So so soooo sorry for the lateness! First I was sick, then I was recovering, then I had to deal with everything that I missed, and yadda yadda yadda, the list goes on! groans

So, yeah, finally back and in action! Also, this isn't exactly a very entertaining chapter (sorry!!), but it's needed to...prepare for upcoming chapters (which will hopefully be up fairly soon, so don't kill me yet!)

Alrighty, that's all I had to say! Enjoy!

As the hall was slowly filled with the sounds of consumption and pleasant chatter, three certain little Gryffindor (gee, guess which three) began to discuss their suspensions on their new guests.

"There's obviously something going on with those two. I wonder who they're working for? I mean, they can't be working to the dark side, right? Dumbledore wouldn't let them in the castle if they were…"

"Don't be too sure, Hermione." Harry said as he glared up at the two exorcists. The one who was currently stuffing his face looked about his age except for the white hair. The other was closer to Fred and George's ages, however didn't seem to retain their humorous glow. Actually, he seemed to resemble Snape more than anyone. "They could have tricked Dumbledore somehow…"

Suddenly, Hermione dropped her fork and her head shot up, "Or they could be from the Ministry!" she exclaimed.

"Who?" Ron asked as he stuffed another roll in his mouth. The other two gave him a look of exasperation.

"Ronald, do you ever pay attention?"

"Hmph." He grabbed another chicken leg.

"So," Harry continued, "you think those two are from the Ministry?"

Hermoine brightened a bit, "Yes, I mean, isn't it obvious? All Dumbledore said was that they were performing an investigation. Well, who else would be investigating Hogwarts?"

Harry considered this. He couldn't help but think of the possibility that they could be Death Eaters. However, he knew Dumbledore wouldn't let anyone suspicious into the castle without making sure, right? No, that wasn't possible. Besides, they didn't exactly seem like Death Eater material anyways. "Well, okay, but…that one doesn't seem to like Umbridge."

"Which one?"

"You know, Snape Jr."

"…Snape Jr.?" Ron piped up.

"I mean the one with the long hair." he snapped. "He was giving Umbrige a death glare and mumbling to the other. Why would he do that? I mean, shouldn't they be working together?"

"Just because they work together doesn't mean they necessarily like each other." The witch added casually. There was a pause before Hermione gasped with yet another epiphany. "Or perhaps they work for the Ministry, but aren't on the Minister's side!"

Harry and Ron looked up at her a blinked.

She sighed. "I mean that they could believe in Harry and Dumbledore!"

"Wait," Harry began, finally understanding her point, "you think that they actually believe that Voldemort's back?"

The witch smiled. "Exactly."

"Wait a minute," Ron stepped in, "aren't they a bit young to be working for the ministry? I mean, they can't be much younger than we are!"

"Well…maybe we should ask some of the Order members if they know these two. I mean, a lot of them work for the Ministry too, right? And if they're in support of the Order, then the others must know them, right?" Harry and Ron nodded. "Good. Harry, send a letter to…Padfoot and ask him. He can ask the others." Harry gave her another nod. By that time, students were beginning to get up and leave for their rooms. The trio stood up and gathered their tings to leave.

Harry glanced back up at the teacher's table. The two guests had already left. Umbrigde, looking rather disgruntled, was dabbing the ends of her mouth in a sickeningly dainty way and preparing to leave. Dumbledore and Snape, however, seemed to be in a deep conversation about something. He didn't have to guess as to what that might be.


"I know there's something up with that woman!"

Allen sighed. "But, Kanda, why do you think that? What did she do?"

Kanda glared at Allen with persistence. "It's…instinct. I don't like her."

"Okay..." Allen tried to think back to the woman. Sure, a little too much pink and, okay, she did have a creepy smile, but nothing seemed particularly evil about her. "But, for now, please don't try to kill her! I mean, she could know where the innocence is!"

The older exorcist mulled it over. He was right, they needed information and that woman probably knew something if his suspicions were correct. However, Kanda had suspicions about most of the people around the castle. What was with these people? "I can not believe we have to stay here." Kanda growled as he dropped down on his bed.

"But Kanda, isn't it kind of cool here?" Allen asked.

"Che." Was the only reply he received from the rather displeased exorcist, who decided to lay down with his back facing the boy.

Allen sighed and began unpacking some of his things. They'd been given a special room behind a large portrait with a knight. At first, when they had said the password Professor McGonagall had given, Hinkypunk, all the knight did was talk about challenging them to a duel and other rubbish that Allen didn't really understand. Kanda, who was already in a rather foul mood, gave the feisty knight a glare and the man in the portrait surrendered. Allen had no idea what kind of devise the lock was, but he made a note to mention it to Reever when they returned.

"Hey, Kanda?" He heard a grunt behind him. "Did Komui give any hints as to what the innocence is actually supposed to be?"

The mound behind him paused before moving into a sitting position once more. "No, he didn't." Kanda grumbled. "I know just as much as you. There's innocence in this castle and we're not to leave until we find it."

"But, Kanda…how are we supposed to know what it is? I mean, it could be anything--''

"You don't think I've thought of that, Moyashi?! I don't know what that Komui's thinking sending me on this kind of mission with you of all people!"

Allen put his hands on his hips and glared, "Well, sorry, but I'm who you're stuck with, Bakanda! Get used to it!" And on that note, he lifted the covers of his own bed, climbed in, and pulled the covers up his face. "Good night!" he said with a huff.

Kanda stared at the small mound before grunted and returning to his previous laying position. Komui, that bastard, Kanda thought. He'd pay for this stupid mission. I mean, how impossible could a mission be? This was just insanity.


That morning, everyone gathered once more in the Great Hall for a hardy breakfast. The trio quickly took a seat at the Gryfindor table. Harry glanced at the head table.

"Dumbledore and Snape are missing." He commented. Hermione looked up at the table then at him.

"They're probably just late or skipping breakfast, don't worry about it." she said hastily. "So, did you send the letter?"

Harry gave the table another glance before returning his gaze to his friends. "Yeah, sent it last night."

Hermione smiled. "Great. Can't wait for the reply! Maybe we'll get some really good information!"

Ron and Harry exchanged looks and sighed. Sometimes their bushy haired friend was just too much, defiantly this early in the morning.

At the front table, Kanda glared at his food like it had wronged him in some unforgivable way. Allen, however, ate like there was no tomorrow. Of course, all this was natural.

"So," Allen began once he was satisfied (which, incidentally, took about twelve plates of food), "where should we begin?"

"Che, hell if I know. Damn it! Where the hell are we supposed to look! This castle's too goddamn big! And we don't even know what the hell we're looking for!"

Okay, so Kanda was pissed, that was for sure. "W-well, why don't we start asking some of the professors if they're seen anything, you know…out of the ordinary?"

Kanda glared at him, but since he didn't have a better idea, concurred. "Fine." He said as he stood from the table and began walking (or perhaps stomping) towards the exit. Allen jumped up and followed him, trying to ignore the looks that followed them. Did they really stand out that much? It's not like they were the ones wearing bathrobes…

"Kanda, wait up!" Allen yelled.


Okay, I promise, no more food scenes for a while! laughs Also, I promise in the next chapter that our lovely duo and trio shall actually meet! Well, okay, Allen meets the trio, Kanda...well, let's just say he gets stuck with two people that will make him rethink just how annoying Lavi is in comparison evil laugh

Also, no, I have no idea what the innocence is supposed to be -- I mean, I have ideas, but they're either too "no duh" or just plain random...oh well, I'll think of something...maybe I should reread OotP...Also, the story will be following the 5th book plot for a while, but not closely...just some part here and there...

And Sirius is still alive!! Sorry, I love Sirius...and Remus...and, yes, both will make an appearance! I can't NOT have them pop up at least once! And they will not die! I can't do that, I just can't!

Okay, hope you liked it! Please review! Comments make me feel less lonely...and with my mother being the only person to talk to for the past couple of weeks, you can imagine the loneliness, no? Reviews also make writers feel like they're writing for something and makes them happy! Okay, enough of this cheery talk...
