Part 3: The Number Three

Part 3: The Number Three

Disclaimer: I do not own the Eragon cast and crew; I only own bits and pieces of this –plot-. Oh and apparently the dragons can talk out loud…I guess I forgot that they actually speak with their minds in the last chapter…yeah…oh well.

WARNING: First of all this fic is rated M, so I WILL NOT accept any flames about it being too violent, too sexual, too inappropriate, et cetera! I ask that children under 14 to back away slowly because I do not want to be responsible for corrupting your young minds. There will be sexual (incestuous) themes, humor, acts, and suggestions, as well as violence. Like I said, I will accept no flames on the appropriateness of this story because you probably shouldn't be reading it anyway if you complain!!

Hey guys, I'm sorry for the long wait, I've been busy and was down with the dreaded Writer's Block Disease. A terrible, terrible plague that haunts you in the night and STEALS YOUR SOUL! Ahem, fortunately I have gotten mine back so we can continue with the story. Hopefully this is the last chapter; if not…we'll just see.

"I'm not a pansy…" Eragon mumbled with crossed arms over his chest.

"So uh…what took you guys so long anyway?" Murtagh asked after he calmed down a bit.

The dragons shuffled their feet and glanced at each other awkwardly, and the boys made another disgusted face.

While the other two tried to get the rather disturbing images out of their minds, Eragon took the time to scoot a little closer to Saphira, who gave him an odd look.

'What's going on, Eragon? Did they hurt you?' she asked worriedly.

'Only a little, listen, I need to get out of here, things are starting to get out of hand.' He told her.

'I can tell…were they actually about to fight over you though?' she asked curiously.

Before he could reply, however, he was suddenly in the middle of a tug-o-war match.

"Oi! Get back here Eragon!" Roran yelled and grabbed his arm.

"Let go of him! He doesn't even like you!" Murtagh shouted and grabbed his other arm.

"Yes he does! Don't you?" Roran said and glanced to Eragon.

"Uhhh, I don't know just let me go guys!" he cried out and struggled to break free.

"Yes, let go of him Roran, let go." Murtagh growled and glared the boy in the eye.

Roran returned the glare and only tugged harder, making Eragon cry out again.

"Never. He is mine and will never belong to you!" he spat.

Before Murtagh could respond Saphira growled and let out a loud roar that made the earth shake. Birds squawked and fled the area while the ground-based animals stampeded in the opposite direction.

It was dead quiet after her explosion as each big, blue eye was fixed on the two boys fighting over her Rider and friend.

"If either of you truly cared about him you would stop this foolishness and let go of him. There is a much calmer and rational way to deal with this, hurting him for your foolish prides will only lead to him hating you both." She snarled, her whole body vibrating with anger.

Both boys looked to Eragon who was squinting in pain and immediately let go, making him fall to the ground. They each took a step forward but Saphira placed a foreleg in-between each of them and Eragon, hovering over him protectively.

Thorn took a step towards her and she whipped her head around to glare at him, so he backed up.

"Now, both of you, sit down!" she ordered. Murtagh frowned and sat cross-legged, resting his elbow on his leg and his head on his hand.

Roran eyed her angrily and warily and reluctantly sat, scooting closer to Eragon who eased himself up and sat against Saphira's chest- away from both of the boys.

Roran's eyes softened and he looked down sadly, knowing that he had hurt his cousin; his first love.

Murtagh eyed Eragon longingly, wanting to hold him in his arms and protect him from their cousin who would keep him while hunting for his fiancé…

"Now, let's do this calmly. Roran, I believe that you are actually on a quest to rescue your fiancé, so I assume that you do not have any more feelings for Eragon, correct?" Saphira asked.

"No, there's much more than that. It's complicated and something that Eragon and I must deal with alone." Roran replied defensively.

"Admit it! You want him as a side-toy when Katrina isn't enough for you or when she leaves! He's nothing to you but a fun night!" Murtagh shouted heatedly.

"You know nothing of my feelings for him! How dare you even assume anything about our relationship! You're the one that doesn't even deserve him! You're his enemy!" Roran roared and stood, seething with rage.

Eragon flinched and leaned away from him, and Roran calmed a bit. Saphira turned her big head to face him and he sat back down.

"I don't really care about your feelings for him, all I know is that I love him and you're chasing after another woman. Besides, I didn't choose to be his enemy." Murtagh grumbled, staring down at the ground as he tore apart a small leaf.

Roran glared at him but said nothing. Instead, he turned to Eragon who was glancing between the two family members.

'Eragon, what would you like to do? Do you still have feelings for your cousin, or are you solely in love with Murtagh?' Saphira asked him.

'I…I don't know. I think I still feel something for Roran but…I also feel something for Murtagh. I don't want to choose. Who do you think is best suited for me, or is it neither? Should I just try to find a normal woman to settle down with?' Eragon asked miserably.

'I cannot make that choice for you, Eragon. You know your heart better than anyone. It is you that must choose.' She replied.

'I should probably just go with Murtagh, since you and Thorn are obviously together now. Plus Roran is looking to rescue Katrina; I still don't understand what I have to do with their relationship…' Eragon trailed off. He didn't want to think about being Roran's "mistress" or "slave". It hurt too much to think that he was nothing more to him.

'Maybe he is confused like you. The only way to know is to ask him, but I'm sure Murtagh would interrupt and make it harder for you to understand…' Saphira hinted, also trailing off.

Eragon gulped. He didn't want to face his cousin alone, not after the fight they got in last night. But then again, he knew that he had to talk with him to be able to understand what was going on- and to choose.

He looked at Murtagh who was staring at him, and smiled when their eyes met. Eragon couldn't help but to smile as well. Murtagh had always been good to him until he was forced to be Galbatorix's servant. Their love was pure, they honestly had no real idea that they were brothers until Galbatorix told Murtagh and he in turn told Eragon just the other day!

But Eragon still needed to sort things out with his cousin, for Roran was right; their score was not yet settled.

He got up and turned to Roran who looked at him expectantly, but warily, almost sadly, like he assumed he was about to tell him that he would be forsaken.

"Roran…I need to talk to you…alone."

"But-!" Murtagh began worriedly, but a look from Saphira cut him off.

Roran stood and nodded. "Very well, cousin. We have much to discuss." He said. Eragon took a deep breath and followed the older boy away from the clearing and into the woods.

He didn't look back at Murtagh's anxious face.

When they were far enough away not to be overheard but still close enough that Eragon felt "safe" they stopped.

There was an awkward silence between them, and Roran took a step towards Eragon. Eragon stood his ground, looking to the right of Roran's face, not wanting to meet his intense eyes.

Roran took another step. Eragon did not back away.

Suddenly, the younger was pushed against the tree behind him and felt two lips against his, moving with passionate fury he knew all too well. He hesitantly responded and too soon the kiss was ended. Roran stared deeply into his eyes, panting slightly.

"I'm sorry; I just…needed to do that. And I was wondering…how exactly you felt for me. I understand if you do not feel the same…" Roran trailed off and looked down.

Eragon leaned forward slightly, drawn in by his cousin's taste; wanting more. He moved his hand to Roran's cheek, snapping the other out of his thoughts, and closed the distance.

This kiss was just as passionate, but not as rough. It lasted longer but still ended too soon for them.

Roran couldn't help but to smile. "So I guess that answers that eh?" he asked.

Eragon blushed with a sheepish grin. Roran's grin widened, and Eragon frowned.

"Roran, I don't understand something though…you are trying to rescue Katrina, right?" he asked.

"Yes but-," Roran began but was cut off.

"Is it because you love her or is it because you feel it's your duty or responsibility?" Eragon asked again, staring into Roran's eyes. He dreaded the answer, he dreaded thinking about being a toy to Roran, mere amusement; unloved.

Roran hesitated, furrowing his eyebrows and taking a step back.

"I'm not sure, Eragon. When you left…I didn't know what had become of you, and Katrina was there, helping me get through it all. She was nice and comforting, my light on the dark days of old. I grew fond of her, but I was still fond of you. However, you have caused me grief, cousin, of which I have still not completely forgiven you for." He finally answered, hardening his eyes and his tone as he remembered his father and the dead of Carvahall.

"You didn't answer my question." Eragon replied quietly, trying to ignore all the blame and anger he heard in Roran's voice. They stared at each other in silence for a moment while Roran waged war within his heart.

"I don't know. Possibly both. I still hold on to my feelings for you but I also have feelings for Katrina, and I can't just leave her with those disgusting creatures! They could have eaten her, or they might if I don't rescue her in time! I wish you could understand…" he told him.

"I do. I…feel the same about you and Murtagh. I didn't just forget about our love while I was becoming a Dragon Rider, Roran, but I didn't know what you were going through, and before I even left, before the Ra'zac even came…you were interested in Katrina, and I knew that our relationship would end. I tried not to let anyone else into my heart, but Murtagh…I couldn't help it, he reminded me of you in so many ways, and yet he was entirely different from you in others. So I do understand." He responded.

Roran took another step back in surprise. While Eragon was speaking his face went through many emotions: shock, disbelief, anger, curiosity, sadness, and surprise.

Finally he just nodded. "I suppose you do. I thought you merely had a crush on him, but apparently the best choice is clear. Since we're both in love with another person, we should be with those people, not each other." He said, struggling to keep his voice even and remain calm.

He never wanted to give up Eragon, but he knew that their situation was too difficult for them to be together, and that it was no use even trying if they were both in love with two different people. Still, it was hard to say those words, much less acknowledge it within his heart and his mind.

Eragon's frown deepened. "But Roran…"

"I know it's hard, but this has been coming for a long time, before any of this even happened, really. Like you said, our relationship was close to its end before the Ra'zac even showed up; it's just been stretched out, and during that time we've grown farther apart. Make no mistake that I still love you Eragon, but that I only accept that we must part ways, and be with the ones who are best suited for us. I'm sorry." Roran told him.

Eragon took a deep breath and nodded. "I suppose you're right, but still…" he said and sighed. "I love Murtagh, you love Katrina, it is only right that we should be with them." He conceded.

There was another pause between them as they stared into each other's eyes one last time with longing and deep passion.

"What's taking them so long, what if he's hurting him!? I'm going to find them." Murtagh said and got up.

"No Murtagh, just leave them alone, they need to sort things out!" Saphira said and stood in front of him.

"He could be hurting Eragon! I can't let that happen!" Murtagh shouted and tried to move around her…

…right as the aforementioned cousins were returning.

"Eragon!" Murtagh cried and ran to the boy. "Are you alright?" he asked, shooting a glare at Roran who glared half-heartedly back.

"Um, yeah. We just needed to talk." Eragon replied and smiled at his true love.

Murtagh smiled back and cupped his cheek. Roran walked swiftly over to the campfire and began gathering his belongings.

Saphira and Thorn exchanged a knowing look, and Thorn beamed at Saphira who smiled shyly back, but then glanced over at Roran, who looked saddened and burdened.

"So…um…I'm really sorry about all of this. I didn't really mean anything; I just…wanted to have some fun. I realize that I hurt you, and I will never stop apologizing. I can only hope that you don't hate me." Murtagh said as his smile disappeared.

"Murtagh, I could never hate you. I love you." Eragon replied, glancing quickly at Roran who flinched. Saphira caught the small movement as well, but Thorn and Murtagh were oblivious to the other man.

"You do? Eragon…I love you too." Murtagh replied and they hugged.

Thorn nuzzled Saphira's neck, and she returned the gesture. Roran moved quickly, with jerky movements, wanting to be as far away from the lovers as possible while his heart slowly broke.

Yes he loved Katrina, but he loved Eragon differently, like you would love a favorite song or a favorite shirt; it's hard to let go of that love, even though you might have to. He didn't want to let go of Eragon, but he knew it was the best thing, the right thing, to do.

But it still hurt.

He didn't realize he was crying until he noticed the guilty and pained look on Eragon's face. He wiped his eyes and slung his sack over his shoulder, his hammer in his belt.

Murtagh exchanged a glance from Eragon to Roran, noting their painful expressions. He didn't want to be the bad guy; he didn't want to rip away their love for each other.

"Hey Roran, I'm sorry about all that stuff I said, I didn't mean it, I was just angry…and jealous. If there's anything I can do to help you find Katrina, count me in." he said and stuck out his hand.

Roran eyed him warily, but then half-smiled and shook his hand. Eragon allowed a small smile to grace his features as he watched.

"Thanks, I'm sorry about the things I said as well, I was being selfish. I'd gladly accept all the help I can get on rescuing Katrina. I know that I cannot save her on my own." Roran replied.

"It's okay, I understand. He's tough to let go of." Murtagh responded and they both looked to Eragon, who smiled hesitantly. The looks in their eyes reminded him of the day before…

"Maybe you don't have to let him go, Roran." Saphira spoke up, unable to stay quiet and watch the unbearable parting.

Four confused and wary eyes met hers, and she sweat dropped a little bit, embarrassed at what she was about to suggest.

"I mean, why don't you just…have a threesome?"

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

Three humans and one dragon lay dazed on the ground, and she sweat dropped again.

'Maybe that was a bit soon…'

Epilogue- After Katrina's Rescue

"Oh Roran! I'm so glad to see you!" Katrina cried out and flung herself onto the man.

"Oof! Nice to see you too, sweetie." He replied and they smiled at each other.

Eragon and Murtagh smiled at each other and held hands, happy for the reunited couple.

"And Eragon! You look so different! And you've grown!" she squealed and hugged him as well.

"Thanks, you look pretty good yourself Katrina." He replied innocently. The other two males tried to resist snorting with amusement.

"But…who is this?" she asked, glancing at Murtagh warily.

"Eragon's brother, lover, and third mate in our threesome that will hopefully evolve into a foursome." Roran explained bluntly.




"Well, she had to find out somehow! C'mon, let's get her out of here before those things do a resurrecting act or somethin'." Roran replied and threw Katrina over his shoulder before hopping on Saphira.

Eragon and Murtagh shook their heads and also hopped on their respective dragons before flying out of the cave and into the sunset.

Happy at last…

-Author's Note: WAHAHA! I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED!! So did ya like it? If not, TOO BAD! I'm kidding, kind of. I don't feel like rewriting it if you guys don't like it, but if enough of you kick and scream, I might consider it…key word: might. At least I got it out! Anyway, please tell me what you think! Thanks for all who reviewed and favorited this story, you make me all happy inside! Peace out!-