Thirty Thrills, Thirty Chills

Disclaimer: I do own Prince of Tennis.


Gardenia – "I love you in secret"

Fuji Syuusuke couldn't forget Echizen Ryoma. Not ever since that match in the rain. When their hearts pumped excitedly, rushing across the tennis court to catch the tiny yellow ball in the pouring rain. When the rain fell, almost as if the earth was welcoming it back and fell hard on their bodies, soaking their very being.

No. Fuji could never forget that feeling.

Ever since that match, Fuji began sneaking glances at Ryoma. He began watching Ryoma interact with his peers, how Ryoma acted around them, how Ryoma ate, drank, and practiced.

He once told Eiji and Eiji called him a stalker.

Fuji, however, told him he was only observing their little underclassman.

Every time Ryoma caught him staring though, Fuji's eyes would open slightly and twinkling mischievously, his eyes would say, "I love you in secret" over and over again like a mantra.

And Ryoma would never know.
