A flash of sadness shadowed the gray tabby's eyes as he watched the pair press pelts lovingly.

He supposed he would never know the joy of having a mate, since the only one he thought he loved had slipped out of his paws. His cerulean eyes were suddenly very interested in the leaves at his feet, and he padded away from the tree where he had been lurking softly.

The ThunderClan tom found himself near the ShadowClan border, dipping his paws into the stream in an effort to wake up more fully. He felt like he was taking part in an out-of-body experience.

All I wanted was you.

"Ashfur?" A light ginger queen, Firestar's mate, looked cautiously at him.

He sighed. "Yes, Sandstorm?" he meowed, striving to keep his voice level.

She lightly brushed her tail along his flank, a gesture of comfort. "I think she chose wrong." For one instant, Sandstorm's eyes stared into his, and just like that she was gone. All that was left of the she-cat was the swishing of fern fronds a fox-length away from the dumbstruck tom.

Could it be that Sandstorm didn't approve of her daughter's choice?

It was a tiny, soothing drop of rain on Ashfur's flaming wounds.


Just a drabble. C.C appreciated
