Chapter 3:

Author Note: Thank you thank you to allyg1990 and roguishcharm for your comments, I appreciate it a lot. I wouldn't have felt the motivation to finish this story if it weren't for you.

Well here's chapter 3. It took me awhile because I kept going back on forth on how to write it. I left it to this mainly because I have another idea in mind for a new story and want to start it shortly. I hope you like this chapter though.

I'm not the best writer, so I hope that my grammar errors and spelling mistakes won't be looked at too harshly. Enjoy.

Chapter 3: Special

Bobby's grey ice stared out into the dark clear skies above him. Placing his arm against the banister he leaned over the balcony as he let out a deep breath. Giving up on finding any constellations he lowered his eyes.

Stretching his hands out a bit he looked down. Bobby smirk a little as he played with the dark ash gloves he wore on his hands, the gift he had received from Ray just yesterday was being put to use.

Narrowing his eyes Bobby face filled with concentration as he began to form ice particles above his covered hands. Small pieces of ice began to connect and with an image in mind Bobby watched it form into a race car.

The concentration on his face soon disappeared and was replaced with amusement. As quickly as the car had been created it was destroyed and an eagle was now floating above his hand. The ice quickly transformed from an eagle, to a tiger, and then into the x-jet. As the miniature x-jet floated above his hand something caught sight of Bobby's eyes and it sparked him with a challenge.

His eyes narrowed once more and Bobby concentrated with an image in mind. He watched as the ice began to form the tiny details and points of the object he wanted to create. This time the ice was being formed with such precision and concentration that inwardly he felt a little pride as he finally completed it.

A smug look appeared on his face as Bobby held his hand up to look at his work, an intricate detailed snowflake. It shined in the light of the moon and it almost reminded Bobby of the crystal snowflakes that were sold in stores.

"Is that what you're doing out here?"

Bobby whipped around at the sound of the new company in his presence. His concentration gone he felt the piece of ice fall into the palm of his hands before he heard it crash into the floor. The sound of pieces of ice scattered.

"Jubilee." Bobby said in slight surprise and a sudden flash back about the last time he had been with her came flooding into his mind.

- - - Flashback: Start - - -

Bobby closed his eyes as his hands hit the ice, bracing himself from the impact, more importantly bracing himself from hitting Jubilee. Relief washed over him as his reflexes had kicked in quickly and prevented the fall that he had hoped wouldn't happen.

Letting out the breath he had been holding in he opened his eyes. What he didn't expect was to be suddenly met with Jubilee's sapphire eyes staring straight back into his.

Her eyes seem to be wide almost like she had been scared that he was about to fall on her. Bobby subconsciously listened to her breathing slow and match his, both catching their breaths from the sudden fall.

Bobby's intentions of pushing himself off the ice and most importantly off from hovering above Jubilee was wiped away, as his eyes trailed down her face. Her usually white flawless skin was now flushed her cheeks redden probably either from the cold or the fall or what Bobby wanted to ignore was the fact that they were so close.

Jubilee's cheeks weren't the only thing about her that caught his attention. His eyes soon found it fixed on her red lips. Without any reason Bobby began to wonder whether her lips felt as soft as they looked.

"Bobby?" Jubilee whispered her eyes still bore deeply at him; she remained motionless beneath him and made no attempt to move.

He wanted to kiss her. The urge was running through him and it was the only thoughts that were running through his mind. Bobby was quite aware that she had said his name and that she was looking at him expectantly probably wondering why he wasn't moving. Yet, it didn't bother him.

Leaning in Bobby held his breath as he followed his instinct and urge to kiss her.


The voice froze Bobby in place and the urge or mesmerizing moment that he was in was gone. Looking up he saw Roberto obviously looking for her unaware that she was lying right beneath him.

Giving a quick look back at Jubilee he hoped that she hadn't been keen on what he was just about to do. To his relief she looked at him with a look that he couldn't quite place, like she was surprise or just trying to understand.

Pushing himself off the ice and from above her he held out his hand and prepared to hold her weight as she stood up.

"Uh, I think Roberto is looking for you." He mumbled as she grabbed his hand. Bobby groaned slightly as he wondered whether he should hate Roberto even more for stopping him from kissing Jubilee or thank him for preventing him from making a possible mistake.

It was slightly to Bobby's advantage that Roberto had come informing Jubilee that she was being requested inside the mansion apparently Rogue and Jean have yet to see her. He hoped that it would allow the small incident to be quickly forgotten.

However the wavering decision, whether Bobby should hate Roberto or not, soon came with finality. With Jubilee's apology to Bobby for the short lived ice skating together she announced she would be going back to the mansion, Roberto quickly offered to walk her back. Bobby's earlier urge to hit Roberto came rising back in him.

Bobby stood watching Jubilee and Roberto walk off towards the mansion but not until after Jubilee had given him another quick apology.

- - - Flashback: End - - -

Jubilee's amused face quickly vanished as her sapphire eyes peered at the ground. A frown on her face she looked at him, "Sorry."

The word had snapped him back from his thoughts. Breaking their eye contact together Bobby looked down to see what he heard in his ears were exactly what he thought. The snowflake was now in pieces all over the floor. Shrugging his shoulders a little he looked back up at Jubilee, "No big deal."

Taking a step back Bobby turned around once more his arms rested on the railing he leaned against it. His right hand was extended out and ice particles flew towards it. Bobby was about to say something to Jubilee when he felt her warm presence next to him.

He listened as she made a sound to speak but stopped suddenly. Bobby felt her eyes on him and he knew without looking that she was watching him form another miniature ice sculpture.

An idea lit up in his head and Bobby smirked as he thought about what exactly he would make. He felt slightly nervous aware that Jubilee seemed to be watching his every move but also at the small significant fact that he had only made this object once.

Covering his right hand with his left, Bobby spent a few minutes silently focused on the ice. Done, he turned smiling at Jubilee.

"Give me your hand." He commanded.

Jubilee raised an eyebrow and with a little hesitation extended her hand out towards him. Bobby smirked grabbing her hand with his left hand he pulled it towards him and he quickly placed the ice object into her hand.

Bobby watched her intently as Jubilee looked down to see what he had made. Her eyes widen as she let out a small gasp.

"A Gerber daisy." She whispered loudly as she lifted her hand up to inspect the ice sculpture Bobby had made.

Jubilee's sapphire eyes still wide and fixed onto the ice she continued to speak, "It's my favorite flower."

"I know." Bobby said out loud as he continued to watch her look at the ice Gerber daisy with fascination. "It's something I vaguely remember when you use to live here."

It must have been the Christmas they had spent together before she left. When spring arrived and the ice melted away, flowers all over the mansion grew. Jubilee had once pointed out the section of Gerber daisies to him exclaiming how she thought they were her favorite flowers. Bobby for some odd reason had remembered it standing with her, he had made it once before on one of his lonely Christmas as he thought of her.

Jubilee smiled shyly, flattered that he had remember such a small fact about her. Placing the flower onto the railing carefully between them she whispered, "It's beautiful. Thank you. It's unfortunate that it'll eventually melt though."

Her smile faltered briefly at the thought. Bobby softly nudged her with his shoulders, "Don't worry I'll always make you more."

Jubilee let out a giggle as she rolled her eyes and turned her face. The simple act unaware to Bobby was to prevent him from knowing the blush that he had caused.

Returning her gaze back on him a smile still played her face. "So, this is what your doing out here … perfecting your ice formation abilities by creating various of objects."

Bobby shrugged his shoulders and he nodded his head, not knowing what else to say. It was something about the way she asked about his actions, it showed her curiousness but at the same time he sent a hint of teasing. It and everything about her intrigued him.

"You do know it's still Christmas." Jubilee pointed out as she raised an eyebrow at him. Her hand cradled the flower.

"Yeah." Bobby answered as he turned away from her to look up at the sky. Although Bobby spent countless nights on that very balcony he could never get tired of the scenic view before him. It was something about staring at the stars that captivated him. Maybe it was the fact that he felt like it reminded him how huge the universe was and it meant that this world his dreams weren't the limits.

Letting out a deep sigh he turned his gaze back at her, "I just like coming here to get away from things, from people, you know to think." He confessed, what he didn't share was that he had spent almost every night on that balcony, after she had left, out.

"Hmm." Jubilee simply said, this time her eyes looked up at the stars. "It's almost nostalgic being here."

The statement sparked curiosity from Bobby and although he probably knew the reason why he asked it out loud, "Why?"

Jubilee shrugged her shoulders and she let out a laugh that made Bobby remember just why he had enjoyed spending his free time with her years ago. Her eyes still on the sky above him, "I don't know." Jubilee paused and Bobby watched as she seemed to think to herself before speaking once more. "You want to know something?"

The question brought Jubilee's eyes back on Bobby and he nodded his head silently, curious to what she had to share.

"When I left and I use to think of the mansion." Jubilee let out a small laugh, "I use to picture being on this balcony. Especially when I would stare up at the sky at home it just reminded me how I use to feel being here, how serene it was." She let out another laugh and she shook her head her eyes still on him, "I must sound silly huh?"

Bobby quickly shook his head in disagreement, "No you don't."

Jubilee seemed satisfied that he didn't think so and smiled at him. "We spent some long nights out here huh?" Jubilee whispered out loud, this time she looked directly out in front of her, into the vast darkness.

"Yeah we did." Bobby answered as he stared at her, although he had already been the second day she was back he couldn't help but still be in disbelief that she was back. But having her standing next to him, he couldn't help but feel like it made him feel whole.

It was true to the fact that as teens they spent countless nights talking out on the balcony; confiding their secrets, venting out their frustration, laughing until their stomach hurt or even just standing in silence in each other presence. It was why he often spent his time away from the others to be there, it made him feel closer to her.

"So how does it feel to be back?" Bobby asked as he leaned towards her slightly.

Her eyes sparkled as she looked at him, "Terrific." Jubilee smiled as she threw her hands in the air, "It feels so great being back. I mean not that I didn't love being home with my parents. But just being here, it feels like …" her voice drifted and Jubilee placed a finger on her lips to think.

Smiling at him she finished, "It feels like I'm finally back to where I belong." Jubilee watched as Bobby smile at her. "It also helps that almost nothing changed here, well with the exception of the fact that some people got promoted." Jubilee quickly added.

Bobby shifted his weight from one leg to the next with a smirk on his face. "Yeah, Scott is getting a bigger head because of it." He joked.

Jubilee rolled her eyes and let out a small laugh. She pushed him with her hand and shook her head, "I'm talking about you, stupid."

Bobby tried to look offended at the name calling but he couldn't help but laugh as she looked at him. "I know I know."

"So how does it feel?" Jubilee asked her eyes on him and she looked at him eagerly. "To be a leader of the famous X-Men Team?"

He stuck out his tongue and shook his head at her. "Oh don't say it like that. Like being a leader makes me important."

Jubilee gawked at him slightly, "It does make you important Bobby!" She exclaimed as she threw up her hands in the air.

Bobby rolled his eyes as looked at her, crossing his arms over his chest. "It's just like being an X-man. The feeling is like no other, you should know. Which by the way I expect you are going to rejoin the team?" He paused to watch her silently nod her head and he was satisfied to continue, "The adrenaline when your out in mission, the rush you get when your powers are at its peak, the feeling you have after knowing you make a difference. Being a leader doesn't make it any different."

Jubilee scoffed as she followed his action by crossing her arms over her chest, "But it still doesn't change the fact that you're a leader of the X-men."

Groaning Bobby looked at her, "You got to be kidding me Jubilee."

"What?" Jubilee asked blankly as she leaned back to look at him better.

Bobby threw his hand in the air, "You're talking like almost every person in this mansion besides the other x-men, like as if I should be on a pedestal or something?"

Jubilee's eyes widen and she let out another scoff. Pushing him once more she let out a laugh, "Please Bobby as if I'd ever put you on a pedestal. I know you too much to know better than that."

"Ha-Ha." Bobby laughed sarcastically as Jubilee continued to laugh at him.

Jubilee quickly stopped laughing and she wiped away the small tear that had form by her eye. "You know I'm just teasing. So …" Jubilee nudged his side, "You on a pedestal from almost every student in the mansion, it must mean that you have a lot of admires."

Bobby let out a groan as he was reminded of the dozen of girls that had formed a crush on him since he had been promoted to a leader. It was at some times convenient and nice but at other and most times troublesome.

"Is one of them the girl that Amara said you had your eyes on?" Jubilee question, her eyes were filled with curiosity and a smile was on her face as she waited eagerly for his response.

"What?" Bobby said quickly, as he looked at her. The question had thrown him off guard and he was thankful he hadn't been drinking anything or he swore he would have choked.

Jubilee laughed as she raised an eyebrow at him. "Last night Mara said you had your eye on someone remember? I wanted to know if it happened to be one of those fan girls you had. Or if maybe by some chance it's someone that I know."

Bobby felt his face warm up as he heard the last four words Jubilee had said someone that I know. Quickly Bobby turned his face to ensure his protection just in case he was blushing. "Amara doesn't know what she's talking about." He scowled.

"Really?" Jubilee said in a voice that clearly meant she didn't believe him. "So you don't make ice flowers for all the girls around here."

Confident that his blush had subsided he turned to look at her. "Yes really. Amara's just stirring to gossip. And I don't make ice flowers for all girls around here." Just you. But he couldn't actually say it out loud, "Just nosey ones." He added sticking his tongue at her.

Jubilee let out a laugh at Bobby's statement. "I guess you have a point and I'm not nosey. But admit its different being a leader."

Sighing Bobby looked at her with seriousness in his eyes, "Yes it's different." Jubilee beamed thrilled that she had gotten him to agree. "So what about you?" Bobby quickly asked hoping to draw the attention towards her before Jubilee changed her mind about believing him about the nosey girl cover up.

"Look whose nosey now." Jubilee pointed out.

Bobby shrugged his shoulders not at all ashamed that he had become just exactly what he called her. "So are you?"

Another laugh escaped Jubilee's beautiful lips, "Are you asking if I like someone?" Jubilee asked amused.

"Yeah." Bobby answered as he smirked at her.

"Well." Jubilee began as she placed her finger on her lips. "I just got here, so I can't say if I like anyone."

Bobby nodded satisfied with her answer but he soon raised both eyebrows as she continued to speak. "But who knows … there are a lot of handsome young men here …" She let her voice trail and Jubilee smiled at him before giving him a wink.

Bobby stood speechless at first it was because the first person to come to mind when Jubilee spoke was Roberto, being that she had spent majority of her day wit him. But with the wink she gave him he didn't know whether to take it as flirting or just teasing. Either way it made his heart race just thinking she might be thinking of him.

The topic left Bobby and Jubilee awfully quiet. When Bobby finally felt comfortable to speak without his voice cracking he did. "So, why are you out here?" It was the question he had wanted to ask since the moment she announced her presence to him.

"Why? Am not wanted out here?" Jubilee pouted at him. "You know if I remember correctly I was the one who brought you out here first."

Rolling his eyes Bobby shook his head, "Yes because I would have never come out here on my own after living her for years." His voice sarcastic.

Jubilee scoffed and she pushed him. She glared at him, "You know exactly what I mean Bobby Drake."

It was really the only reason why Bobby had found himself spending more than 10 minutes out on a balcony. If it hadn't been Jubilee's deepest appreciation and desire of standing out there for more than half an hour and dragging him along with her one night, and then another. He would have never made the time or took the time to appreciate it on his own.

Bobby let out a laugh and he rubbed the arm she pushed. "I was kidding Jubes, you know that. And of course not, you are definitely wanted here. I was just curious." Stopping he smirked at her, "It's just what you said it's Christmas."

"It is." Jubilee stated.

The pause and the look from Jubilee caused Bobby to realize it meant for him to continue. Shrugging his shoulders he leaned against the railing, "So if it's Christmas again, what are you doing out here."

"Looking for you." Jubilee said simply as leaned against the railing just as he did and looked at him. "And let me tell you, you are not as easy to find, but I should have known to look here."

Bobby smirked as Jubilee crossed her arms and pouted slightly at him. "Sorry?" He said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Jubilee waved her hand in the air as if disregarding his apology. "Don't worry about it. I found you, but since we're talking about my reason for being here and looking for you. I guess I should tell you why I was looking for you?"

"And that is?" Bobby asked he was suddenly curious to why she had joined him in the cold night outside. It was then Bobby was finally aware that Jubilee was lightly covered with a thin jacket and although she seemed fine, her cheeks seemed flushed and she shivered slightly.

Peeling off his scarf from around his neck he wrapped around hers, although it wasn't much it was all he could offer he wore only a sweater. The action brought her closely to him as he wrapped the scarf around her neck.

"I'm fine –"

"No I'm fine, I'm Iceman." Bobby interrupted and Jubilee smiled as she looked down at the scarf.

"Is this the scarf I gave you?" Jubilee asked in disbelief.

Running a hand through his hair Bobby suddenly felt nervous. "Yeah it is."

"I can't believe you still have it." Jubilee said out loud as she held the scarf in her hands.

Bobby shrugged his shoulders, "I guess you can say it's my favorite. So what were you saying?"

"Right." Jubilee said as her attention returned to where the topic was going. "I well; I just wanted to apologize for all the times I left you hanging."

"Hey, no need to apologize, Jubilee." Bobby said quickly not wanting Jubilee to feel bad for the already two times she had left him just standing there. Although it indeed had hurt his feelings he understood. "Besides, we're spending time right now aren't we?" he then pointed out.

"We are." Jubilee realized as her smile returned and the guilty face no longer present. Her sapphire eyes looked up towards his and Bobby felt his breath catch once more.

"Hey you two!"

A voice called out from the doorway, Bobby and Jubilee looked away from each other to see Amara standing with John's arm around her.

"Hey Mara, hey John." Jubilee called out with a laugh as she watched her friend giggle in the arms of her boyfriend in the doorframe.

"Hey." Bobby mumbled as he lifted his hand up to wave.

Amara giggled as John kissed her neck, "John, stop it."

Bobby rolled his eyes as he watched the couple in front of them shamelessly PDA in front of him.

"What can I say you're an addiction." John murmured against her neck.

The comment made Bobby groan and Jubilee let out a small giggle apparently she was amused. Coughing Bobby crossed his arms, "Is there something you two wanted?"

Amara let out another laugh before she pushed herself off and away from John. John seemed put out but allowed his girlfriend to turn and talk to them.

Clearing her voice and fixing her hair Amara spoke, "The rest of the gang are inside we're thinking of pigging out and watch a movie as we all sit around the fire. We all wanted to know if you two want to join us."

Jubilee looked at Bobby, and Bobby turned to face her. He instantly looked at her silent question of whether or not he would join them and he also was able to clearly see she wanted to go but wouldn't without him.

"Sure." Bobby answered as he looked at the couple whose hands were once more all over each other. Hearing the answer Amara and John walked away.

"Are you only going because I want to?" Jubilee asked she wrapped Bobby's arm around hers.

"Of course not." Bobby answered as they walked towards the door. "They'll be ecstatic to see me there and it'll get Ray off my back. But I'll agree that it's a incentive that you'll be there."

Jubilee let out a laugh and Bobby for more than he could count was happy that she was back. He pulled her closer to him as they walked and Jubilee seem to not care, for she looked up and smiled at him instead.

Stepping into the mansion Bobby stopped, causing Jubilee to stop next to him. Jubilee still smiled as she raised an eyebrow questioning him silently.

"I uh." Bobby stammered as he slipped his arm from hers so he could hold her hands instead. Taking a deep breath he quickly said what was on his mind before he lost his nerve. "I just wanted to let you know how much it means to me that you're here. You've made my Christmas."

"Wow Bobby." Jubilee said obviously surprised at his confession, her eyes twinkled as she looked at him.

"Hey guys!" Amara's voice interrupted them once more.

Bobby and Jubilee looked at Amara where she stood at the end of the hallway. Her face filled with huge amusement; maybe it was because of the fact that Bobby hadn't removed his hands from holding Jubilee's. However his assumption was soon proven wrong.

Amara pointed up, "Misletoe." A sly smile appeared on her face and she winked at them before entering the rec room.

Bobby was still gawking at Amara's comment and disappearance when he finally had the nerve to look above him. True enough there hung mistletoe from the doorframe above them. Bobby gulped to himself before looking at Jubilee.

Jubilee smiled at him an eyebrow raised up, she had seem to have not taken as long as him to access the situation they had been in. He was beginning to feel hot and Bobby felt relieved he had given her his scarf earlier or he believed he wouldn't be able to breath.

"Haha." Bobby laughed nervously as he let go of Jubilee's hands and ran a hand through his hair.

"What did you do Bobby, set me up?" Jubilee joked as she looked at him; she leaned against the door frame right behind him.

"What?" Bobby choked as he looked at her, "Jubilee, it wasn't anything like that! I swear I didn't know Jubes!"

Jubilee let out a laugh and pushed herself off the doorframe. Extending her right hand against his arm, "Relax, I was just teasing."

Bobby laughed this time a little more with ease. "Right, right I knew that."

Jubilee stared at him amused. "So …" Her voice trailed and she looked up at the mistletoe above them.

Bobby cleared his throat. "Uh, yeah about that." Bobby said as he looked up. Rubbing his neck his eyes still fixed on the current reason of their situation. "Look, Jubes, I know how weird this can get so we can just forget about it. Plus Amara left so she wouldn't know –"

"Bobby." Jubilee said strongly interrupting him from his ramble and drawing his attention back at her. "I never got to give you a Christmas gift."

Christmas gift? There he was sweating bullets at the thought of almost kissing her and she wanted to bring up his Christmas gift? Was she really not at all affected by the situation they were in?

Before he could say anything Bobby felt Jubilee's warm hands slip around his neck and pull him towards her. There was something in her eyes that shot a chill through his body and before he could realize what was happening, she brought his face a few centimeters away from his.

And everything that had been running in Bobby's mind had quickly vanished. His eyes widen before they closed slowly as he felt her lips press against his.

He had been wrong. Her lips weren't as soft as he had imagined. They were softer than that. Finally gaining composure at what was now happening he slipped his arms around her pulling her even closer towards him.

Bobby felt Jubilee pull back, her arms still around his neck and his around her waist they looked at each other. Jubilee's eyes sparkled and she had a smile on her face that Bobby couldn't help but be sure that she was as happy as Amara looked like in John's arms.

"Merry Christmas Bobby." Jubilee whispered.

"Merry Christmas Jubes." Bobby whispered back before leaning in to capture her lips in his once more.

Ororo was right. This Christmas was definitely special.


Author Note: Wow. After I reread it for a second time I think it actually turned out a lot better than I thought. I hope you can agree with me!

I hope their conversation wasn't too random. I've been sick the past couple days and still am sick so I'm a little not in the best state. SO, I'm not sure if this is my best work. However I didn't want to keep you waiting.

Well I hope all in all, I hope this 3 chapter was something nice to read or at least entertaining.

Please review and let me know what you think. Or at least that you've read it. I'm thinking of putting another JUBBY story out there soon. With Jubby readers out there supporting the idea, I know I'll get to it soon. Please review.

Thanks for reading!