Jeb Cain was always said to be a man who could sleep through just about anything. He was one who could sleep through a raging thunderstorm, tornadoes, and if there was one nearby; probably a bomb.

But tonight was different. Jeb found it to be a restless night. All he could think about was the night he spent with DG. Especially the kiss they shared. Jeb turned on his back and looked up at the ceiling, locking his fingers behind his head. He smiled up at the ceiling, remembering the looks on DG's face while they hid in the garden, ate their dinner, danced and after the kiss.

Jeb wondered if Azkadellia hadn't given him the final push to finally ask out DG, where he would be right now. Jeb was shy, but he didn't want to admit it. DG was beautiful. Jeb's cheeks flushed red, and he suddenly felt like a little boy. He didn't know why he was blushing so much, but since no one was there to see him blush it was excusable.

Jeb's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door. He groaned and sat up, leaving his bed and his thought on DG behind. Unwillingly…

The knocks continued, but more rapid. "I'm coming…" Jeb grumbled. He opened his door and saw his father standing there with Ahamo. "Dad…" Jeb began, before turning to Ahamo.

"You're highness…" he said, with a respective bow. "Jeb, DG and Azkadellia are missing…" Cain spoke up. Jeb felt his muscles tighten. "What? DG's missing!? That's impossible. I was just with her…" Jeb protested.

"Whoever it was, took out two of the guards on the west entrance…both are dead…" Cain stated. Jeb averted his eyes and gripped his handle tighter. "Well….we….we have to find them!" Jeb said, stuttering.

Cain put a hand on Jeb's shoulder. "We will find them…" Cain said, his expression soft. "We believe Raw may be able to establish a connection and find them…" Ahamo said, looking over at Jeb.

"I'll be right there…just let me get dressed first…" Jeb said. Ahamo gave him a stiff nod, before he and Cain left. Jeb closed his door, and turned to face his bed, angered. He walked over to his bed and ripped his shirt over his head.

He turned to his dresser, and pulled out a simple work shirt. If only he had spent a few more moments with her, she could still be in the castle right now. Once he was fully dressed, he exited his room and slammed the door shut. He looked to his right to see Ambrose pacing.

"No…no….no…wait, no what?" he muttered. Jeb guessed the new installation from his brain was still slightly malfunctioned. He turned to look at Jeb. "What are we doing?" he asked. "Just…come with me…" Jeb said, motioning for him to follow him.

"But where are we going?" Ambrose asked. Jeb paused and he felt his throat close slightly. "DG and Azkadellia are missing…we need to find them…" Jeb said. "Oh. We should find them…" Ambrose spoke up.

Jeb groaned slightly, as he pushed open the doors that led to the common room. He saw Raw sitting infront of a mirror. His father was standing next to Julia, who were standing behind a morning Lavender Eyes, who was sitting in a chair.

Ahamo was talking with Toto across from Lavender Eyes. Ahamo looked up as they entered. "We were just about to see if we could find them…" Ahamo said. He turned to Raw. Raw placed his hand on the mirror, and the other held onto DG's brush.

He closed his eyes. There were a few flashes that could be seen on the mirror, but no pictures were visible. Raw looked like he was stressing to concentrate. He sighed and then opened his eyes. "Raw…cannot find DG or Azkadellia…" Raw said, sounding extremely disappointed.

Lavender Eyes let out a soft sob, and Ahamo walked over to her and cradled her in his arms. "We will find them…" he said, before kissing her hair softly. Jeb looked over at them for a second, and his heart felt sore.

"Wait…" he said. Everyone turned to look at him. "I have an idea…" he said, walking over towards Raw. He felt all the eyes in the room on him, as he knelt down infront of Raw. He placed his hand in the viewers. "Use me…" he said.

"What?" Ambrose questioned. "Trust me. If these feelings for DG aren't strong enough…I don't know what is…" Jeb said, looking over at him. Raw clasped his hand around Jeb's hand and touched the mirror with his other hand.

Jeb's heart raced as some images appeared on the screen. He saw DG and Azkadellia in a cell, lying on the floor. Raw concentrated and an image of the previously possessed Azkadellia's castle appeared.

Raw pulled away and opened his eyes. Lavender Eyes looked up at Ahamo. "How long would it take for you to get from here, at the Northern Island to get there?" she asked. Ahamo ran a hand over her hair. "It won't take long…my dear…" he said, with a small smile.

He turned to the group. "Cain, Jeb, Julia, Ambrose and Toto….I want you all to go and get them. I'm going to stay here with my wife…" Ahamo said, looking over at her concerned.

Cain nodded. "Let's go…" he said, looking at his team.

Her eyes fluttered open. She felt her cheek pressed against the cold, marbled floor. She lifted her head up slightly and she touched the back of her head. She winced slightly at his touch.

She looked to her right and saw her sister lying on the floor. "Az…" she said. She slid over towards her sister and began to shake her shoulder. "Az…" she said, sounding hurried.

"She won't wake yet…" came a deep voice. DG turned her head to see a figure approaching the jail cell. The face emerged from the shadows. "Zero…" DG said, her eyes widening.

"Glad to see you still remember me…." Zero said, with a smirk. "Unfortunately. What have you done to my sister?" DG asked, standing up. "I did nothing. My men just knocked her out. She must of gotten a harder hit than you…" Zero said, tilting his head.

"I thought Jeb and Cain locked you up…" DG stated. "Oh…they did alright. Thanks for reminding me. I'll…handle them….before I finish…" Zero said, smirking again. DG's face fell slightly. "Don't worry. If you cooperate, you'll get to see your boyfriend…Jeb…before he's gone…" Zero said, turning away.

"Leave Jeb out of this. If you hurt him…" DG trailed.

Zero turned to face her. "You'll do what?" he questioned. DG closed her mouth. Zero slowly approached the cell. "I don't care how much you love him, or how much you miss him. It doesn't matter to me. Not one bit…" Zero snarled.

"What do you want?" DG asked, getting angry. "It's simple. I need your magic…" he paused to look at Azkadellia. "And her life…." Zero said, before looking at DG's horrified face with a wicked smirk.

Jeb finished getting his weapons, and turned to his father. "We will find them, won't we?" he asked. Cain sighed and turned to look at his on. "I know how much you care for DG. DG's a great kid. We are going to do everything we can…son…" Cain said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Jeb smiled slightly. Cain returned the smile and exited the room. Jeb turned to see Raw standing in the doorway. "You getting some weapons as well, Raw?" Jeb asked. Raw didn't reply, but took Jeb's hand in his.

"Raw…" Jeb spoke up, raising an eyebrow. Raw looked at Jeb. "Love…" Raw answered. Jeb looked over at Raw. "Jeb love DG…" Raw finished.

To be continued in Chapter 4