Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach, I don't own WoW. Myself, I am owned by WannaBeNinja. :) Tessah and Serrelle are my own personal minions. They do as I say! Reika Arakaki belongs to my Master, WannaBeNinja. She has been kind enough to allow this humble minion to borrow her character for special appearances in this story.

Special dedication of this chapter goes out to my
partner in crime, angil! Thank you SO much
for uploading those Agents of Oblivion and Acid Bath
vids for me on YouTube!! :D I LUBS THEM!

I was so surprised to get all those reviews in such
a short time of posting chapter 15. They certainly inspired
me to get to work on ch 16, to give ya'll a little more
before I head out to Missouri.

See what reviews will get you?? Made me one
happy and very motivated author. XD

Sorry for the ridiculously long AN. I'm bad about that :D
Anywho, smut warning for this chapter. You know the drill. ;)


"Wait a minute…are you telling me he didn't rape you?"

"Well, no…he didn't…exactly."

"Spell out just what you mean by 'exactly'."

Brushing away her tears once more, Serrelle's eyelids fluttered and her gaze fell to the floor.

"It's just that…I didn't expect him to be so…rough. He was trying to hurt me, intentionally saying things that he knew would wound me deeply."

Reika's head jerked back, her lips twisting into a grimace of sorts. 'What in the hell?'

"Alright back up. I want you to tell me everything. And I mean it. Start from the beginning, 'kay?"

Chapter 16

Reika rocked back on her heels, a look of befuddlement playing across her scarred visage. Serrelle had just finished relaying every last sordid detail to her, though it took some prodding. The night elf was not eager to be forthcoming on the more intimate moments she'd shared with the hubristic Captain. After it all sank in, Reika took a moment to debate before speaking up.

"Huh…I think, in his own twisted and demented way…Kuchiki's got it bad for ya."

"You think?" Serrelle asked, her eyes hurt but hopeful.

A sharp intake of breath stopped Reika from answering, her head whipping towards the doorway to discover a stunned and rather angry looking Mihane. 'Ah shit' she thought, seeing the clothing scattered on the floor and determining that the conceited blonde had indeed heard that last bit. 'Bet that will stick in her craw. Her precious Captain aint interested in her. HA! Serves her right, but I'd rather her have not heard at all. Why the hell did Renji put her on guard duty anyway? I'm going to chew that man's ass out when I am relieved of my shift.'

"What did you just say?"

Reika arched a brow at the sharp tone being delivered to her. "I'd watch your attitude, 9th Seat Shirogane. What I said is none of your damn business."

Apparently, the ramifications of continuing on that vein meant nothing to the infuriated woman. Pointing at Serrelle, she bit her next words off with vast amounts of disdain and disbelief.

"Captain Kuchiki would have nothing to do with that freak. He is an honorable man, and one with excellent tastes. That woman is nothing but a ryoka, one he would not even think of sullying his hands with."

Serrelle jerked back as if struck, the woman's words striking bone deep. 'Is that it? Does he think I am a freak? Is he ashamed of the feelings he has towards me?' The elf chewed her lip as the thoughts swirled in her mind. None of them she wanted to believe, but he'd left her reeling, clarity far from her grasp.

Thinning her lips, Reika stood, tossing her shoulders back and giving Mihane her fiercest glare.

"That's enough Shirogane. One more word from you and you'll be not only relieved from your duties, but I'll see to it that your precious Captain hears of this." 'And I'll send your snooty ass through the fuckin' wall…' Reika left that bit unsaid, but continued when Mihane opened her mouth to speak.

"You wouldn't want that, now would you? Or then, maybe you do. Because maybe then he would notice you. I'm sure you've figured out by now, that it's you who is beneath him. I can envision it now, the scorn you will receive for being so out of line. After all, Kuchiki is a stickler for rules, isn't he?"

That did the trick. Her jaw snapped shut, clenching tightly. It surprised Reika to see the girls lip tremble slightly, but pleased her to know she'd struck a nerve. 'This chick is a serious nutjob. Thinks the sun rises and sets around Kuchiki's haughty ass.' Satisfied, Reika spoke again, her voice only slightly losing its harshness.

"Now that we've got that settled, pick up that yukata and bring it here. Then return to your post."

For once, the girl did what she was told without a word or even a contemptuous look. Seems Reika Arakaki had had put the fear of god in her, so to speak. She nearly snorted at the idea. 'Bet she thinks that Kuchiki prick is a god.'

It was only after Mihane had done as she was told, did the fearful member of Squad 4 decide it was safe enough to speak up. The young boy shuffled in behind her, darting out of the way when the blonde stalked past him out of the cell.

Moving up to the two remaining women, the raven haired healer offered them a nervous wave.

"H-h-hello. I'm…um…Yamada H-Hanataro….7th seat of--"

Reika waved him off "I know who you are; you can leave off the formalities kid."

Nodding gratefully, he began to move towards Serrelle, but gasped and averted his eyes once he got a good look at her. The elven woman had begun to stand, revealing just how little was covering her. Hanataro shielded his eyes even as he spun to face the opposite wall, patiently waiting while Reika offered her the yukata.

"Here you go. Put this on Serrelle, and don't let that bitch get to you. She's just a pathetic Kuchiki fan girl."

Still chewing her lip, Serrelle cast a saddened glance at Reika, accepting the yukata. With Reika's help, she carefully donned the garment, but refused to release the Captain's haori while doing so, even when it made things more difficult.

"Do you think…that's it, Reika?"

"That's what?" she responded, helping the woman into the robe.

"Do you think Byakuya…is ashamed of me?"

"Oh sweetie, don't say that. You're a beautiful woman, hell you're better lookin' than most women in Soul Society."

"Then why did he--?"

Reika held a warning finger to her lips, and then jerked a thumb to the young man in the cell with them. Serrelle bit her lip again, but nodded, and allowed the other woman to assist her in tying the obi around her waist.

Hanataro could not help but overhear their conversation, nor did he miss the hateful things said by Shirogane. In hopes of comforting the prisoner, he spoke up, wringing his hands and keeping his eyes plastered to the wall across from him.

"Y-you know…maybe there is a great disparity between you, and C-Captain Kuchiki, but…" he paused, taking a shaky breath. "That hasn't stopped him before! It was over half a century ago, but he fell in love and married a commoner from the Rukon district."

Serrelle and Reika paused, breaths held and hands frozen in mid air as they listened to the young man speak. His voice seemed to be growing in confidence a bit as he plowed heedlessly ahead.

"I think, maybe, Shirogane might just be jealous. It's no secret that she's been in love with him for years. Captain Kuchiki never even looks at her, or any other woman for that matter. They say his heart turned to stone when his wife died."

Serrelle's long brows fell slightly, a twinge of pity entering her heart. 'He lost his wife, the love of his life. How awful.' There was certainly more to the man than meets the eye, that much she had discerned within that first day spent with him.

"I think he's right." Reika said, giving the boy a curt nod, though he could not see it. "Of course, I don't know what the hell you see in that stiff bastard…Oh, you can turn around now Hana." She added, as an afterthought.

Serrelle offered her a weak smile, her lip trembling slightly. Holding up one finger, Reika scolded her lightly.

"Don't you even think about crying again. No more tears, alright?"

Letting out a mirthless snort that resembled laughter, Serrelle nodded, swirling the white haori around her and slipping her arms through the sleeves. Reika did not try to restrain her laughter at the sight, chuckling softly at the tall woman wearing a Captain's haori.

Curious, Serrelle tilted her head toward the battle scarred Lieutenant as she pulled her thick blue locks from under the coat. "What is so amusing to you?" She asked with a soft voice.

Reika waved her hand up and down a moment, smiling. "Ah, it's nothing. That haori looks nice on you though."

Not understanding precisely what she meant, Serrelle took her words for the compliment they sounded like. Pulling the garment tighter around her, she offered a hesitant smile to them both.

"Thank you."

Hanataro grinned shyly, finding it a little humorous himself. "Captain Kuchiki gave you that?" he asked as they moved to the doorway of the cell.

Serrelle nodded slowly, recalling the gloomy moment this night when he had appeared. His white haori was her light in the darkness. It meant safety, and in some tragic way, it meant love. The scent of the man was embedded deep within the cloth, providing another layer to the comfort it brought her. Lifting the collar of it now, she brought it to her nose with a smile. The redolence was soothing, despite all he had done to cause her injury.

When they stepped out into the night air, Reika heard the flustered gasp of Mihane and rolled her eyes. 'Here it comes…bitch just can't keep her yap shut, can she?'

"You aren't seriously going to allow her to wear that, are you?!"

Stopping in place, Reika slid her eyes over to her left, lips twisting into a vicious snarl. "Why don't you take that up with your Captain? He's the one who gave it to her to wear."

Again there was that delightful click of her jaw snapping shut, Reika once more putting the supercilious twit in her place. 'Gods that's starting to feel good.'

"Why don't you take a walk to the end of the bridge Shirogane, cool your heels till I call for ya."

"What?! Abarai Fuku-taichou said I was to remain--"

"I think he'll agree with me on this after I talk to him, and I will be talking to him come morning."

Seething, Mihane balled her fists up as though she wanted to strike someone. Most likely Reika, though Serrelle was not spared that murderous glare of hers. Finally, she stalked off indignantly, muttering under her breath. Reika was able to pick up 'prisoner' and 'worthless', as the girl moved down the long bridge.

Once she was gone, Hanataro looked up at the tall elven woman bashfully. "Um, Miss Serrelle?"

Blinking, Serrelle turned to look down at him, unintentionally intimidating him with her sheer height. One long, blue brow rose ever so slightly, forming a look of curiosity on her lovely face.


"What exactly am I here to heal? I don't mean any offense, but you don't look injured…"

Reika opened her mouth to respond, but Serrelle spoke up first, a strange smile forming on her dark lips.

"Actually, I don't believe Lieutenant Arakaki understood the extent of my abilities when she sent for you. Now that I am free of that rather…draining cell, I can heal myself."

"Really?" Reika and Hanataro said in unison. Reika sounded only slightly curious, but Hanataro sounded a bit awestruck.

Straightening, Serrelle's smile brightened considerably as she felt the strength of Elune once again filling her body. When she last felt it, she'd been too consumed with the horror she'd just endured, as well as the close proximity she'd held to the disconcerting Kuchiki heir. She'd barely even noticed Elune's welcoming embrace at the time. Now she welcomed it whole heartedly.

Bending her elbows, the Kaldorei woman held her hands up in front of her, rolling her wrists delicately in a rhythmic pattern. Incantations were whispered in a breathy voice, words none but Serrelle could understand. As a result, a faint glow began to surround her body; its mystic aura filled with melodious chimes that encompassed the small area around her. Reika and Hanataro watched, gazing at her intently as the light seemed to seep into her body.

When the radiance dissipated, Serrelle looked refreshed, feeling lighter than she had since first being placed in her isolated captivity. After the healing waves of Elune's grace enveloped her, the ache he'd left between her thighs vanished. Sadly, it did nothing for the ache within her heart.

"Better?" Reika asked, watching the rise and sudden fall of Serrelle's face. 'Wonder what that was about…she looked happy for a moment there.'

"Yes." The elf responded quietly, already turning back to enter her cell.

Rubbing the back of his head, Hanataro let out an awkward laugh. "Well then, guess I'll be going now…"

Nodding, Reika clapped the boy on his shoulder. "Hana…on your way out, be sure to tell Shirogane she can come back, alright?"

"Y-yes ma'am, Lieutenant Arakaki!"

As the timorous healer scurried away, Reika turned back to the cell, peering in. Serrelle had moved over to the small bed provided and was staring down at it with a forlorn expression. It tugged at Reika's normally hardened heart to see her like that. The willowy goddess held her hands clasped tightly together at her waist, squeezing them as though it would help to dam the tears that once again threatened to spill over.

Despite the dramatic difference in rank and lack of true 'nobility' amongst her people, at that moment, Serrelle Whisperwind looked every bit a sorrowful queen to Reika. Even with her head bowed, her swan like neck held it just so, providing her an elegant grace. Her stance was that of a proud, privileged woman, and yet she held a certain humility to her that made her appeal to nearly everyone she met.

It was a shame to see such a warm, benevolent woman suffering so much. Turning her head slowly, the night elf cast a lugubrious glance at her guardian. She attempted a smile, but it never reached her eyes. Even from a distance, Reika didn't buy it for one second.

"Thank you for your kindness, Lieutenant."

"It's Reika" she responding in a forced attempt to tease her. "And you're welcome. Good night, Serrelle."

"Good night, Reika."

With that doleful parting, the large, seki seki door slid shut, snapping into place with a loud click. Reika stared at the door for a moment after it had closed, frowning in thought. 'I don't care if the poor girl is in love with him. Kuchiki is going to pay for what he's done to her. One way or another…'


At long last, Renji found himself holding the reins again. Tessah's slow torture had been sweet agony, but now it was his turn. Of course, that didn't mean he wasn't going to have a little fun with her himself. Judging by the smug look on her face, she was expecting it and had every intention of enjoying whatever he planned.

"Hands." He said. It wasn't a question.

Tossing him a catlike grin, Tessah held her wrists together as an offering to him. Carefully, Renji bound them together, careful not to make them too tight. He didn't want some careless action such as that to end up disrupting their fun down the road.

With that out of the way, Renji braceleted her already bound wrists and locked them in place above her head. Even as he stretched across her, Tessah taunted him, reaching up and running her tongue under his chin and down his throat. Just that little action was enough to cause a ripple of chills down his spine. There was something about that tender area that drove him mad. If she'd had more time to pay attention to it, she could have easily distracted him and bent him to her will.

As it were, he quickly moved out of her range, sliding his head down and taking one firm breast into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the edges of her nipple playfully. Just a tease, before pausing and moving away. Despite herself, Tessah whimpered when he pulled back. The cool air hitting the dampness he'd left in his wake was already forming prickles across her skin.

Renji wandered further down with his mouth, his other hand steadily stroking the inside of her thigh. Each time he brought it just to the outskirts of her femininity, brushing it lightly before wandering downward again. With each light brushing, her hips moved, struggling to bring him closer.

Tessah's smooth, trim figure twisted beneath his skillful caresses, writhing with pleasure and aching for his touch. Her mouth hung open, breathy pants escaping here and there, along with an occasional epithet or prayer. Renji's thumb finally came to rest on the delicate folds of skin, touching them so lightly it nearly made her curse him. Her back arched off the bed, tossing her head and sending her eyes rolling back.

Spreading those lavender lips apart slightly, Renji held himself just above her, taunting her still. Tessah fought against the bonds that held her, pushing forward and being gently pushed back each time. To give her just a taste, he slipped in the very tip, though in doing so he tortured himself. Her body was positively radiating the heat, and the slickness that allowed him to slip in so easily was more fuel to the fire. Nothing was more satisfying in knowing that he was the reason for the damp heat, for her frenzied squirms and silent prayers.

Slipping in a little further, he bit back a moan. Tessah, however, did not hold back, openly pleading with him now.

"Ash karath…ash karath. Dalah Elune, ash karath Renji!"

Somewhere he'd heard that said before, but he didn't have a clue what it meant. All he heard was her calling his name, and her strange words sounded much like begging. That was all he needed to know.

"What's that Tessah? Don't you want more?" he asked, intentionally punctuating the last word with another push, placing himself halfway within her.


Smirking, he cupped one breast in his hand, stroking the nipple with his thumb. "I'll take that as a yes."

Her head bobbed emphatically, her eyes squeezed tightly shut. To further torment her, he began to pull himself out at a snails pace. It was nearly too much for him, the crushing heat, squeezing him mercilessly. More than anything, he wanted to be buried to the hilt.

Tessah managed to grant him that wish, for as he began to draw back, she moaned in protest. Her long legs swiftly wrapped around his waist, entrapping him. Using this new leverage, she lifted her hips at the precise moment she pulled him forward. A pleasure drenched scream left her lips as he finally was driven home.

Renji joined in her lustful cry, further aroused by her action, and by the intensity that gripped him so fiercely. Before he could even recover, Tessah was rolling her hips against him, grinding and seeking out her own pleasure. Under his hand, he felt her tendons shift as her hands curled into fists, releasing and squeezing over and over. The movement kept time with her heady thrusts, somehow managing to control him despite her position.

He would certainly not be one to complain. The time for feather light teasing past, he too began moving with increased alacrity. Tessah's whispered mutters in a foreign tongue only added another layer to the already overflowing stimulation. The scent of honeysuckles surrounded him, mixing with the musk of their intermingling sex. Anything and everything spurred him on, drawing out and allowing him to bask in every last moment of bliss.

With her increased whimpers and moans, Renji could tell her release would not be far. Tessah moved her hips in just a certain way, guiding him with her legs, leading him to where she needed it most. With her skillful guiding, he was able to stroke against her weakest point, sending her spinning further and further into the abyss.

Tessah could feel the tingling sensation already beginning to form, from the blinding pleasure and the lack of oxygen caused by her breathy gasps. Her entire body was beginning to sting with the delicious sensation that she knew to be a prelude of what was to come. Bucking against him, she tried to deepen his plunges, offering him all she could and nearly crooning at the satisfying results.

"Kaminode, yori oi" Renji rasped, meeting her thrust for thrust.

Her zeal was such a turn on, as was the way she fought against his grip, helpless but not. That too drove him on, savoring her as the captive that was truly the captor. She mesmerized him, wrapping him in her seductive spell.

When her release came, the muscles that already held him in a death grip crashed around him, squeezing the life from him. Renji's eyes grew wide from the sudden increase in pressure, his breath stolen right from his chest.

Tessah let out a stream of Darnassian, in which Renji was certain he heard his name. One couldn't help but feel a smug sense of satisfaction at that, though it was far outweighed by the strain against him, still growing tighter. It didn't even seem possible, it was a snug fit as is, and yet, she still managed to squeeze the life from him at her peak.

The sudden relaxing of those same muscles allowed him to gulp in a deep breath of air, something he'd been forgetting to do. Once his lungs were recharged, he sought to deplete them again, devouring her mouth with his. She tasted of sweetness mixed with the salt of their sweat, to which her body shone with, she was absolutely scintillating.

She'd hardly recovered from her first orgasm, and he was eagerly demanding another. It felt too good, mind numbingly so.

"Mata!" he demanded, lifting her and sliding one arm underneath her body, using his elbow for leverage.

The new angle sparked a world of sensations, washing over them both in a resounding wave of rapture. It seemed like every move they made served to bring more and more gratification. Renji forgot about holding her wrists down, releasing her to allow himself free roam of her body. Calloused fingertips searched her at length, pinching and stroking, much to her delight.

Taking her into hand, he lifted her to meet him, both of them hovering off the futon. With his eager thrusts, whispered and moaned encouragements, it was not long before she did give him precisely as he demanded. Once again a vice formed around him, forcing down on him with enormous pressure.

The sheer power of it clawed at him, dragging him to the brink. Unwilling to go just yet, Renji slowed his pace, letting the friction drag across him, sparking an agonizing blaze that he felt all the way to his toes. Sliding his arm from beneath her, he shifted. Still trapped in an orgasmic fog, Tessah stared up at him with glazed eyes.

Carefully, he lifted one soft, smooth leg, rolling her over on her side. He'd meant to continue on rolling her, but with her legs squeezed together like that, she created a similar vice as she did naturally when she came.

"Gods…" he whispered, slowly taking in this new position.

Through the pleasurable haze, Tessah whispered adulatory phrases, switching from her native tongue to one he could actually comprehend. Clearly, she enjoyed it as much as he did. It was satisfying to see this new, more vulnerable side of her. She's stopped trying to lead the way long before, allowing him to guide her, to control her. If she'd offered any sort of complaint, it was only to plead for more.

Because of the precarious position they were now in, Renji took his time. Once again he teased her, sliding out almost entirely just to hear her mewled protests, before slamming back into her for a howl of ecstasy. She surprised him by finding release once more, crying out his name with an almost drunken thickness to her voice.

'That's it' he thought, 'Can't take it anymore.'

Taking hold of her hip, he finished what he started, gently moving her to her stomach. Reaching under her, he placed one hand on the flat of her stomach, pulling her up to her knees, and back into him. They moaned together, Tessah still swaying from the last orgasm that left her mind and body reeling.

Renji took her by the hips, straightening her until the position suited him just right. She was resting on her hands and knees, arms still bound and stretched before her, hands clasped in what almost looked like prayer. Moonlight glimmered off her body, a thin sheen of sweat coating her skin. For a moment, he just stared, taking in the new and quite exhilarating view of his goddess.

Dipping one hand beneath her again, he reached between her legs, fingers sliding through the soft mound of hair. Tessah whimpered as he located her weakness, and began to stroke her from outside as well as within.

He started slow, finger tracing a tight circle, while he kept a steady thrust going. His free hand held her hip firmly, kneading at it so hard it nearly made her cry out. The balance of pleasure and pain sent a phenomenal, orgy of sensations setting her blood ablaze. It was a fire she'd happily let burn until the end of her days, if only she could.

Tessah was being driven to madness with his skillful ministrations, well on her way to yet another zenith. They seemed to just spread like wildfire, each one easier to reach than the last, and more powerful than its predecessor. Determined to join her in that sea of mindless euphoria, Renji increased his pace, bringing both hands to rest on her hips. Tessah's mewls quickly became moans, that rose to howls, and finally to screams as the rhythm continued to climb.

She could feel him pulsating within, driving into her at full force. His hands did more than hold her steady, they brought him back to meet him, making each thrust explosive. It was not long before her fingers clawed helplessly at the sheets, begging him for mercy and release.

The barrier crumbled away as she brought him back to the edge, his body trembling with the anticipation of releasing his very soul into her. Tessah heard his guttural moan, and greedily sought to join him. When she bore down on him a final time, right as he reached his own peak, Renji thought he would die then and there.

Breath coming out in a whoosh, he managed a ragged "ohgodsTessah" before his voice failed him completely. His muscles felt like they'd turned to water, barely allowing him to holding himself upright. Hanging his head, he looked at the woman beneath him, now resting on her elbows. Renji nearly laughed when he realized just looking at her this way made him want her again. Moments after he was spent, he already was filled with thoughts of claiming her, over and over.

With a disappointed sigh, he slid from her, wincing at the sudden temperature drop. Nothing was like the searing heat that had been surrounding him. 'Another reason to do it again' he thought with a smirk. Grabbing hold of her shoulders, he dragged her down to the bed with him, molding her into his form.

Their hearts were still racing, the blood pumping through their veins with lightening speed. The orgasmic high had not faded yet, covering them both in its all consuming haze. Renji didn't know how long they lay there until the adrenaline faded. Somewhere in the night, he managed to find his coverlet and pull it over them. Burying his face into her neck, he drifted off, finding the best night's sleep he'd had in ages.

A/N:Whew! Smut is exhausting, period. Vampire sex or no. I sincerely hope that made you twist and squirm in your seat. If ya have tips, I'll take em. If you just want to lemme know what you thought, I'll take that too. Review for me my faithful readers!! (if you've made it this far, you'd have to be faithful, ne?)hank

Thank you ArjetLunafor teaching me some naughty Japanese, though I didn't use but one term here. Wouldn't have been very original of me otherwise, eh? :D boy did I learn some seriously x-rated works hahaha I am going to have to stop reading her stories tho! We think up the same shit, I swear... -shakes head- I've got nothing on her talent though.

Ah yes, if you want translations, well then I guess you'll just have to review for me, won't you? MWAHAHA I'll drag you closet pervs out into the open! :D Hey…I AM the evil minion, 'member?

Thank you time! Haha bet you thought I neglected you, huh? NEVAH!!

Thank you very much, -huggles- to all of my
loyal readers/reviewers.
WannaBeNinja, angil, Dark-Flame-Girl, BlueDione,
and I(love)Bleach.

My PMers that gimmie their love – AnimeChick247,
and Kira10566.

Thanks to my shy peeps who have this story as a
fav or on alert :D Hope you're enjoying too!
Dhamon45, Kraytkiller, Oblong, SatireV
and xenocanaan.

-pokes- Korraganitar, Byakuya117, espereto and muffin eating jackel
just makin' sure you're still there ;D –pokepoke-

-WannaBeNinja's Evil Minion of Doom-
-Angil's Partner in Crime-
-GreenShade's Story Stalker-
-ArjetLuna's Groupie Fangirl-
-D.F.G.'s Corrupt Cohort-
-Jazzmaster's Judgement Junkie-

Sweet Yuya Shiina