Yo! Gosh, thank you for all the reviews so far! x) I have added in some SasuNeji love in this chapter xD I hope you like it! ENJOY!

"Now, how do we do this?" Neji thought to himself as he snatched the map of Hidden Leaf Village from Sasuke's hands. Sasuke didn't retort or snap back at him because he was still busy dealing with Naruto about just now and all.

"How could you do this?! I lost the challenge and the idea failed all because of you stupid fool! I hate you!" He hit Naruto on the head millions of times.

"Okay! Okay! Stop it please! Sorry!" Naruto kept apologizing profusely as Sasuke strangled, hit, scolded and kicked him.

Neji just laughed. Sasuke heard him and shouted, "What is so funny?!"

"Eh? Oh, nothing. I just thought you were kind of cute reprimanding him." Neji froze. Oh my gosh. What did I say?

Sasuke gasped. He was taken aback. Neji just said he was cute.

Naruto smirked. Whoa, this is interesting…

"I see. Umm… Oh, your hair is untidy. Guess it must have been from the fight." Sasuke kindly pointed out to Neji.

"Hee hee. Thanks." He untied his hair and brushed it carefully with his comb.

Sasuke gulped. When Neji let down his hair, he looked nice. As in handsome… Wait, stop thinking about him! Why do I always get mesmerized by him?

Hyuuga, when he was done, turned to Uchiha and smiled warmly. Sasuke scratched his head. He had no idea how to react.

Did he like this ninja? This talented, handsome ninja… wait! Stop it! He is NOT talented or handsome! Get a grip on yourself Uchiha Sasuke!

But he just couldn't help it. Those eyes of his… His lips were too tempting…

Without warning, Sasuke bent towards Neji and kissed him on the lips. Neji gasped and Sasuke pressed against his lips even harder. Still recovering from the shock, the Hyuuga pulled back, touching his lips as if he thought it was all a dream.

Upon realizing what he had just done, Uchiha blinked his eyes in amazement. He didn't expect himself to…

Naruto eyed the two of them. He seriously thought they were going to sit there until dawn broke.

Finally, Neji smiled a little and whispered, "That was really sweet of you." It was only meant for himself to hear but nonetheless, Sasuke heard it and answered, "My pleasure."

Uzumaki looked at the two of them with glee. He loved every minute of it! Sasuke caught the klutz smiling to himself out of the corner of his eye and grinned, "Looks like you have enjoyed the 'break' very well… Back to unfinished business."

Naruto covered his face with his red, sore hands (due to Sasuke's beatings just now) and screamed, "NO! No! Don't do this anymore! Sasuke!"

Neji shook his head, "Like I said, should have known better Naruto than turn a deaf ear to Lee… By the way, where's that guy?"

"Oh, he said something about meeting Gai-sensei for more details on the mission… something about Kakashi-sensei's whereabouts." Naruto replied, still covering his face fearing the Sharingan user will try to murder him.

Neji laid out the map right in front of him and examined it carefully. Where would be the best place to leave them alone?

The museum, the ramen shop, the park, the school. Neji thought as his long and slender finger ran through the map.

"Wait… the park!" Neji excitedly shouted to himself. The other two stared at him interestingly as he exclaimed to himself, "I could actually make this work!"

Just then, Rock came into the room, "Guys! You have got to see this!"


"Is this actually real?!" The three of them cried. Rock and Gai grinned from ear to ear.

"You've snooping around Kakashi's room, haven't you?" Sasuke asked the Jounin.

"Of course! I wouldn't be called a spy for nothing!" Gai showed off his pose.

The five of them stared at the diary. There it was. This is proof that Kakashi loved Shikamaru in black and white. This was huge. The diary entry stated this-

Dear Diary,

Do you love somebody? It's been quite a long time since I fell in love. But recently, this new fond feeling has come back into my life. Shikamaru is a good student and I like him a lot. But has this 'like' turned into 'love'? I guess it has. Well, I just got to say…

I love you.

Signing off,

Kakashi Hatake

Boy, this is turning out to be fun…

Heehee, here you go! I hoped you liked it and please review! xD You'll really make my day xD