Disclaimer: I don't own Hannah Montana, or Disney or whatever.

A/N: 17 REVIEWS?! YOU GUYS SERIOUSLY ROCK. shall we try to get to 20? ;) ;)

&&btw. I am taking ideas for this story. If there's something you want to see or think would be a great addition to the story, let me know! :) You'll get credit of course. :D


Chapter 14: Truths

Miley spooned some of the warm pasta into her mouth, chewing. She paused, the taste sending shocks to her tastebuds.

"Oh my God," she moaned. "This. Is. Incredible," she said, punctuating each word with a spoonful of pasta.

Oliver eyed her pasta enviously, chewing on his own food. She caught his longing glance and grinned, shaking her head and pulling her plate closer to herself.

"Mine, Oken. Don't even think about it."

He pouted. "I'm your boyfriendddd," he whined.


He feigned shock at her coldness.

She ignored that and swallowed, forking more into her mouth, a little bit of sauce touching her the corner of her mouth.

"Um Miles--?"

"No," she said firmly, a teasing glint in her eye.

Oliver laughed, tilting his head to one side, and wiping at the corner of her mouth with his napkin.

"You're one of the only girls I've dated that doesn't care about how she looks when she eats."

She blushed, cheeks bulging with food. She chewed quietly for a few moments, swallowing what was in her mouth.

"So," she started, stirring around the pasta.

Oliver set down his own fork, picking up his glass of water. He took a drink, gulping. "I'm sorry for my grandparents," he said, brushing away a strand of her hair. "T-they-- I dunno. They're really old friends with Dana's grandparents... Since they both had sons, they obviously couldn't marry within their families.. And I-- Dana and I-- We're like the ones they've been trying to set up for a while."

Miley nodded slowly. "Kind of like an arranged marriage," she said, understanding.

"Yeah.. Sorta, I think. Problem is, I didn't like her in that way. Don't think I ever did, actually. Nothing close to loving her in a romantic sense either."

"Are you sure?"

He frowned at her. "We're not talking about that again, Miley Ray. It's you that I want." He scooted around the curve of the bench so he was beside her and leaned in, putting one hand on her knee and the other at the back of her neck. He pressed his lips against hers gently. He could feel the warmth of her mouth along with the aftertaste of the pasta as he probed his tongue around.

She groaned, pushing him back slightly. "God Oliver, tongue much?" She said playfully. "We're in a public place," she chided.

"I want everybody to know I'm dating the hottest southern girl in the entire world," he pouted, brushing his lips against hers again.

She stuck her tongue out at him, picking up her fork and finishing up her food. He stared, entranced as her lips closed around the metal, and as she pulled the fork out slowly, chewing on the pasta.

He blinked.


"I just noticed how incredibly sexy you are when you eat food."

She gaped at him, trying to process that thought.


He grinned, pulling her closer and kissing her heatedly. She groaned, pushing him away again, her hands resting on his chest.

"Stop trying to distract me." She snuggled closer to him. "So you really feel nothing for--"

"Nothing," he confirmed. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you."

"I'm sorry," she sighed, resting her chin on her hand, observing him.

"You're hot when you're jealous and possessive."

She swirled the straw in her drink, grinning. "I still find it so.. weird that we came on this trip just friends and suddenly we're--"

"--Having a lot of sex."

"I was gonna say 'in a relationship'," she teased. "But that works too."

He smiled, leaning back in his seat. "Check?"

"What do you want to do? We're still early."

"I was thinking I could show you around or something."

"Or we could go back to your place and watch a movie. I'm tired," she pouted.

"Oh okay." He smiled a little. "We could..." he put his hand on her thigh, moving it up a little causing her eyes to widen and darken. "Choose a movie, that's really.." he kissed her lightly. "Easy to ignore."

"I like t-that idea." She leaned in just as his hand trailed a bit higher before.

An awkward cough broke them apart, and they turned to see their waiter standing there looking on awkwardly.

"Erm. May-- May I take your plates?"

"Yes please," Oliver said pleasantly. "And the check, please."

"No desserts?"

"Nope, not tonight. Just the check would be good, thank you."


Once the waiter had left to retrieve the receipt, Oliver turned back to Miley, smiling. "Now, where were we?"

"We were sitting here like dignified people, and I'm sure you did not just have your hand practically in my pants."

"Don't exaggerate," he teased.

The waiter returned, still looking embarrassed.

"I'm going to pay," she announced.

"You're kidding me, right?" he snatched the paper away.

She raised her eyebrows. "Oliver, you have to let me pay for this. Your family's been so nice and this is like.. a start of what I could do to pay them back."

He shushed her, shaking his head.


He walked up to the front, handing them his credit card, while she fretted behind him about wanting to pay. He turned around, and grabbed her waist, pulling her flush against him and kissing her passionately.

When he pulled away, she had a dazed look on her face and her mouth was parted a little.

The lady behind the counter smirked.

Oliver thanked her, and led Miley out.

Miley's cheeks and ears burned furiously and she could feel her body heating up as well.

"That was so embarrassing."

"As embarrassing as letting my grandparents hear us--"

She flushed, hitting him. "Okay. Not as embarrassing as that. I bet your grandmother thinks I'm just some sort of--"

"You really shouldn't finish that sentence," he said lowly. "What she thinks doesn't matter, okay?"

"You can be really sweet sometimes, you know that?" she said, gently cupping his cheeks and leaning up to kiss him. He smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist as well.

"Shall we?" he asked, as he gestured towards the car.

She untangled herself from him and nodded, a smile still on her face.

The ride back was uneventful and short. Miley watched the scenery pass by as they drove through the old buildings. She marveled at the nature that started blooming around them as they drove further into the countryside and farmland. The wide open fields seemed to sparkle with life, and she smiled at the memory of Tennessee and how much she had loved growing up there.

The memory however seemed so far away at that moment. Nothing more than a thought buried deep within the corner of her mind.

She sighed, which didn't go unnoticed by Oliver.

"What's wrong?" he asked, glancing at her quickly before focusing back on the road.

"I just-- I really miss home."


She chuckled. "No. Tennessee."

"You go back almost every holiday," he said, glancing at her again, this time with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah, I do, but it's just... I know that my time is short-lived there, and I'll be leaving anyway. I guess being here with you and your family just.. showed me how much I missed home and being with them."

"Well...What are you saying?"

"I think-- After I finish university... I'll probably head down to Crowley Corners and spend some time there. Like an extended vacation or something."

He frowned, tightening his grip on the steering wheel.

"But, what about me? You're just going to leave me in California? What about your job? Your friends?"

"I miss being with my family, Oliver, and you know, you could always come with me."

"I can't just leave my friends and my parents."

"I'm not asking you to come forever-- God, you're acting like this is going to be a permanent fixture or something," she snapped. "I'm just saying that I'm feeling a little homesick and you start--"

"I start what?"

"Nothing.. Nevermind."

"Miley, seriously. Just talk to me. We're in this together now, okay?"

"It's nothing," she said flatly. "Green light," she pointed out monotonously. He gave a start and stepped on the pedal.

As he turned the corner, and up the driveway of his house, he noticed a few extra cars. He frowned, turning off the engine, wondering who on Earth they could be.

"Who else could be here?" he muttered, exiting the car. Miley followed, looking curious as well. She trailed behind him, but surprised him when she timidly slipped a hand into his.

He turned, offering a small apologetic smile, which she returned, mouthing the words 'I love you'.

He smiled, squeezing her hand in return.

"Oliver!" came an excited shout.

Oliver barely had time to blink as he was suddenly being squashed to death by his childhood terrors.

He was somewhat ashamed that he could only vaguely remember their names, but soon realized that he hadn't wanted to remember their names anyway.

Miley let go of his hand, looking on somewhat concernedly as her boyfriend was swamped by three rugged looking men, all yelping excitedly.

"What-- What are you guys doing here?!"

"We heard our favourite little Olliekins was in town! We told your parents we were just dying to meet you."

Oliver raised his eyebrows, pushing himself out of the center of the little circle.

"Um, nice to see you too, then?"

Oliver straightened his clothes, bothered that they were here. They never brought good news.

He turned, quickly grabbing Miley's hand.

"Come on," he mumbled.

"Oh okay--" she managed to get out before he was pulling her along. "What's up?" she asked, trying to keep up with his brisk stride.

He glanced over his shoulder, eyes narrowing as he saw the three of them looking after him and he had that gnawing feeling that it wasn't him they were looking at.

He pulled Miley closer, putting his arm around her waist possessively.

"Okay, seriously, Oliver, you're being weird. What's up?" she asked once they were within the walls of his house.

"They-- They're not good news, okay, Miles? Seriously.. If they talk to you or anything, just stay away from them," he said lowly. "Understand?"

Her lips twitched into a half smile. "Alright, I understand. You have nothing to worry about though," she said softly, linking her hands together at his lower back. "Now, are you going to tell me what's the history between you guys? Aren't you friends?"

"Yeah, I guess...Sorta-- Okay. No. We're not. Come on, let's go up to my room and I'll tell you there."

Oliver opened the door to his bedroom, and both he and Miley were surprised to see his grandmother standing there, bent over one of their suitcases.

He felt Miley stiffen beside him and upon closer inspection, he noted that the suitcase belonged to her.

"...What are you doing?" he asked carefully.

His grandmother didn't even jump or act shocked. She turned around, smiling cheerfully.

"Did you meet your friends outside?"

"You know they're not my friends."

"But they wanted to meet you and your new girlfriend."

"I'm sure they did," he said, his voice dangerously close to fury.

Miley was still silent, but Oliver thought he heard her mutter the word, 'bitch' under her breath. He tried not to smile.

He inhaled. "Do you mind? We'd like some time alone."

"Oh, of course, Oliver. Do you two need anything?"

"No," Miley said with a fake smile. "Thank you."

She responded with an equally fake smile.

Once the door closed and they heard her walk down the hallway, Miley immediately broke into furious whispers. "What the hell, Oliver! Why was she going through my things?!"

"I don't know," he muttered. "You didn't have anything bad did you?" he teased.

"No," she snapped, clearly still frustrated.

"Shh, don't worry, Miles. She's just.. nosy. Just learn to ignore it."

"Oliver, how am I supposed to ignore the fact that your grandparents clearly don't like me?!" she cried, hitting his chest in frustration.

"I dunno, Miles, but seriously... Just.." He kissed her neck. "Forget..." He kissed her jaw as he slowly started lifting her shirt up. "About it..."

He nudged her towards the bed, both ruffling the sheets as they tumbled upon them.

Their clothes were tossed haphazardly across the room, as the sheets flew around them, both struggling for dominance. Miley's hands were placed firmly on his chest and her legs were tangled around his, trying to flip him over so she was on top. He clearly wasn't allowing that, and he seemed to grow bored of her attempts, so he pinned her arms above her head,

"Oliverrr," she whined once she pulled her lips away from his.

He ignored her, latching his mouth onto her collarbone, causing her whining to turn into quiet moans and whimpers.

Miley slid her hands down his back, enjoying the feel of the muscle beneath her fingertips. She smiled a little at the wonders he worked on her body, closing her eyes and falling into a state of pure bliss and ecstasy.

She almost purred in pleasure when his strong fingertips worked their magic on her breasts, causing her to arch her back into his body.

He stopped his ministrations however, and she opened her eyes, a pout gracing her lips. He leaned down, kissing her slowly and sensually.

"Miley," he whispered. "I love you, you know that, right?"

She nodded, a little dazed from the kiss.

He captured her lips once more as his hands moved slowly down to her hips. On instinct, she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him to her. In a swift, fluid motion, he pushed himself into her, both of them groaning.

"Wai--wait-- condom?" she breathed, trying to keep her hips down.

"Aren't you on the pill?"

She nodded.

"Then it should be fine," he mumbled, wondering where his voice had gone. He moved his hands from her hips and waist to stabilize himself on the mattress, starting a rhythm. Her legs tightened around his waist, and he took that go faster and harder. He was right, sticking to his instinct as she moaned in pleasure, nails digging into his shoulder blades.

It started off fast, but he decided to slow it down, keeping it relaxing-- He wanted to enjoy this moment, to savour it, to embrace it. He groaned, letting his body cover hers a little as his hand inched a little up her stomach. She bit her lip, feeling practically every cell in her body screaming out its approval.

"Miley," he murmured. "Just...Relax," he breathed. He leaned in, kissing her, tugging at her lower lip to stop her from biting at it.

She moaned loudly in response, her hips bucking up against his.

He managed a grin. "See?"

Miley felt her eyelids get heavier, but she wanted to keep them open-- To keep her eyes fixed on her boyfriend, her lover, the love of her life, to enjoy this moment together with him. His darkened brown eyes, heavy with arousal gazed down back at her, the connection between them intensifying.

Oliver could vaguely hear the sound of the headboard hitting the wall ever so lightly and the bed creaking with age, but he was focused on the wondrous woman he had beneath him, both of them joined as one--

"Oh God," she breathed, eyes finally falling shut, and the connection was lost. He slumped a little, panting, losing himself momentarily. Her nails dug deeper into his shoulders and her legs remained wrapped around his waist, pulling him in deeper, closer.

Once her body stopped shuddering, as did his, her legs slackened, slipping down his now sweaty back. His hair was plastered to his face, as was hers. He suddenly felt tired, drained, all his worries returning to him. Miley felt the same, soft pants leaving her lips as she came down from that high, her head hitting the pillow full force.

He moved himself off her a little, but kept a leg draped over her legs. He pulled the blankets up from the ground over them, feeling the same fatigue she was probably feeling.

They remained like that, and although they were both tired, neither of them slept, eyes searching each other's, exploring each other in a way that they hadn't before.

It was real.

It was real love.

yeeeah. so seriously. ideas/feedback - those are things you can include in your review. ;D ;D try to crack 20 reviews this time, how about it? :) :)hi