one would stop him.


Yup it's my luck today. Letting out a silent sigh Bobby stopped and turned to face his best friend.

"Bobby where were you man?! I was searching all over the place for you!" Ray exclaimed as he jogged up to the young x-man leader.

Bobby tilted his head towards the balcony that he had just come from. And Ray nodded his head, "I should have known." Ray's looked at the balcony, when he looked at Bobby he began to speak quickly. "Well the important thing is I found you know, so let's get going." Ray said as he gestured towards the rec room.

Sliding Ray's arm off his shoulders Bobby rubbed the back of his neck. "Look Ray, I know I'm being a party pooper but I just don't feel like it."

"Just come on Bobby." Ray groaned as he forcibly grabbed his friend's arm and began to pull him towards the room that was filled with all their friends.

Resisting Bobby tried to wretch his arm from Ray's grasp but Ray just pulled him even harder. Bobby sighed as he heard the commotion that was coming from the rec room. He really wasn't in the mood to socialize.

"Ray. Come on not tonight." Bobby complained as he finally yanked out his arm from Ray's grasp. The two young men stood in front of the entrance to the room, staring at one another. Ray's eyes with amusement and Bobby's eyes with irritation. "Look tomorrow, I promise I'll hang out with everyone. I just don't feel like talking to anyone right now." The one person I want to talk to isn't in there.

Ray scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Blah blah. Come I promise you its worth your time."

Before Bobby could argue once more he felt Ray shove him hard into the room. Stumbling into the room Bobby eyes focused on the floor hoping to not lose his footing. Just when he thought he had found his balance he found himself stumbling into the large group of mutants that stood around in a circle talking, laughing.

"Whoa." Bobby called out as he threw his hands up on the nearest person hoping it would keep him from completely falling on them.

The crowd and commotion that stood near the door suddenly quieted as Bobby placed two hands on the nearest person's shoulders. His eyes still on the floor he let out a deep sigh thankful he hadn't fallen and more importantly fallen on his friends.

"Sorry." He said after exhaling a deep breath.

"It's okay." A giggle filled the air and it sent a shiver through his spine and his heart skipped a beat. Looking up quickly Bobby met the sapphire eyes that had haunted his dreams for three years.

"Jubilee?" He whispered.

Author Note: Haha. It's a cliff hanger I know. How do you like it? But I needed a good place to end it and I figured that would do :D don't worry I will be posting another chapter for this.

Let me know what you think. It definitely wasn't the story I expected for it to be when I first started it. It almost seems kind of lame to me if you ask me right now. But I'm hoping you a reader will think other wise. Or I'm hoping chapter 2 will be a little bit more thrilling.

I hope you liked it. Its something simple compared to my other JUBBY story. Leave me a review and let me know what you think. Or just let me know your reading this and want me to continue … if not I may be just deleting this story.

Thanks for reading.