There is this unspoken law between angels and demons

There is this unspoken law between angels and demons. Do not fall in love. It's really bad for angels and devils to fall in love because there are two options for couples who want stay together either give up their wings or face the trail. Most couples give up their wings but it's really risky because where you end up is really random and you have to be reborn as a human. The most successful couple so far is the ex-angel Naruto and ex-demon Sasuke.

L and I have been together for 3 years, almost everyday we argue about whither we should do the trail or give up our wings. 342 fights, 658 presents, 278 make-up dates, 46 pillows fights, 15 move-ins and 14 move-outs later we finally decide to take the trail because give up our wings will be too hard.

As soon as we made up our mind we were summon to the hall of faith. Our task was to fight for our love.

They took me into the audience. Apparently a trail was like the world cup. Everyone was there. Angel, demons, fairies, unicorns, and everything else you can think of that isn't human. On the field L was fighting a mob of witches, and manages to beat them in a matter of seconds. Every time L beats the opponent a new one comes in. It was the tenth battle and the opponent was an enormous centipede and L suddenly changed himself into Link. It was really weird it looked exactly like Link except with black hair. I notice that L was losing. As the centipede was about the finish him off, I jumped in to the ring and summoned the Cat bus which ate the centipede.

Suddenly it was silent for a minute, and then everyone cheered. Apparently our trail was to test our trust in each other.

After the trail, I did things to L that the author doesn't want to write. And we lived happily ever after at least until the author has another dream about us.

This is based on a dream I had. I really wanted to make this a nice story. But I got really lazy and the more in-dept chapter 2 that I was working on got deleted when my computer crash and I basely gave up after that. And I realize I hate writing in first-person. I'm sorry that I made this story really sucky.