Frozen In Fear

(Kitchens, Garderobe)

Natsuki stood over a large sink the sleeves on her uniform rolled up to her elbows as she was elbow deep in dish water. She growled when she hit a grease stain on a pan that wouldn't come off. Using a scrub brush she furiously attacked the pan sending water flying out of the sink, "Ara whatever did the pan do to Natsuki?" Shizuru said coming up behind Natsuki speaking in her ear while blowing on it.

"Ah!" Natsuki shouted dropping both the brush and the pan splashing water in her face, Shizuru easily stepping out of the way. "How many times do I have to tell you? Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Here I thought Natsuki liked when I paid attention to her." Shizuru said taking a towel and wiping off Natsuki's face before she leaned against Natsuki again licking behind her ear.

Natsuki turned a bright red shivering at Shizuru's touch, "Not in here Shizuru, someone will see us."

"There is no one here but us." Shizuru said licking down her neck pulling Natsuki's collar down a little biting right beneath it.

"Huh?" Natsuki said wincing a little then turning around looking past Shizuru seeing that all the other corals were gone. "Where is everyone?"

"I released them for the night." Shizuru said wrapping her arms around Natsuki.

"But this mess! Who is going to clean it up?" Natsuki said pulling away picking a pan up then dropping it back in the soapy water.

"It can wait until morning I'll see that the morning crew finishes it up besides those pans need to soak or you'll never get the grease off." Shizuru said taking Natsuki's hand and pulling her away from the sink spinning them around pressing Natsuki into the other counter as she kissed her. "I want some alone time with my Natsuki."

"Mmm," Natsuki mumbled around the kiss letting Shizuru urge her to sit on the counter. The brunette pressed forward making Natsuki slid back until she felt something cold press into her back. "Ah cold!"

"Hmmm? I thought it was quite hot." Shizuru said pressing closer into Natsuki.

"Shizuru!" Natsuki said pushing her back and looking back behind her seeing several large tubs of ice cream sitting on the counter. "Mai and Carla were supposed to put these away." Shizuru leaned on the table sighing as Natsuki got up and took one of the tubs walking towards the freezers. "Well don't just stand there grab that one and come on."

"I let everyone go so I could have some fun." Shizuru sighed standing up. "Not so I could do their work."

"Oh just hurry up and then we could go back to your room." Natsuki said stopping before the freezer watching Shizuru pick the ice cream up and walk over to her.

"Hmmm fine but Natsuki have to will let me do whatever I want." Shizuru said a devious smirk on her face.

"Hai, hai anything," Natsuki said balancing the tub on her leg as she opened the door. She blushed thinking what Shizuru had in mind knowing it no doubt would be worth it she just hoped it didn't involve those fuzzy handcuffs Shizuru had bought. She had no idea where Shizuru found them. Really what kind of store sold monogrammed blue fuzzy handcuffs? On second thought Natsuki didn't want to know.

They both walked into the freezer setting their tubs down on the shelf. Natsuki started to leave but Shizuru pressed her against the shelf kissing her. "Natsuki tastes like cherries but I don't remember serving cherries with the ice cream. Perhaps she and the others snuck some?"

"Shizuru… I…." Natsuki said her mind racing with the kiss, the cold shelf pressing against her back and Shizuru's warm body against her chest. "It was just a couple and a little chocolate….. syrup…"

"Tsk, tsk, she still needs to be punished." Shizuru said pushing her harder against the shelf shaking the shelf and knocking a barrel of butter over.

"Shizuru!" Natsuki said watching a barrel of butter roll across the freezer towards the door. "No!" She leapt across the freezer trying to stop the barrel but couldn't as it pushed the door shut. "Great."

"Now we can be sure no one sees us." Shizuru said looking back over to the tub of ice cream and jar of cherries next to it a few ideas of how to punish Natsuki going through her mind as she wondered if there was any whipped cream.

"Baka, this door opens and closes from the outside." Natsuki said pulling the barrel away from the door trying to find something to grab onto. "We're stuck."

"No worries someone will come by soon there is still another tub of ice cream on the counter." Shizuru said tapping her hand on the two tubs they had already brought in.

"Who? You sent everyone home!" Natsuki shouted now banging on the door.

"Is Natsuki a little claustrophobic?" Shizuru giggled not seeming phased by the idea of being trapped in a freezer.

"How can you stand there like that cracking jokes?" Natsuki said giving up on the door and turning to face Shizuru, "It's freezing in here and we are trapped. Did you even pay attention in class when they briefed us about cold weather?"

"We'll be fine." Shizuru said sitting on a barrel and patting next to her, "Someone will be by soon and let us out."

"Shizuru," Natsuki said looking away from the door towards Shizuru.

"Natsuki come sit with me." Shizuru said standing up and walking towards Natsuki taking her hand back and pulling her over to the barrel. "Help me stay warm then."

(Three hours later, Kitchen Freezer)

"Hey try to stay awake." Natsuki said holding Shizuru in her arms shaking her. "Come on tell me a story or something." Natsuki leaned down kissing her forehead. She knew Shizuru wasn't taking the cold weather as well as her and that she shouldn't let her fall asleep.

"A story?" Shizuru said clinging to Natsuki while she shivered. "Of what?"

"Anything," Natsuki said glancing over Shizuru noticing that her skin was turning a pale blue, "Something from your childhood you hardly talk about it."

"Ara…" Shizuru said pausing to think finding it hard to focus on anything. "I met Queen once."

"Really? She was…. She died when we were kids." Natsuki said knowing the queen had been murdered by the Aswad when they had attacked Fuka palace. Natsuki had only been five years old at the time and didn't remember anything about it.

"I think I was six. My father had a meeting with the Queen; he brought me with him since my nanny was sick and my mother was in Annam visiting her family." Shizuru said shivering and clinging to Natsuki.

"You didn't go with her to Annam?" Natsuki asked her hands feeling like they were burning even though she was cold.

"No, it was during the school year father wouldn't let me go, he said I couldn't miss school. He only let her go once a year and always while I was in school. I don't think he wanted me to see my mother's family I only met them at her funeral." Shizuru said, "Natsuki, my hands I can't feel them."

"Here give me your hands." Natsuki said taking Shizuru's hands and placing them on her chest between them. She knew Shizuru as well as herself were starting to get frost bite but there was little she could do. She held their hands there until Shizuru started shivering again and she wrapped her arms around her, "What was the queen like?"

"I didn't meet her that day, sssssomething happened to Lady Ssss-ayers she canceled my father'ssss meeting. We met her a week later, sssshe was really nice." Shizuru said not realizing her words were slurred only able to think about how tried she was.

"You need to stay awake, Shizuru." Natsuki said pulling Shizuru's chin towards her kissing her thinking that would shock Shizuru back awake.

"I'm ssssso tried Natssssuki," Shizuru said barely returning the kiss her eyes falling close.

"I know." Natsuki said closing her own eyes then quickly opening them fighting herself to stay awake.

(An hour later, Pearl Dormitories)

Haruka walked down the hall yawning, she wore her track suit as she walked. "I hope there is still some of that ice cream left over from dinner." She said having woke up a little while ago hungry and craving ice cream. She nodded to several other pearls making their rounds as she made her way to the kitchen. She entered seeing dishes stacked in the sink and a carton of ice cream that had started to melt on the counter. "Damnit Viola, how could you leave the kitchen a mast like this?" She paused briefly then corrected herself thinking to herself she kind of missed Yukino correcting her, "Mess. I swear if it's like this when I take my shift after dinner." Haruka said grabbing the ice cream and stomping to freezer then yanking the door open. "What the hell?"

"Haruka!" Natsuki said standing up and trying to pick Shizuru up with her but she stumbled. Haruka dropped the ice cream and ran towards her steadying them. "You need call the director." Natsuki said refusing to let Haruka take Shizuru from her.

"What happened?" Haruka said helping Natsuki lay Shizuru on the counter.

"We were cleaning up and got locked in the freezer." Natsuki said grabbing Haruka and pulling her sweater off covering Shizuru with it. "Go get the director!"

"Hai!" Haruka said running over to the phone in the kitchen and calling the director. It only took Youko the assistant director to get there with a few medics. Director Kveta hadn't been there as Youko usually got stuck with the night shift.

"You got locked in freezer?" Youko said helping put Shizuru on a stretcher and wrapping her in a blanket. "How long were you in there?"

"We were cleaning up, putting the last of the ice cream away we didn't prop the door open well enough." Natsuki said fighting with a medic that was trying to look at her hands which were now a reddish color. She left out the fact that they had gotten locked in there while fooling around. "I don't know what time is it?"

"Close to one in the morning," Youko said checking that Shizuru was wrapped in blankets she looked over to Natsuki, "I've been trying to get Principal Kruger to replace that door."

"Is she going to be okay?" Natsuki said dodging another medic.

"She has hypothermia, I don't know yet." Youko said telling the medics to take Shizuru to the infirmary. "Kruger give me your hands." Natsuki jumped at Youko harsh tone and quickly held her hands out. "Looks like you've got some frostbite yourself. Come on to the infirmary."

"I'm staying with her." Natsuki said following after Shizuru.

"It's a good thing then that she's going to the infirmary, now go on child." Youko said even though she was only a few years older then Natsuki.

(Half an hour later, Infirmary)

"How are they?" Kihomi said coming into the infirmary wearing her night gown with a robe over it followed by Elliot dressed much the same. After getting them to the infirmary Youko had called Kveta who in turn had woke up the principal. Kihomi saw Natsuki sitting on a stood as a medic attempted to wrap her hands. "Natsuki,"

"I'm fine." Natsuki said glaring at the medic. "They won't let me see her."

"The director said you were to get your hands taken card of first." The young woman said tying off the last bandage. "You have second degree frost bite but it's a mild case. Keep your hands bandaged and splinted until told otherwise. As you get feeling back it's going to hurt so I'm going to give you some medication now."

Natsuki tried to jump up when the medic pulled out a needle but felt both of Kihomi's hands on her shoulders holding her down. "Sit." Kihomi ordered knowing Natsuki had a fear of needles. She made sure her niece remained sitting as the medic gave Natsuki the shot. "Is she done now?"

"The director wants her to stay here so we can keep an eye on her." The medic said.

Kihomi nodded and led Natsuki into the back room where Shizuru lay covered in blankets and a breathing device over her mouth. "How is she?" Kihomi asked as Kveta prepared an IV.

"She has hypothermia and it's pretty bad, her temperature is far lower then it should be. Her nano-machines should repair the damage but not until her blood circulation speeds back up. Blankets aren't enough to warm her up so we have a humidifier pumping warm air into her lungs and I'm about to start a warm saline drip." Kveta said cleaning Shizuru's arm and putting the needle in.

"So all we can do is wait?" Kihomi asked stepping forward and stroking Shizuru's forehead feeling it was cold to the touch. She was worried about Shizuru, over the last two years she had grown closed to the girl. After she had become a ward of Garderobe Kihomi took it upon herself to keep an eye on her. Lord Viola had paid for her first year of school but had cut her off during her Pearl year. If it wasn't for a mysterious benefactor Shizuru would have been forced to drop out and return to her father. Which Kihomi was sure was what Lord Viola wanted and a few thousand dollars a week was worth keeping the girl where she belonged.

"Yes," Kveta said turning to a monitor seeing Shizuru's temperature raise a tenth of a point. She looked up when Natsuki stepped around the bed standing by Natsuki's side. "I thought I told you to stay in bed."

"And I told you I'm not leaving her." Natsuki said getting glared at by Kveta who didn't appreciate a student back talking to her even if she was the headmistress' niece.

The director looked like she was about to say something when Kihomi only chuckled, Natsuki could be quite stubborn when she set her mind to it but then again that was a Kruger trait that Kihomi knew all to well. "Can't we bring another bed in here?"

"I suppose we can." Kveta said walking to the door stopping to look back at Natsuki, "And you mind your tone next time, remember who you are talking to."

When Natsuki didn't say anything she felt something hit the back of her head and looked up at her aunt. "Apologize." Kihomi said a stern look in her eyes that told Natsuki it would be a bad idea to argue.

"Sorry." Natsuki said as she wanted to rub her head but her hands were bandaged to the point that she couldn't move or feel anything if she hadn't lost feeling in them already from the frost bite, "Director Kveta."

"Apology accepted child, now I have work to be done. Like getting another bed brought in here." Kveta said yawning; she was getting too old for this.

"Last month you taught a class on weather injuries." Natsuki said looking down.

"I teach that class several times a year." Kveta said grumpy from being woken up in the middle of the night because two students had foolishly gotten locked in the kitchen freezer. "Get on with it."

"You said to treat hypothermia you can use your own body heat." Natsuki said blushing embarrassed to ask what she was thinking.

"Yes, if you have nothing else." Kveta said not picking up on what Natsuki was asking.

Kihomi chuckled again and walked over to Kveta leaning in her ear. "I think Natsuki is asking if she can share a bed with Shizuru."

"Ah I suppose so but remember she needs rest." Kveta said then started to leave the room she wasn't an Otome but having been the director for as long as she had she knew that Otome often took other women as their lovers since contact with men was limited. She figured that the principal's niece and the number one pearl were involved with each other. "One less thing I need to worry about."

"Thank you." Natsuki said looking back over to Shizuru as Kveta left. "Aunt Kihomi, I don't understand something."

"Yes?" Kihomi said walking over to Natsuki and untying her apron. Your clothes are cold and a little wet now that you've thawed out a little; it will be better for Shizuru if you have less on."

"Why is Shizuru so sick when I just have a bit of frost bite on my hands? We both were in there the same time and practically wearing the same thing." Natsuki said letting Kihomi help her take her dress off leaving her standing in her undergarments blushing as she had worn a pair of purple silk panties and matching bra both that were quite revealing. She collected lingerie and Shizuru was quite fond of her collection this was one of her favorites.

"Shizuru grew up here in Wind the winters can get cold but no where near as cold as they do in the Twine Province." Kihomi said helping Natsuki into the bed.

"So I'm more used to the cold then Shizuru?" Natsuki asked resting her head on Shizuru's shoulder as Kihomi pulled the blankets back over them. It wasn't until the warm blankets touched her that Natsuki realized how cold she was.

"Yes, now go to sleep." Kihomi said kissing Natsuki on the forehead then catching glimpse of the bite mark Shizuru had left earlier. "Did the medic look at this?" Kihomi asked pointing to it.

"Uhmmm…..It's nothing just a bug bite!" Natsuki said blushing. Kihomi let out a knowing smirk and another chuckle before she left the room.

(Next day, Administration Building)

A portly man with dark black hair stormed through the halls of the building, a cape flowing behind him like a sail. His jacket strained at the buttons apparently not accustomed to his girth. The noblemen stopped as he past by Mai, Carla and Laula. Turning to Mai he pressed the tip of his into her sternum as she slid back into the wall with a surprising amount of force. "You, girl, tell me where my daughter is." He asked.

"Ano, who is your daughter?" Mai asked looking at the cane with surprise. The girls had come to check on Natsuki. Mai and Carla shared a room with Natsuki but didn't think it strange when she didn't come home last night as Natsuki had recently started sleeping in Shizuru's room even though she still denied it saying she had come in after they feel asleep or had gotten up early which the girls knew was a lie; Natsuki wasn't a morning person.

"Shizuru Viola." He huffed at Mai's lack of manners as if she should have known who he was pressing the cane harder against her chest.

"Forgive me Mr. Viola..." Mai said being cut off before she could say anything else or Carla and Laula could say that she got his title wrong.

"Lord Viola." He corrected. "My goodness! What are they teaching you children these days? Where are you from girl?"

"Uh….. Wind," Mai lied hoping Lord Viola wasn't someone she should know.

"You? From Wind? Inconceivable! I'll have to have a word with the ministry of education." Lord Viola said shaking his head. "My patience is running thin. Now, before I have your full name so I may contact your family to inform them of how ashamed they should be; where is my daughter?"

"In the infirmary up that hall three door on the right." Mai said pointing the way they had just come.

All three of them watched Lord Viola walk away as Mai wiped some dirt off her shirt from where his cane was. Laula turned to Mai grabbing her by the shoulders. "You almost bought it this time Mai-chan. What was that?" Laula asked.

"What is it a big deal that I didn't know Shizuru-onee-sama's father was a Lord?" Mai asked, "I can't be expected to know every Lord in Wind."

"No, but leave it to you to botch something like that up. That is one you should know." Laula said shaking her head.

When Mai didn't say anything with a confused look on her face Carla hit her upside the head, "Oi, you are from West Coventry right?"

"Yeah… I think so." Mai said tapping her forehead trying to remember the details of the story she had crafted before coming to Garderobe. She hadn't wanted anyone to know she was from Zipang so she had pretended to be a distant relative of the family that sponsored her and had taking their family details as her own. The family thought she was just a runway that needed some help; she was so charming and cute they couldn't resist helping her.

"Baka!" Laula said letting go of Mai and pointing down the hall Lord Viola had gone. "He is the Viceroy of West Coventry! He's practically the major of your district not to mention he was on the council until last year."

"Oh, right" Mai said as she laughed nervously realizing she had slipped up and been caught. She hopped this wouldn't draw in to many questions and was kind of glad Natsuki wasn't there because she no doubt would be the one asking the questions. Natsuki knew she was lying just didn't know the details and was determined to find out.

"You are amazing Mai, how are you the number one coral?" Laula said walking down the hall.


"Wonderful, another child! Where is she?" Lord Viola demanded of the Pearl sitting at the front desk.

"She is in the ward but I can't let you in Lord Viola." The girl said swallowing she had never met Lord Viola but had heard plenty of rumors about him especially after all the arguments he had gotten into with the Headmistress over Shizuru.

"And why not?" Lord Viola said walking right past her.

The girl jumped from her seat and ran to block him, "Because Principal Kruger said she wasn't to be disturbed."

"Girl you obliviously know who I am. Unlike some at this school, I think my being her father trumps any authority that unbearable woman has." Lord Viola said stepping around the girl.

"Actually, you have no authority over her." Kveta said stepping out of the room Shizuru and Natsuki were in blocking the door. "Shizuru Viola is a ward of Garderobe."

"She is still my daughter." Lord Viola said looking around the director into the room seeing Natsuki lying on the bed with Shizuru, "What the hell is she doing with my daughter?"

"She, like everything else that goes on here, is none of your concern, Lord Viola now I suggest that you take it up with the Principal." Kveta said still blocking the doorway.

"Ah yes where is the Kruger woman?" Lord Viola said looking around the room then shouted, "Kruger!"

Inside the room Natsuki heard her name and woke up temporarily forgetting where she was then jumping from the bed and stumbling she skittered across the floor and into the main room, "Huh what?" Natsuki said looking around the room as her senses began to come back to her; not too soon after her mind began to recognize the scowling face in front of her.

"Lord Viola!" She said folding her hands before her and bowing. As far as she knew he didn't know about her relationship with Shizuru. Father and daughter hadn't had a conversation that didn't end in a fight for a while and she doubt it was something Shizuru would tell him.

"Jess," Kveta said looking over to the Pearl with an embarrassed look on her face. "Give me that sheet."

The Pearl equally shocked grabbed the sheet quickly handing it to Kveta who wrapped it around Natsuki who just noticed she was standing in her revealing underwear and blushed. "Thank you. Natsuki go back into the other room."

"What is this debauchery? I want some answers old woman!" Lord Viola said pointing at Natsuki, "Who is that girl that is molesting my daughter?"

"Old woman?" Kveta said not at all pleased, she was known for her short temper and didn't like to be reminded that she wasn't as young as she used to be. "Why you fat pompous…"

"So it is you who is causing all this disorder. That 'girl' would be my niece and I don't take kindly to people insulting her." Kihomi said walking into the room cutting Kveta of with a glare and silencing Lord Viola with a raised hand. She couldn't really get mad at Kveta for calling the Lord that as it often went through her head but she needed to pull this interaction away from prying eyes. Last time Lord Viola was here the students had caught a bit of it and the rumors spread like wildfire. "Now Kenji, shall we take this into my office."

"It's Lord Viola." Kenji corrected angered that Kihomi would be so informal with him especially around students.

"Yes, you are a Lord but you are in a building that sits within the borders of Garderobe and I am its Headmistress. Therefore, my word is law I'll call you whatever I damn well want to; even if I wanted to call you a fat pompous idiot. Now, let's take this into my office or I'll have you escorted from the campus, again." Kihomi said looking to the Pearl giving her a look that said that this wasn't to be shared with her peers. Kveta stood there with a smirk on her face but refrained from laughing. Lord Viola often got on Kihomi's nerves not only during his visits to Garderobe but when he was on the council. Normally she wouldn't be this forward with him but she had been up most of the night and was tried.

"This isn't over, woman." Kenji said walking out of the infirmary heading towards Kihomi's office knowing full well where it was.

They entered the office Kihomi walking to her desk and sitting down as Elliot brought her a cup of coffee. "Now Lord Viola, I assure you Shizuru is quite alright." Kihomi said taking a drink.

"Alright?" Kenji said sitting in the chair in front of the desk refusing the cup Elliot offered him, "She is lying in your infirmary suffering from hypothermia because as my sources tell me she was locked into your freezer. Forgive that doesn't seem like she is alright."

"Her being locked in freezers was an unfortunate accident but my director tells me she will make a full recovery." Kihomi said. "Pray tell, did your sources tell you she was in there with my niece and if it wasn't for her your daughter probably wouldn't recover?"

"That harlot? I would bet it was her fault my daughter was in there." Kenji shouted standing and walking until he reached the desk.

Kihomi slammed the cup down on the table cracking the cup and spilling coffee on the desk. She stood glaring at Kenji, "Harlot? I'll not tell you again, do not insult my niece. My good will is running out at the same time my patience is fraying. Mind your step, my Lord." If the desk hadn't of been there the two of them would be standing face to face glaring at each other.

"I demand that you release custody of my daughter now." Kenji said ignoring Kihomi.

"Rejected, I'll do no such thing. No demands will be heard today." Kihomi said with a light carefree tone whilst shooting Elliot a thankful look as she cleaned up the broken cup and spilled coffee, "She is a ward of Garderobe and my responsibility."

"And a fine job you are doing in taking care of her." Kenji said. "I'll go to the council if I have to."

"The council?" Kihomi laughed, "The same council that voted last year nine to three to have you removed? You forget Lord Viola I have a seat on the council and I know why you were removed."

"I'll not stand for this." Kenji growled.

"Yes you will. You are in my court now." Kihomi said walking around to him getting within inches of his face as she spoke with a low controlled voice. "You see, this is how it will be. Shizuru will remain a ward of Garderobe. When she wakes up, you may see her only and I mean only if she wishes to see you. Until then you are welcome to use one of our state rooms or I will send a student to your manor if she wishes to see you. Good day 'Milord'."

"I am taking this before the council." Kenji said turning to Elliot. "You're her assistant are you not? Take me to this stateroom."

"I'm a bit more then her assistant." Elliot said leading the way out of the office. She no doubt would have to lead Kenji to the stateroom and place a couple of Pearls to keep an eye on him then come back and try to calm Kihomi down knowing without a doubt her lover was furious.

(Later that morning, Infirmary)

Natsuki sat in a chair wearing a track suit that was a little too big for her; after the incident with Lord Viola, Kveta had one brought to the infirmary. She held her hands on the table while Youko rubbed some cream on them, the cream was cool but it didn't bother Natsuki because she was just glad to have the bandages off and be able to feel again. "You're nano-machines are healing your hands quite nicely. In a day or two I doubt you will even tell you were injured. Still I want you to put this cream on three times a day."

"Hai, Helene-sensei." Natsuki said rubbing the last of the cream in. Her hands were stiff but they didn't hurt anymore plus Youko told her she wouldn't need anymore shots though if her hands started hurting again she could take some pills instead of having a shot.

On the bed in the room Shizuru coughed a few times batting at the humidifier over her mouth. "Whoa hang on Shizuru." Youko said standing up and pulling the mouth piece off, "Breath slowly and stay lying down."

"Youko-sensei what happened?" Shizuru asked as she remembered what happened the night before and her face was covered with worry. "Natsuki!"

"I'm right here." Natsuki said coming up on her side stroking her hand through her hair. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired, still" Shizuru said leaning into Natsuki's hand. "About last night, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have…"

"It's alright, Shizuru." Natsuki said while Youko finished checking on Shizuru then left to report that she was awake. Natsuki then leaned down and kissing Shizuru on the forehead. "I'm fine."

"I only thought of myself and I put Natsuki in danger, it isn't fine." Shizuru said looking away.

"You didn't mean to do anything." Natsuki said sitting on the bed. "I'm okay. Really I'm more worried about you."

"Natsuki shouldn't worry." Shizuru said resting her head on Natsuki's lap the blue haired girl stroking Shizuru's hair.

"You gave us all quite a scare." Natsuki said leaning down and kissing her again, "Just don't do that again alright?"

"I promise." Shizuru said returning the kiss.

"I see you are feeling better." Kihomi said walking into the room catching the two kissing, she smiled but didn't say anything about it. "You have a visitor if you are feeling up to it."

"A visitor? Who?" Shizuru said breaking off the kiss but still staying in Natsuki's lap.

"Your father wishes to see you." Kihomi said thinking she already knew Shizuru's answer.

"I do not wish … to see him." Shizuru said looking away not realizing she had slid closer to Natsuki until Natsuki held her tighter.

"I know she's in there Chandler and I swear if you don't get out of my way." Kenji shouted from the other room. Elliot said something but they couldn't hear it. "I don't care if you are a column."

"Shizuru, are you sure?" Kihomi said loud enough for Kenji to hear, "You don't want to see your father."

"I'm sure, I don't want see him." Shizuru said feeling Natsuki take her hand and squeezed it.

Kihomi nodded and walked into the main room, "I trust you heard that?"

"Rehearsed lines, she doesn't mean that." Kenji growled, "She's only saying it because you are forcing her."

"I assured you her response is not rehearsed or coerced." Kihomi said blocking the door. "Lord Viola your presence on my campus is no longer desired. Elliot please escort Lord Viola off my campus."

"As you wish Headmistress," Elliot said putting her hand on Kenji's shoulder. He started to bat it away until he noticed she wore a metal glove and turned to look at her wondering when she had called her robe. With only a nod he turned and started walking down the hallway even he knew better then to mess with an Otome in her robe.

"You be sure to tell your mistress that she will be hearing from the council and custody of my daughter will be returned to me." Kenji said being sure to say it loud enough for Kihomi to hear.

"Principal Kihomi, he can't really do that can he?" Shizuru said her mask dropping as her voice crack and there was fear in it.

"Shizuru, he won't." Natsuki said holding Shizuru still gently rubbing her back. She didn't know all of what happened between Shizuru and her father it happening before she came to Garderobe but she knew it had to be something if Shizuru wouldn't talk about it and it could make her mask fall.

"Natsuki, you don't know him like I do. He'll stop at nothing to get what he wants." Shizuru said burying her face in Natsuki's chest. "And right now he wants me." Shizuru didn't understand why he was trying so hard to get her back especially since a year ago he had said he disowned her.

She knew about properties and some assets that had been put in her name after finding a box in her mother's closet after she had passed. What she didn't know was her mother had a safety deposit box that she had willed to her daughter and that it had an even larger sum of money that Kenji wanted back. He had his wife open the box to hide money and the deeds to properties in it so it wouldn't be taxed and the bank refused to let him open it since he wasn't on the account. With loosing his position on the council Lord Viola was having a hard time affording the lifestyle he was accustomed to.

Kihomi stood there watching the couple seeing Shizuru shake a little knowing the girl was crying something she had never seen her do. She reached down touching Shizuru gently on the shoulder. "You have my word I won't let that happen. Now both of you get some rest." Kihomi said then walked to the door, "Oh and Natsuki be sure to put that cream on."

The end….