A/N:Ok, good news and bad news. Bad news comes first, I still haven't finished Snakehead. I'M SORRY!! I've been studying and stressing over finals. And I didn't read it as soon as it came out. I didn't start reading the Alex Rider series until like, this December, and then I temporarily stalled reading it to read book report books and finish the Artemis Fowl series, which I had also started back then. Then I restarted reading them in like, April, maybe? And then I had research paper and science project and whole buncha crap. But it's almost summer so I can read a lot faster now. Anyways, Good news, SMITHERS!! YEYEYE!! Ok, well, let's start it then.

DISCLAIMER!! Alex Rider and all that goes with him belong to Mr. Anthony Horowitz and not me…

Chapter 8, Smithers

The best part about being indispensible is that you have virtually limitless freedom. I can invent whatever I please, hire whoever I please, and treat Alan's agents however I please as well. It's pretty much whatever I please. Blunt can't ever find another like me! There are guidelines and security measures and whatnot but that's beside the point.

Alan Blunt really doesn't understand how humans work. Much less teenagers. God help the poor boy who would have to be his son. If he had a son. I'm not really sure anymore by the way he treats Alex Rider. In fact, I'm not even sure he was ever a teenager anymore. I certainly can't imagine him as a child. Even childless old me understands that teenagers, though one step away from adult, are not adults and should not be viewed or used as one. And teenagers hate being used as tools. I imagined that poor old Alex wouldn't be at all happy about his work.

In fact, when Alan Blunt first charged me with creating Alex's gadgets for his very first mission, the first thing I had in mind was to cheer up the poor lad. Well, efficiency and disguise were important as well, but I wanted him to be at least excited by all the 'cool' gadgets I made just for him. And I certainly had fun making them. I just wanted to take his mind off of the danger and to make him feel a bit more positive. I wanted him to leave my office thinking, "I feel much safer with these neat things," rather than, "I'm going to die, most likely." Even if I wasn't able to give him a weapon. (one of the few orders I had to follow)

And when Alan called him back again and again, I tried to make the inventions newer and cooler every time, so that there was at least one desirable thing about working for MI6. In fact, I was so concerned when Alex went off to fight Damian Cray on his own, I sent him the gadget I was preparing for his next inevitable mission. (I've met Damian Cray before, and thought him to be a rather nasty fellow. He was certainly good at masking his motives but I didn't think it was too low for him to commit a crime.) Against Blunt's orders? Bah! If I did everything the way Alan ordered it, then I wouldn't be a very successful inventor. Nor would I have any fun in the job.

I certainly hoped my things lightened the mood a little bit. I created many of them simply for the boy's amusement, especially the get well card. Oh, I would have loved to see the look on his face when it started talking! I would have also loved to see the look on the nurses' faces when the thing exploded. I certainly hope he didn't try to hold it too close to his face. Well, at least he was at the hospital. A little burn wouldn't be too hard for a trained doctor to fix, right? Maybe I should have sent him some ointment too…

A/N: sorry it took so long to post. I was really busy with end of the year crap all week and for two more days. After that, I'm home free!! And I should write more often if I feel motivated to. Maybe Trisha and Book will write something too!! GASP! THAT WOULD BE A MIRACLE!! Anyways, till next time, which will be fox. Or James Sprintz depending on how fast I read the book…

The Crazy Idiotic Genius, Chocolate Muffin