The Beach House

The Beach House

The beach is crowded as the Urameshi group travels passed it by bus. Koenma had planned a 2-day vacation for all of them, Yusuke, Keiko, Kuwabara, Yukina, Kurama and, last but not least, Hiei. They were all staying in a summer house. The house was pretty big with 3 rooms, plus the regular stuff. The gang had seen pictures of it and all agreed eagerly to go, well, except Hiei of course.

The fire demon didn't want to go on what he called 'A pointless trip', but somehow he was convinced by the clever fox. He agreed so he could watch over Yukina and, even though he wouldn't admit it, Kurama. There were too many pretty ningen girls that could easily sway the fox's heart. The thought of Kurama with some girl made him twitch and clench his fists. The same thought went for Yukina, except, instead of girls, it would be boys, and he already had enough to worry about with the buffoon around.

Arriving at the summer house, everyone goes in awe, except for Hiei who just does hi natural 'hn'. Hiei can tell that both his sister and the fox are excited and he has to fight the small smile from curving his lips. Green orbs look at as the fox smiles and he folds his arms and looks away, hiding the slight blush.

The driver, a pretty girl with shoulder length brown hair, opens the door and stands from the driver's seat, a big smile on her face.

"When everyone is ready, you can go in"

With that said chatter erupts as they get their bags and make it to the entrance. The last one is Hiei, carrying a bag of clothes that Kurama had packed for him. He holds the bag over his shoulders as he follows behind Kurama, carefully watching the sway in his hips.

The first two, which is Yusuke and Kuwabara, stop in the doorway, and Hiei almost bumps into the fox.

"Stupid ningen, stopping randomly" Hiei mutters.

Kurama turns to face the demon, a smile on his face.

"It must be quite a view in there for them to stop."


After a while, they get over the shock and get the sleeping arrangements. They are: Keiko and Yukina, Yusuke and Kuwabara, and Hiei and Kurama. Hiei sighs in relief when he isn't put in one of the idiot's rooms, but then it turns to nervousness. He is to share a room, and a bed, with the one he desires. He quickly glances at the fox, who is setting his stuff on the bed. Pulling a pair of dark blue swimming shorts, Kurama looks up at the fire demon.

"We are going to the beach, so you might want to change into more appropriate swimwear"

"Hn, I'm not swimming"

"It doesn't matter at least you wont be too warm"


The fire demon relents and, throwing the bag on the other side of the bed, searches for his.


Botan, Keiko and Yukina are the first to be dressed, Keiko wearing a red bikini, Botan wearing a pink one, and Yukina wearing a light blue tankini. Botan and Keiko run for the water, with Yukina following behind.


At the mention of her name, she turns around and smiles to see Hiei standing there, his arms crossed, wearing black swimming shorts.

"Hello, Hiei"

"You shoudn't wear things that show too much skin, you might get lechers hanging around you."

Yukina's smile becomes warmer and bigger, Hiei was worrying about her, almost like a brother.

"Thank you, Hiei, I will keep that in mind."


Hiei turns his head, unable to stop the small curve of his lips. Yukina turns and joins the girls. Hiei, when he knows she's gone, turns back, watching her. He's not prepared when a hand is placed on his shoulder, he tenses. The scent of roses fills his nose and he relaxes, it was only the fox. As he feels the hot breath next to his ear, his heart beat quickens and he shivers.

"She will be alright; you're here to watch her"

Hiei moves out of the hold and turns to face the fox. Green eyes are sparkling playfully, and a big smile is on his lips. Hiei looks away, a small blush tinting his cheeks. Why did the fox have such an effect on him? He wasn't used to love, but he knew that that was the emotion he felt. Crimson eyes turn to the fox, quickly going over the lips he wants to kiss so much, to the eyes that seem to draw him in.

A loud and annoying voice draws him from his thoughts and he inwardly groans.

"Hey guys, you just gonna stand there and get landed on by seagulls or are you gonna come over and join us?"

Hiei growls and unconsciously reaches for the katana he doesn't have. 'Damn' Oh how much he wants to kill the buffoon.

As they walk over to them, Hiei can't help but notice as the girls turn to watch Kurama. Wearing only his shorts, he is a breathtaking sight, especially when it isn't often that he removes his shirt. Hiei keeps walking, ignoring them before he can lose his temper and lash out.

Yusuke and Kuwabara are standing by a net, Kuwabara holding a white ball in his hands.

"Hey, glad you guys could make it" Yusuke teases, catching the ball Kuwabara throws at him. "We want to play volleyball."

"Yea, you in?" Kuwabara chimes in.

Kurama smiles, "Sure I'll play. Hiei?" The fox turns to the confused fire demon and chuckles. Hiei is staring at the ball like it could attack him at any moment. He suddenly hears his voice in his head.

'Fox, what the hell is volleyball?'

'It's a game, Hiei' Explaining the rules to him in his head, Hiei understands.

Yusuke and Kuwabara stare at their silent friends, until Hiei speaks up.

"Hn, who would want to play a stupid game"

With that said, he turns and heads over to where someone had put his towel on the sand.

Yusuke smiles wickedly, he knows that Hiei likes Kurama and has feelings for the fox, an idea pops into his head.

"Well, I guess we'll have to ask someone else to play beside Kurama, maybe a pretty girl will do"

That gets him, Hiei stops in his tracks. He growls and goes back, standing beside Kurama.

"I'll play"

Kuwabara is confused at what just happened, but just shrugs it off. Yusuke is still smiling that wicked smile and Kurama is smiling a happy one.

"Alright, let's get this game on the road"

Getting into their places, they start, drawing the attention from everyone around them. Very soon a crowd of girls surround them, all watching and cheering Kurama. Hiei notices and becomes angry. When the ball comes to him, he spikes it hard into the sand, where it busts. All eyes go to him, but he just glares at them until they turn away.

"Hey! Hiei, that was our only ball!" Kuwabara yells.

Hiei smirks. "Hn, we can always use your head"

This got the red head even more mad. "What did you say shrimp?! I'm going to go over there and beat your lights out!"

"Hn, I'd like to see you try"

Yusuke stops Kuwabara from doing so, there was too much of crowd to get a fight started. Hiei 'hns' again and lifts his arms to cross over his chest but winces when a pain shoots through his right. Kurama instantly notices this.


Hiei doesn't say a word; instead he calmly walks over to his towel, sitting down with his back to them, to check what is wrong with his arm. Every time he tries to bend it, pain will shoot through him.

Kurama is relieved a little when all the girls leave, they always make him tense, especially their cheering and screaming, but he is concerned for his friend. He walks over to the fire demon and crouches down beside him, grabbing the arm, making sure not to hurt him.

"I think you pulled a muscle, Hiei. Probably from that shot you did"

Hiei pulls his arm away, blushing slightly, causing him to wince again. The fox grabs the arm again, a bit more firmly.

"Please, Hiei, I'm just checking"

Hiei looks at the concern filled emerald eyes, and relents. He cannot say no to his fox. He turns his head to gaze elsewhere; being this close to the fox is too tempting and he really wants to capture the fox's lips with his.

Kurama uses soft touches to find where the center of the pain is, he doesn't want to hurt him. He finds the spot and Hiei winces again.

"Sorry" He says softly.

Hiei doesn't reply. Suddenly remembering that he has some lotion in his room, he lets go of the arm slowly.

"Hiei, come with me. I have something that will make it feel better"

The fire demon nods, still not looking at him. He smiles and stands, turning to his two friends.

"We need to go up to the room for a couple of minutes, I hope you don't mind"

They both nod, but Yusuke steps closer, whispering into his ear so Kuwabara can't hear. "Take good care of his arm"

Yusuke knows that Hiei doesn't want to be thought of as weak, especially by Kuwabara, who still doesn't know whats going on.

Kurama nods and turns to see Hiei walking toward the house. He quickly goes to him.


Up in the room, Hiei sits on the bed watching as kurama looks for the lotion. It is a lotion that seaps into the skin and relieves the muscle and bones. Hiei has to admit that he likes being cared for by the fox, but he is tempted to make the fox his everytime they are really close. He hopes that the treatment for his arm would be quick.

Kurama finds the lotion deep under his clothes, he brings it with him everywhere just for times like these. He turns to the demon sitting on the bed and walks over, getting on the bed and kneeling in front of him. He opens the bottle and squeezes a bit on his hand.

Hiei watches as Kurama grabs is arm and starts massaging the lotion on, the scent of mint reaches his nose. The feeling of the fox's expert hands makes him think of something else his hands can massage and he has to bite back a groan, feeling said appendage grow. Hoping the smell of the lotion and his black shorts hide his arousal, he looks away.

Once satisfied that it is enough lotion, he pulls away, unaware of a problem he caused. Even with his keen sense of smell, all thanks to Youko, he couldn't smell much of anything besides the mint. Putting the cap back on the bottle, he stands and puts it back in his bag. He turns back to the fire demon.

"Does it feel better" He asks softly

Hiei moves his arm a bit and is surprised when only a little pain shoots through him. He looks up at the fox that is awaiting his answer and nods. A soft smile comes to Kurama's face.

"I'm glad." he says, "Now, we should go back to join the others."


Hiei goes to stand up but stops when he realizes he still has his problem, instead he crosses his legs and leans forward slightly using his arms to cover his groin.

"I'm tired fox; I'm going to stay here"

Kurama is surprised, but it then turns to concern and he walks over to the demon.

"What's wrong, hiei?"

Hiei crosses his arms over his chest, forgetting again about his problem, and glares at him.

"I'm fine fox, I said I was tired"

Kurama puts his hands on his hips and stares at him suspiciously.

"There's a reason you wont go outside, isn't there?"

Hiei blushes slightly, putting his arms back over his still aroused self.

"No, I'm just tired" he growls, hoping the fox would quit. No luck.

"Hiei, you're never tired. Why won't you go out?" He asks. "Does it have anything to do with Yukina?"


"Then I don't see a problem"

"Hn" 'You wouldn't'

Kurama smiles wickedly. "Then, I guess I'll have to drag you"

Hiei's eyes widen as Kurama grabs his arm and pulls him, making him stand on the floor. He struggles, his problem now visible.

"Damn it Kurama, let me go!"

Finally getting an idea, he bites his hand, just enough to draw a little blood. Kurama yelps and lets him go. Licking the little blood from his fangs, he finds it had been a bad idea. He is enjoying the taste and it makes him want the fox even more.

"Hiei, you didn't have to bite me" Hurt flashes through his eyes.

"Hn, it was the only way you'd let go"

Hiei notices the hurt and suddenly feels guilty. He grabs the fox's hand and brings it to his lips, licking the wound, Kurama gasps.


The fire demon looks up at the surprised fox and finally gives into his urge. Grabbing the forelocks of his hair, he pulls the fox's face down where he captures the soft lips with his. Kurama's eyes go wide. Hiei pulls away before Kurama can succumb to it, and looks away.


"I….I love you Kurama"

With that said, the fire demon disappears, in a black blur, out the window. Kurama is frozen in place, his fingers touching his lips as his eyes are toward the window.