Chapter 5


Beep beep beep

Ugh…..damn alarm clock.

"Bella turn that damn thing off its only Sunday" said a puffy and sleepy eyed alice. I reached over and hit the off button. As quietly as possible, I crept into the bathroom to take a quick shower. I rinsed my hair with my favorite shampoo...strawberry scented. Nothing clears your head like a long shower.

After showering I walked quietly back into the room so I didn't wake up Alice, who was still snoring softly. I pulled out my comfiest sweatpants and tank top. Alice would kill me if she saw me like this, I added mentally. I sat down on the floor and pulled out my scrapbook. It was still empty and Alice had yet to give me copies of all the pictures. Of the few I had, there was two of mine and Alice's funny pictures and the picture of me and Edward sleeping. I took the picture of me and Alice and glued it down to the first page. Underneath it I wrote the date and a caption that read "Alice Brandon and Bella Swan" it would have to do for now. I put the scrapbook and pictures on the desk next to the computer that Alice and I shared.

I looked at the clock. It read 11 am. As long as I'm up I might as well check my email I thought. Pulling up the internet on my username I saw that I had three unread emails. One from my dad, asking how it was going. One from my mom asking the same thing and another chainmail from my mom saying send this to 20 people and your wish will come true. I instantly deleted the last one. I answered back my dad next.


School is going fine so far. My roommate and her friends are really nice too. How are you coping without me there to cook for you?

Lots of love, B.

I hit the send button and moved on to the next letter from my mom. It read.


How are things going? Have you made any new friends or met any cute boys? Make sure to take lots of picture for me to see when you come back on the holidays!

Lots of love, Mom

I started my letter back to her.


Evrything is great here. I made a few friends and we already used the camera. Don't worry…youl'l get your pictures.

Love, B.

P.S. Stop sending me chainmail. You know it doesn't work.

Even looking at the cute boys comment made me blush. I'd leave that part out. I never had any real boyfriends back at my old high school in Phoenix. I didn't even have many crushes. All the boys there were persistent and didn't know how to take a hint that I was not interested. I had never even been kissed before. That changed when I came here and met Edward…I felt myself smiling.

"What's got you so smiley" said Alice who suddenly appeared beside me.

I turned to look at her. She was now looking through at my scrapbook frowning.

"What's got you so disappointed?" I asked

She held up the scrapbook so I could see the picture of us. "it's so plain. No color or cute captions or decorations or border or anything!" She looked truly horrified at the plain white paper. She closed the book and dropped it back down on the desk.

She ran back to her bed and pulled out a box that was underneath. She dumped the box on the floor, leaving its contents in a pile. There was a pad of colored paper, glue, pencils and pens, markers, sharpies, glitter, scissors with plain edges and artsy ones. "Alice, that's like a miniature craft store." I said

She looked at me and said "well you can't expect me to do schoolwork with white paper now do you?" she gave me a look like it was the most obvious thing in the world. She jumped up and grabbed the scrapbook from the desk. "You don't mind if I help you with this do you?"

"No go ahead." She smiled a blindingly white smile and got to work on the page. Every once in a while, asking for a preferences. I picked up a book and started reading. About a half hour later Alice showed me her competed project.

The background was a pale pink with a magenta border around the pictures. There were hand cut flowers that were bright red, cut perfectly and spaced evenly around the picture. In a spirally writing underneath the pictures was the phrase that said "nothing brings more joy than a new friend." In the bottom right corner was Alice's tiny signature. I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

"What do you think?" came Alice's chipper voice. I looked up and saw her sitting on the floor surrounded in scrap pieces of paper and all other craft supplies. I had to laugh…she really was one of a kind. "It's wonderful thank you!" I said pulling her up to hug her.

A knock on the door caused us both to turn our heads. Emmet walked in with two copies of the picture he had claimed the night before. "hey guys! I brought your pictures you wanted." handing a copy to both me and Alice. "thanks" we said. He looked around the room and his eyes landed on the scrapbook.

"What's this?" he asked picking it up and looking through it. "A scrapbook we just started. You like it? I just made the first page!" said Alice excitedly.

He looked at her and smiled "hence, the post tornado look in here." He said with a laugh and continued "and yes I like it. Very you" she smiled and started to clean up her art supplies."

Emmet bent down and whispered sheepishly in my ear. "Do you mind if I put in a page with one of my pictures?" I looked up at him and laughed. "Sure go ahead" I said. He smiled a big smile and thanked me. He stated to walk out the door with the scrapbook but turned back and whispered. "don't tell anyone, for me would you? The guys would never let me live it down" I told him I wouldn't say anything and he let out a breath. "thanks" he said. With that he left taking the scrapbook along with him. I guess Alice was right.. he really was a big teddy bear.

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Authors note

OK guys I know its been a while since I have updated. Il try to post more regularly from now on. Also, i have had a few beta requests. to those people thank you for the offer it means a lot but, I really dont know how the whole beta thing works so im going to have to decline for now. I will let you guys know if that will change in the future. thanks again
