Okay, I am really sorry for taking so long to get the update out. Like I said before my husband was coming home and we've been getting reaquianted. We also found out that he will be deploying to Iraq for the third time this November. I know right he just got home and now he's leaving again... The life of a military familiy.

School has also kept me from my duties, oh wait school is my duty. Well either way I've been really busy. So I'll try to get the next update out soon, but nothing is set in stone. I'm trying to graduate people. August here I come.

Disclamer: Once again I own nothing, though a really tall demon Adonis could help me pass the time;)

Reviews are feul.

Kagome was livid; pacing back and forth she looked like a caged animal biding its time before the eventual escape and attack. She just couldn't understand why all the men in her life were completely insane. She knew they were hiding something from her, but the question was why. Finally giving up Kagome flopped down on her bed with a sigh.

He could hear her pacing; yes she was still pissed and would be so for a very long while. Placing his head in his hands in a very undignified manner Sesshomaru decided that he needed to explain things to her. While Sesshomaru wasn't one to explain things to anyone, Kagome had always been the exception. It was something about her that made him give in to her needs and he'd hated himself for it.

Bending to the will of a small human woman was something Sesshomaru never thought he would do; it was not possible, that would prove he had a weakness. Kagome's sorrowful sigh brought Sesshomaru out of his musings. Deciding that he was going to have to confront her at some point he figured he may as well do it sooner rather than later. Making his way towards their bedroom Sesshomaru heard her sigh yet again and then he was assaulted with the scent of salt. 'Kami, she's crying.'

As Sesshomaru contemplated how he was going to calm her down, he caught a change in her scent and his eyes went wide; it was so familiar, a mixture of both their scents but still unique in its own right. The look on Sesshomaru's face was actually quite comical as he realized that she was with pup. He sat beside Kagome while rubbing soothing circles on her back. "Kagome, I need you to… look at me…onegai."

Sesshomaru Taishou did not ask anyone for anything; and yes that included Kagome, but yet here he was begging her to look at him. Oh the humanity.

He tended to make more requests from her learning early in their relationship that commanding her to do anything could be hazardous to his health. With that one word he had her complete attention; whatever he had to say was obviously important or he wouldn't have taken the time to use the 'magic word.'

"Yes there are things that I cannot and will not tell you about this situation. I need you to fully understand that I would not keep you in the dark unless I felt that it was important to do so." He spoke so softly, Kagome found herself being drawn in by his melodic voice.

"I don't want to lose you, the less information you know the better. Kami I truly hope my pup does not inherit your stubbornness."

Her eyes widened at his words and he smirked at the confusion written on her face. "You…said…pup." With that, Kagome graced him with the biggest smile she could manage. Wrapping her arms around Sesshomaru's neck she kissed him; it was so soft, almost timid. Sliding into his lap Kagome pulled Sesshomaru closer and whispered into his lips, "I love you." "As I you Koi," he answered into her curve of her neck.

His touches were feather light; slowly he rediscovered every inch of her body. With one touch Sesshomaru could make Kagome's body sing, make her blood boil and her arousal spike so, that he felt that he would drown in the scent alone. In one swift movement he had divested her of her blouse and was making quick work of her bra.

Lowering Kagome to the bed Sesshomaru kissed her softly; when his claws grazed her side Kagome gasped and Sesshomaru took that opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth and taste her sweetness. Leaving her breathless Sesshomaru continued his trek down her body, licking and kissing her neck. She could feel his breath on her already over sensitized skin; while he suckled her right nipple he rolled the left between his unoccupied hand. After a few agonizingly tempestuous minuets Sesshomaru switched his attentions to the opposite breast.

The cool air that brushed over her breast had Kagome gasping for air; it was too much and she knew he was nowhere near finished with her. Feeling that he had paid equal attention to both breast Sesshomaru continued his journey southward leaving a trail of open mouth kisses in his wake. Finally making it to his most treasured 'possession' he smiled, 'Oh the things I'm going to do to you.'

In a husky voice Sesshomaru whispered in Kagome's ear, "You will need to call in tomorrow because you will not be able to leave this bed when I am done with you."

Before she could make any sort of comment he had his head between her legs and his tongue in the 'happiest place on earth.' Running his tongue over her small bundle of nerves he felt her shudder, pulling one of her legs over his shoulder, Sesshomaru was rewarded with better access to his prize. Taking advantage of this he plunged one finger into her wet core, she was so tight and he wondered how she managed to stay that way.

From the first time he had her till the present she had been so tight to the point where it was painful for him, but hey he enjoyed a bit of pain. As Sesshomaru grazed over Kagome's clit with one of his fangs he slid a second finger into her already sopping wet passage, pumping into her she met him thrust for thrust. That's when she felt it; he slapped her clit and then the pain came, but that small amount of pain was what she needed to throw her over the edge.

Who would have thought that Kagome was a masochist? Sesshomaru was totally surprised to find out that tidbit of information; it had been a complete accident to find that she was as much into pain as he was (but I digress). As he slid his fingers out of her she hissed in pleasure and watched with lust filled eyes, as he cleaned his fingers of her essence.

Striping himself bare Sesshomaru looked on in amazement as Kagome played with her already sensitive nub and dipped her own fingers into her hot and waiting opening. Pulling her hand back Kagome sat up and looked over her glistening digits, decision made, she brought her hand to her mouth and tasted herself. He was in a daze, never in his life had he seen something so erotic, she was licking and sucking her fingers clean and he could do nothing but watch in awe as a look of pure bliss crept over her features.

He hadn't even realized she'd moved until he felt her run her tongue over the head of his painfully hard erection. Licking the underside of his shaft Kagome raised her eyes to his, she had his undivided attention. He watched her actions with something akin to child like fascination as his overly sensitive member disappeared into her mouth. He could feel as she relaxed her throat to accommodate more of him until she succeeded in taking him wholly.

She was, no is an excellent student. Being her first and only he had to train her on how to please him; by doing so he inadvertently pulled her out of her shell. Sesshomaru had every intention of teaching her how to be comfortable with her body in the presence of another. Suddenly Sesshomaru felt his knees buckle, thinking to himself what just happened he chastised himself for losing himself to the feeling of absolute pleasure to the point where he no longer paid attention to his surroundings.

Only with Kagome could he do this, she was the only person who knew that he had worries and weaknesses; despite knowing all of his faults, she did not look down on him nor did she pity him. She just loved him, something he thought he had no need for; love was a useless emotion, it allowed others to take advantage of and use you. Love allowed people to cause other people pain, but love her he did. Sesshomaru loved her with every fiber of his being.

Hearing Kagome's small whimper brought him out of his musings, she was waiting for him to take her as he promised, and take her he would. She was eager and oh so ready, he could no longer take the teasing. He pulled her off the bed and slammed her into the nearest wall; wrapping her legs around his waist he began to unmercifully pound into her. Her breathing became ragged and he could feel the sting from her nails as she clawed at his back.

True to his word Kagome was not able to leave the bed the following morning, not that she really wanted to; but it was a blow to her pride to be so completely taken by him and not have the will to even attempt to fight back. 'Damn arrogant Inu youkai.' Those thoughts were quickly stamped out as Kagome placed her hands over her stomach; she was pregnant.