Okay, people, this is it. The last chapter of this baby. I hope the BB fluff will satisfy all you fluff bunnies out there. Now, go ahead and enjoy. :)

After spending the afternoon off with Angela lunching, shopping, chatting and gossiping, well listening to Angela gossip anyway, Brennan felt completely exhausted. Spending time with Angela was great but exhausting nonetheless.

Plus her mind apparently wanted to asses every aspect of the new found emotion of love for her partner. Positing scenarios as to how the evening that awaited her will proceed. Should she be direct? Should she let his behavior be her guide or should she be the one to take the lead? What if he doesn't feel the same way? Although at this point that pretty much didn't feel like an option to her anymore. She was not good at reading people, but he was definitely giving away all the right signals.

She dipped her body into the inviting bath that she decided to indulge in and sank under the water surface. The warmth enveloped her and she instantly relaxed although her mind was still churning around at light speed. After a while she reached for her watch that was sitting on top of the pile of clothes on the floor. Six forty. Oh god. She nearly jumped out of the water releasing the plug in the process and reached for the towel.

Booth reached her door five minutes early. Feeling a bit nervous he debated on whether to wait until seven or not. But in the end he decided to simply knock. So he did. First knoeck. No answer. Knock. Again. Again. Still no answer. Now he was getting worried. He tried the handle. The door was locked. Good girl. He fished the spare key she gave him out of his pocket and opened the door. Stepping inside cautiously he scanned the apartment for any sign of trouble. Everything was in place, nothing was out of order. He placed the take-out food on the kitchen counter and a sound from down the hall drew his attention to the bathroom. He approached quickly and found himself for the second time in a matter of minutes in front of a closed door knocking.

"Bones? You in there?" Booth said knocking on her bathroom door at which point the sound of the blow drier died and she spoke, "Booth?"

"Yeah," he answered.

"I'll be right out, just make yourself comfortable. There's beer in the fridge," she said.

"You think it's safe to open it?" Booth asked.

"That's not funny, Booth," she said with a scolding tone.

"Just kidding, Bones, okay," he said already retreating to the kitchen.

He slumped back into the chair next to the kitchen counter beer in hand. He opened the bottle and lifted it to his lips just as the bathroom door opened. His head instinctively swiveled around only to catch a glimpse of Brennan's slender form moving into her bedroom, clad only in a black lacy bra and matching panties. Oh dear Lord of all that is good and pure. His mouth went dry and he was pretty sure his jaw hit the floor.

Regaining his composure but with the image of her still fresh in his mind he shook his head and took a giant sip to calm himself. His heart beat slowly returned to normal and he took a deep breath. Okay, control yourself. But his mind found a drive of its own as a fresh batch of ideas, the gist of which was running into her bedroom and jumping her right then and there, wouldn't quite let him be. Damn it.

She emerged from her bedroom shortly after in a very, deliciously, tight pair of jeans that hugged her curves in just the right places and a plain top. With no make-up and her hair cascading down her shoulder, Booth thought she never looked more beautiful.

"Okay, here I am, what did you bring," Brennan asked as she inspected the Thai food boxes on the table. Hm, all of my favorites, who would have guessed, she bemused and let a smirk play on her face.

"Oh, well, the usual," was his answer, "Was that pie I saw in the fridge?" as he grinned almost from ear to ear.

"Yeah, I stopped by the diner on my way home and picked some up. It's apple and cherry," she answered smiling, knowing fully well that he would be quite grateful. Maybe he could show just how grateful he is later in the bedroom. Oh God, listen to yourself. I am and her smile widened.

After digging into the food at the kitchen table they fell into their routine of discussing everything and nothing. Work. Parker. Latest case. Angela and Hodgins. Even Zach. The expectations both of them had of this evening were bubbling beneath the surface, but remained unvoiced for the time being.

She was in the middle of explaining something to him that started with her two famous words, anthropologically speaking, but all he could focus on were here full lips and her blue eyes that always sparkled as she was talking about anything that she was particularly interested in.

He became aware that he was staring only when her lips stopped moving and as he raised his eyes to hers she said, "Booth, are you listening to me?"

"Sorry, Bones, you kind of lost me somewhere in between. What were you saying?" Booth said a bit embarrassed that he couldn't remember a single word she said.

"You know, you seem a bit lost quite a lot lately when we're talking. What are you thinking about so intensely?" she asked raising her eyebrows.

"I…uhm…nothing in particular," came from his lips but his mind was saying, you Bones, I'm always thinking about you, thinking about kissing you, touching you, holding you, always you, only you, you, you, you.

"Liar," she said laughing at his mock indignant expression.

"Hey, be nice, I brought food," he retorted playfully.

She only grinned at him and he quickly diverted her attention away from his lack of concentration by asking, "How was your visit with Max this morning?"

"It was fine," she said a bit absent-mindedly.

"Fine, Bones? Come on, you know, you can tell me," he said reassuringly.

"I know Booth," she said quietly and then paused. He gave her the time to organize her thoughts and waited for her to speak.

"We talked about mom," she said quietly after some time of silence.

"Really," he said, "That's good, Bones, that's good."

"Yeah, for a moment I almost had the feeling that Max and I we were sitting in our kitchen after I came home from school and waiting for mom and Russ to join us, talking about this and that. Then they would both show up and we would all sit down to a family lunch," she said voice full of emotions and slightly wavering.

"We talked about how they fell in love and how he knew she was his special someone," she said once again, eyes shimmering.

"That's good, Bones. You should talk about her, you are a part of her after all and she did love you with all her heart. You should remember how happy you were," Booth said gently fighting the urge to scoop her up in his arms and kiss her pain away.

"Do you think…" she said glancing briefly up at his face before her eyes wandered back to the table where her fingers played with the scrunched up napkin. She never finished her sentence and got up to clear the plates of the table. He was clearly aware of her inner turmoil, but if he learned anything about Bones in these past years, is that when she's ready she will speak her mind. Temperance stopped mid-action, took a deep breath and continued, "Do you think you'll ever find that special someone, you know, someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, someone to kiss goodbye in the morning, someone to fall asleep with, someone to love…" she trailed off as tears sprang to her eyes.

She didn't even realize that she inched her way around the table towards him as she was saying the words until she was standing in front of him almost in between his knees. Like there was an invisible force that drew her closer to him.

"I don't think I have to," he said.

She looked at him then turned her gaze away staring out the window and closing her eyes she uttered, "Why," her word so silent that Booth doubted he would have heard her if she wasn't standing so close to him.

It almost sounded like a plea and the vulnerability that she was displaying nearly broke his heart and it pained him that she would think she was unworthy of love, because in his eyes she was worthy of everything.

He stood up and with a finger under her chin brought her face to meet his. Her eyes were still closed and as she opened them he found they were filled with unshed tears.

"Because I already found her," he said answering her. She looked at him and noticed through the slightly tear-blurred vision that his dark brown eyes wore that look again, that look of love and adoration and it was for her. It was only for her.

His thumb was stroking gently over her jaw line occasionally reaching the soft contours of her lips as he spoke, "From the first time that I've met her I knew she was special. That she was one of a kind. She is the most beautiful, courageous, strong, stubborn, gorgeous woman I know and she found her way into my heart almost from the start."

"She is a wonderful friend to have and I would do anything to protect her. Even when I was with other women she was constantly in the back of my mind. It was always her. And I realized that I want more. I want all of her and I want her to have all of me."

Temperance felt completely mesmerized, entranced by his words and his eyes and the tears that were threatening to fall before, now flew freely down her cheeks, onto his fingers and finally dropped to the floor like little sparkling diamonds shattering on impact.

"She infiltrated herself into every part of my life. She's with me in my heart everywhere I go, anywhere I am. She's with me in my dreams, she's there when I wake up, she's everything."

"And I can't hold back anymore, I can't. I want her. I need her. I want to give her anything and everything. I love her, I love her so much," he said and cupping her face he gazed into her beautiful blue eyes as he continued, "I love you Temperance. God, I love you. I've loved you for so long."

The tears were dry upon her rosy cheeks but a fire burnt within her that could not be denied. She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his shoulder whispering, "I love you too. Of course I do. How could I not love you."

She sighed, "You're everything I could ever hope for and I want to make you happy, because I know you can make me happy. I want you to be home to me because you are my everything and you always will be," she said her voice gaining its strength fueled by her love, by his love, by their love.

"And I know I'm not good at relationships, but I want to try, I want to try for you and for me. I don't want to be alone anymore."

She raised her head and looked at him. His eyes were closed, a smile paying across his face and she brushed her fingers across his cheek. She leaned in closer and kissed him. His lips were incredibly soft and gentle.

His hand snuck into her hair and tangled itself in her curls, pressing her closer against him. The tenderness of the kiss overwhelmed her and she felt like she was falling and flying at the same time.

If he thought that hearing her say she loved him was heaven, he was wrong. Kissing her was even better. The gentleness turned slowly into passion and desire as their tongues found each other and the kiss deepened, releasing the flames inside them that that already burnt with full force.

Her hands found their way under his T-shirt and planted themselves on his chest over his heart. He was almost trembling under her touch and the need for oxygen became dire. They broke apart, their foreheads and noses touching and they simultaneously opened their eyes.

With one hand she cupped his cheek while the other gently traced the lines of his face, forever imprinting this moment into her memory. She smiled and her eyes gained a whole new shade of blue and he instantly knew that he would and will do anything in his power to make her smile and look at him like that for the rest of her life.

Hours later they laid in each other's arms underneath her bedcovers. Her head rested on his chest, her auburn curls splayed across his bare torso as she listened to his heart beat steady and surely under her. And she felt at home. More than she felt at home anywhere in the last fifteen years.

His fingers played across the soft expanse of her back and she giggled, quite girlishly, as he grazed the parts of her skin that were ticklish. "Booth," she said in between laughs, "Stop."

But her protests were to no avail and they soon engaged in a tickling war, filling the quiet night with their laughter. After a while they fell back to the bed sprawled on their backs, chests heaving, faces flushed. They quieted down and Temperance turned towards him propping her head on her elbow, looking at him, eyes sparkling. He mimicked her actions and placed a quick kiss on her forehead.

"You never said anything about the article," she observed.

"Bones, you know as well as I do that it was written wonderfully," he said smiling.

"Well, at some point today everybody else wanted to convey their opinion about it and I guess I just wanted to know what you thought about it," she said looking at him from underneath her eyelashes.

She looked almost shy and he had to smile. He sometimes still couldn't believe that the woman that could intimidate many a man in this world could sometimes be so insecure about herself. But he wouldn't change anything about her, not one thing.

He pulled her closer into his arms and said, "I'm very proud of you Temperance, proud of who you've become and I gotta say your evolution is definitively impressive." He chuckled at his own words as he remembered their little talk in the diner that day.

"Ha ha, very funny Booth," she said as she playfully pinched one of his nipples.

"Hey, hey, careful there," he exclaimed, "These babies are still a bit tender from your earlier attacks."

"If I recall you weren't protesting earlier," she said as she pulled herself up placing a big sloppy wet kiss on his lips. As she pulled away he only grinned at her, realizing that she was his addiction. And he intended to fully indulge in it. Plus now that he heard his name, his first name, mind you, spilling from her lips in the height of pleasure, he knew he could never be happy with anyone else but her.

"Seriously, Bones, you wrote it beautifully," he said playing with her curls.

"Thank you," she said softly nuzzling her head into his neck, "Although, all I did was speak the truth, I didn't embellish, you know."

"I know and that's one of the things I love about you. I love your honesty, well, at times brutal honesty," he said and smiled, "But another thing I love is your full acceptance of me."

"Acceptance?" she said wondering.

"Yeah, even though you know what I have done as a sniper, a soldier, even though you know I had gambling problems in the past, you never judged me. Not once. You never saw me as some kind monster for my actions…"

"Booth," she tried to cut him off.

"I'm really grateful for that Temperance, it means a lot to me," he said.

"Booth, just as you accept me for who I am, I accept you for who you are. I wouldn't have you any other way. Because all that you went through in your life shaped you into the man you are today and I love you just the way you are," she said lovingly.

"Thank you," he said squeezing her tighter and placing a kiss on her hair, "Now, how 'bout we catch a little shut eye before the dawn breaks."

"Yes, let's," she said snuggling closer and pulling a blanket over them. They both fell asleep, happy and satisfied, lulled into the veils of their dreams by their steady heart beats and peaceful breathing.

Despite their nocturnal activities they woke up a couple hours later relaxed and with a somewhat new-found energy for life that coursed through their bodies. Inhaling a deep breath and filling his lungs with the intoxicating scent of the woman lying next to him Booth opened his eyes and smiled. Life is beautiful.

"Hey, sexy," she said sleepily and stretched her body, arching her back and letting out a content sigh.

"Hey, gorgeous," he said leaning in and capturing her lips in a passionate kiss.

"I haven't woken up this content and satisfied in a long time," she said smiling mischievously, a gleam in her eyes.

"Well, let's see if I can make you feel even better," he said grinning as he pulled himself on top of her, covering her body and showering her face with small kisses. She immediately wrapped her arms around him, pressing him closer.

A few minutes later the phone rang piercing through the air filled only by their gasps and gentle moans. She reached her hand to answer it and heard him mumble, "Leave it."

"It'll only keep ringing, if don't answer," she said trying to compose herself.

"Brennan," she said still slightly out of breath.

"Good morning, sweetie, did I wake you, you sound kind of sleepy," Angela's voice echoed from the receiver.

"Ange, what are you doing up at…" she glanced at the watch on the nightstand, "six thirty in the morning?"

"Oh, I wanted to know how yesterday evening with Booth went…" Angela started explaining, but Brennan's concentration quickly faded as Booth was doing such wonderful things to her body with his mouth.

She bit back a moan and tried to focus on Angela's voice through the hazy fog that was her brain. She picked up on something like Jack…snoring…couch…uncomfortable…no sleep. She extended her phone-wielding arm away from her ear and with the other brought his lips to hers kissing him deeply.

Booth reached for the phone releasing it from Brennan's loose grip and said into the receiver, "Angela," complete silence on the other end, she's probably in shock, "Temperance is kind of, uhm, busy at the moment, she'll have to call you back, bye," he hurried the words out of his mouth as Brennan's lips attached to his neck.

The last thing that came from the receiver before he pressed the end call button was, "Oh my g…" and he imagined that the words must have only been followed by a shriek so mighty, it could shatter a wine glass in a millisecond. However, he had more pressing matters to attend to and his lips resumed their position on Brennan's skin, where as far as he was concerned they could stay attached to for the rest of his life.


So, there you go. The story's done and I would just like to thank all of you readers and reviewers for supporting me and making me happy by liking this story. :):):)

And hopefully if time allows it, I will be adding another story soon. So keep on the look-out. Thanks again for everything. Over and out (for now).

Have fun everyone. :):):) Maya