Hey! I know it's short, and ANOTHER one, but I wanted to write gore!! :D So don't chase me with the pitchforks for starting another one!! ... Please?

This will be a slow update, it'll act as my like, writers blockage sort of thing, unless it has popular demand.

Disclaimers : I own nothing, you know that.

Blood dripped off the ceilings and walls of the cave, the walls had a decorative appeal of rib cages, they where rib cages making it look like the insides of a whale

Blood dripped off the ceilings and walls of the cave, the walls had a decorative appeal of rib cages, they where rib cages making it look like the insides of a whale. The floor had many bones scattered about; human bones. Some clean whilst others still had flesh sticking to them and the white of the bone tinted pink with blood stains, and a foul stench of rotting flesh and dead carcasses lingered in the air. Three shadows where cast against the bloody walls, they where crouched down and muttering on to a larger shadow: lying stiff on the floor. The muttering turned into fast chanting, eventually growing loud to a shout. The walls of the cave began to shake, droplets of blood coming down faster, dripping onto the floors, making the puddles bigger and dropping onto the heads of the figures. The floor beneath them trembled, the whole cave moving to the repetitive chants, almost as though it was dancing. It continued for five minutes then stopped.

The stiff figure sat up.


Vince woke up in a cold sweat, his fringe was stuck to his forehead, his mouth was dry and his breathing was shallow, he looked at the clock next to him and read the glowing digital panel; 2:11am. He looked over at Howard sleeping in the bed across the room and made a loud whimper to try and wake him from his slumber and attend to the frightened young man. He didn't do so much as stir, Vince turned the volume up and whimpered loudly again not grabbing the elder mans attention; he slammed his hands down on the duvet defeated and began to cry, the cries echoed through Howard's head and interrupted his dream about trumpets.

"What's wrong little man?" He mumbled hoarsely, beginning to sit up in his bed, Vince made no reply he just carried on crying; Howard swung his legs over the side of the bed got up and walked over to him.

"Eh? What's up?" He asked, putting a arm around Vince.

"I t-think we n-need to speak to N-Naboo." He spluttered.

"Why?" Howard asked.

"I've seen, s-something weird in my dreams, I t-think its demons."


"Welcome back master" A voice rasped as it walked over to the upright sitting figure, it approached it and held a hand out which was soon reduced to a small pile of ash as a long snake like thing shot out of the figure and grabbed the hand, the creature screamed painfully high as it was brutally killed.

"Hello and goodbye." The figure croaked, the others around the figure just stood up and bowed.

What d'ya reckon??
