This chapter is rushed out by me (miyuki ) during LA, Math, Chinese, Biology so the chapter might not be as good as the previous ones...

-- In Fuji's and Kikumaru's class...--

'Even though I broke up with Fujiko, I still want to be friends nya...'

"Kikumaru kun... Kikumaru kun!!"

"Nya?!" Kikumaru finally snapped out of his thoughts after his math teacher called him for like... 10 times?

"Please solve the equation on the board..."

"Nya? 7(25 - x) - 2x 2(3x - 25) ... nya... 225 15x ... x 15 nya!" (A/N: the equation is from WS SALE 1 so ny ppl should know.)

"Thank you for giving a... detailed answer."

-- In Fuji's mind again... (you get to read minds the 2nd time, isn't that nice?? u don't get to do it everytime...) --

Tezuka was once again in our Tensai's mind... This time round is the scene where Tezuka went to visit Fuji. (A/N: Refer to Chapter 3... but i am still going to add that part below so you don't have to go back to chapter 3 just for that (: )

Tezuka looked at Fuji watering his favourite cactus as he asked the thought that have been hanging in his mind for a while.

"Why didn't you go to school today?"

Fuji stopped watering his plants and looked at Tezuka.

"That, I have no reason to tell you about it."

"But I am your captain as well as... your friend."

Tezuka's gaze on Fuji softened when he said that sentence, causing Fuji's eyes to snap open that instance.

'Why... why is my heart beating so fast...?'

For once Fuji couldn't find an answer to his question and he almost... ALMOST blushed a light shade of red. But thanks to his experience of keeping a poker face since young, he managed to remain smiling as usual.

"I got a flu thats why..." He answered honestly, deciding not to hide the truth ... (A/N: I don't know why he wants to hide the truth so don't ask me. can i-m-a-g-i-ne :D)

"Take care then." Tezuka stepped out of Fuji's room, leaving him in his thoughts.

'Whats happening to me ...?' Fuji wondered as he watched Tezuka leave his room.


-- Present ... --

Fuji was staring out of the window, amused at the pair of sparrows mating on the tree outside of his classroom.

-- In Tezuka's class --

"Love is when your heart beats fast when you see THAT person."

'How long is this going to last ...?' Tezuka stared at the same pair of sparrows, from before, mating on the tree outside the window.

-- Lunch Time --

"Hoi hoi! Fujiko lets ..." Kikumaru's cheery smile disappeared when he saw Fuji ignoring him and walked out of the classroom instead.

"Nya..." Kikumaru stared at the floor, looking very very very very depressed/sad. (actually he is.)

-- Tezuka's classroom --

bell rings...

'FINALLY ITS OVER!! YAY!!' Tezuka thought happily to himself as he took out his bento and SKIPPED happily towards the door.

(That can't be Tezuka for sure... so here is the actual one: )

'Finally...' Tezuka thought as he took out the bento his mother had made for him.

"Ne Tezuka, want to have lunch together?"

Tezuka looked up with a suprised expression on his face.


'... Why does this happen to me whenever Fuji is around...?' (A/N: i not going to mention about the 'this' so u can take your time and i-m-a-g-i-n-e )

review k? (: