"Just think Katara, after today you won't be a servant anymore, you'll be the Fire Lady!" Sang cried to her friend in Katara's room.

"I know!" Katara cried back. She looked in the mirror as Sang put her hair up for the wedding and sighed.

"What's the matter Katara?" Sang said stopping what she was doing to look at her. "You seem sad. Having second thoughts?"

"No, no! Nothing like that." she said looking at Sang and shaking her head. "It's just…"

"Just what?" Sang asked finishing Katara's hair.

"I just wish my parents were here with me. I miss them so much!" she started to cry and cupped her face in her hands.

Sang smiled at her warmly, "Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not here. I know it's not the same, but they're in a better place now and you're not alone anymore. You have me, your brother, Suki, Toph, Aang, Iroh… and now you have Zuko too. We'll always be here for you and so will your mother and father."

"Thank you Sang, I needed to hear that." Katara said hugging her friend happily.

"Well I don't blame you, every bride would want her parents at her wedding." the two girls smiled at each other then Sang clapped her hands together surprising Katara. "Well lets go put your dress on!" she pulled Katara out of her room and down the hall of the palace. Several guards saw them and started chuckling at the funny sight. The future Fire Lady being commanded by a servant wasn't something you saw every day. Sang halted at the door to her room and ran inside to grab some ink, paper, and a brush. Katara opened her mouth to ask what that was for, but Sang shook her head and said "It's a surprise."

They started off again and raced all the way down to the fabric room. Sang came to a surprising halt causing Katara to hurtle into her. Both women fell to the ground. As Katara gathered herself up she heard laughing in font of her "Smooth move you two! That was very graceful." the young waterbender smiled as she looked at her brother's wife Suki. Suki and Sang helped her and into the fabric room. "I have your dress all ready and waiting.

"Thanks for all your help Suki." Katara said to her sister-in-law.

Suki shrugged "We're family, and it's my pleasure."

Katara smiled gratefully at her when Sang popped in "I'm glade you like each other, but we have a wedding to do. And we're already a little behind."

"Well then, come Katara your wedding dress is right here." Suki said leading her to a elegant dress with blue and white fabrics and furs. Suki and Sang helped her put her dress on. Sang held up a mirror for Katara. "Wow Katara," said Suki "You look beautiful!"

Sang nodded enthusiastically "Any guy would be lucky to have you! And you get the Fire Lord!" they all laughed good heartedly and then Katara sighed. Sang and Suki looked at each other when Sang spoke again "Katara what's the matter? You're so quiet and you're never quiet!"

"Hmm?" Katara asked dazed.

"Is it the dress?" Suki put in trying to help.

"Oh no nothing like that Suki!" she answered. "But, I fell like something's missing, like I'm not completely whole. I don't know why." Katara looked into the mirror again and found she was right. "MY MOTHER'S NECKLACE IS GONE!" she cried reaching to her neck.

Sang turned her head to look in the mirror while Suki looked at Katara. "You're right!" they both said. "Where do you think you lost it?" Suki asked.

"I don't know! I had it on this morning!" Katara said back frantically.

"You go finish getting ready and I'll find it for you." Sang offered. Katara was to frantic to answer, but she nodded all the same.

Katara headed down the hall to her room. Where on earth could it be?! She finally reached her room and placed a small moon shaped berett in her hair then put the rest of her make up on. When she was done Sang rushed into her room saying "Come on Katara or you'll be late for your own wedding."

"Did you find it?" Katara asked hopefully as the two hurried down the hall towards General Iroh's room.

Sang shook her head "No sorry."

Katara stopped mid step "I can't get married without my mother's necklace."

"What?!" Sang exclaimed "Katara I know it's important to you, but really. Do you think your mother would rather you get married without it or not get married at all?"

"Is that a trick question?"


"I know I know."

Sang took Katara's hand in her own saying "Come on you'll be late!" than ran down the hall. They finally reached Iroh's room to see him standing there waiting for them. Sang bowed to him and said "Here she is and I've got to go." she hugged Katara once before saying "Good luck." then in a flash she was gone leaving Katara with Iroh.

"How are you feeling Katara?" Iroh asked her as they headed towards the courtyard.

"To tell you the truth I don't know what to feel." she answered as they rounded the corner. "I don't know weather to be happy or sad, scared or calm. I love Zuko very much, but what if I do something wrong?" She cried suddenly nervous.

"Calm down Katara." Iroh told her understandingly "Your marriage isn't going to be perfect. And you will have fights from now and then, but looking past them and working it out is part of life and it shows how much you truly love someone." they entered the courtyard just as the music started and Katara looked up at her almost husband, Fire Lord Zuko. He was so handsome she could hardly breath. Next to him was her brother Sokka. Zuko had asked him to be his best man. They had become really close over last few weeks. Next to Sokka was and Aang and next to him was Sang's brother Gan. Sokka escorted his wife Suki, Aang escorted Toph and Gan escorted her maid of honor. They had just finished walking up to the alter under the tree where they got engaged and she was now walking towards her new life.

"General Iroh," Katara asked as they walked down the aisle "thank you for doing this for me. I know it's not proper to-"

"Oh nonsense," he said cutting her off. "I have always liked you Katara and I consider this an honor. Thank you for asking me and bestowing upon me this gift."

They had finally reached the end and the sage asked him "General Iroh do you give this women Katara, of the southern water tribe to this man Zuko, of the fire nation, Fire Lord and ruler over there in?"

"Yes, I do." Iroh answered strongly. They turned to face each other and hugged. "My son died a long time ago, but Zuko is my son now and I could not wish for a better person to be his wife."

Tears streamed down her face as she nodded and said "Thank you, I won't let you down."

He held her hand as she walked up the little steps to Zuko. As he let her go he smiled saying "I know you won't."

The ceremony went by fast as the sage read the vows Zuko and Katara listened and meant every word they were supposed to say, but they were just focusing on each other. When it came time for the vows Katara went first. "Katara do you take this man to have and to hold for richer or poorer in sickness and in health so long as you both so live until death do you part?"

Katara looked into the eyes of the Fire Lord and smiled. She saw a hint of frittered little child in his eyes like he was afraid she would leave him. "I do." she answered strongly and he visibly relaxed.

When the Sage asked Zuko she suddenly felt like the world had tumbled down on her. Would he say no? Would he tell her he didn't love her? "I do." she heard him say with power and she knew she was being stupid. Zuko loved her and that was the way it was going to stay.

"Then I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." Katara and Zuko leaned in and kissed each other as the crowd cheered. They were finally married! This was the most perfect day of her life!


At the reception there was of course. . . WINE!! Katara's brother Sokka decided he would have a few glasses, but that didn't bode well because he was drunk after the first 4. So when it came time for the best man to give his speech it was. . . different to say the least. Katara walked around looking for her best friend, but never found her. So she went to Zuko to ask if he saw her. "Zuko, do you know where Sang is?"

He turned around "No I don't. The last time I saw her was during the ceremony." he told her regretfully. "Do want me to help you find her?"

She smiled at him sweetly "Thank you, but I can handle it. You just enjoy yourself," she looked over at her slobbering drunk brother "like Sokka."

Zuko's eyes widened and the boys (being Aang, Iroh, and Gan) next to him all laughed. "No thanks, Katara. I'm good with under four drinks."

"Sokka looks like he having a good time are you sure?" she asked him again eyeing her brother throwing Suki across the room attempting to dance with her.

"Yeah." Zuko said positively looking at him as well. Katara laughed and gave him a kiss on the check then went to search some more. She was beginning to wonder if her friend had left when she finally spotted her sitting alone facing the alter.

Katara raced over to her "Where have you been?!" she half relieved half angry.

Sang jumped at the sudden interrogation and turned to look at her. "I've been here all night. I haven't moved from this spot." Katara opened her mouth to speak, but Sang cut her off. "Now go get your husband, I have a surprise for you both."

Katara nodded and raced off to find him. "My husband is Zuko." she said to herself liking the sound of it and how it rolled off the tongue. She finally reached him to see him prying Sokka off his arm. She laughed walking up to this funny site. "Zuko she said softly and he turned around to look at her. "I found Sang and she wants to show us something."

"That's great! Where is she?" he asked finally succeeding in throwing Sokka off. Katara was about to show him when he exclaimed "I've had enough of this!!" then torched his hand and forced it to meet the underside of Sokka's butt. Her brother screeched in pain then ran around like a chicken with it's head cut off. "Katara would you be so kind as to put that out?" Zuko asked her gesturing to her brother's butt.

She smiled and waved a hand to command the water to douse the fire. When that was over Sokka walked over to Zuko and placed a hand on his shoulder saying "Why did you light my ass on fire?"

"Because you were pissing me off. You were far to drunk." Zuko said calmly back to him.

Sokka nodded thoughtfully "Well then thanks brother!" he said smiling then took Suki's hand and started to dance with her. Katara and Zuko started to laugh as she lead him to Sang.

"Sang we're here." Katara announced.

Sang turned around to look at the happy couple then held up a canvas with the two kissing. "Viola!" She said happily. "This is your first kiss as married couple!"

"Wow." was all Zuko could say and Katara was glade he something because she was to stunned to saying anything.

"How…how did you do this?" Katara finally chocked out.

"I have a photographic memory. I can recall anything I've seen in the past. So I decided to paint you a picture of something that you will never forget. It's my wedding present to you." Sang told her happily.

"Sang you are more then any person could ask for in a best friend!" Katara exclaimed hugging her friend happily.

"Excuse me everyone, but I have an announcement." the three of them turned around to see Iroh walking in the middle of everyone. "It is time for the couple's first dance." Katara and Zuko looked at each other and he grabbed her hand then led her to the center.

As they reached the center Zuko pulled out a blue necklace and placed it around Katara's neck. She gasped as she saw it was her mother's necklace and asked him tears coming to her eyes. "Where did you find this?"

The music started and he led her in graceful steps to mach the music. "Fallen on the floor and I thought you might want it back." Zuko told her.

"Thank you Zuko." Katara said breathing a sigh of relief and happiness.

Zuko kissed the top of her head and smiled saying "So how does it feel to finally be my wife?" Zuko asked her.

She looked up into his golden eyes and smiled saying "How do you expect me to describe this wonderful feeling in words that are not of this earth?" Katara put her face on his chest as the music played. She asked him "How does it feel to finally be my husband?"

He stopped and lifted her chin so that she was force to look into his eyes. "How do you expect me to describe this wonderful feeling in words that are not of this earth?" he kissed her gently then let her go saying "I love you Katara and I always will."

"Funny," she said smiling to herself then looking up at him "I feel the exact. . . same. . . way.