Title: The Fox and The Hound

Author: BelieveIt and homesweethomicide13

Rating: T for now

Pairing: KibaNaru

Warning: Yaoi, Mpreg.

Disclaimer: Teiru belongs to us. That's it.

Summary: After their night together, Naruto discovers that Kiba gave him more than just satisfaction. Sequel to That Time of the Year. Contains Mpreg.

The Fox and The Hound

Chapter One: The Morning After

Kyuubi POV

Haha, I've got the perfect plan which is put in action, Naruto's in for a rather big surprise… heh. Sex wasn't the only thing he got out of this little session… I love messing with people, it's so fun. Muahaha.

Kiba's POV

My eyes opened slowly to a sunlit-room. I smiled pleasantly as I revelled in the warm glow of the morning sun. I'd had such a wonderful dream last night, though one part of it had quite surprised me. For some reason I'd dreamt that Naruto and I had a… romantic… night. Something pressed against my side and a warm, wet tongue slid over my face. Closing my eyes, I laughed and went to push away what I thought was Akamaru. It was only when my hands touched a warm, human-shaped body that I realized it wasn't my best friend lying beside me.

I turned my head and found myself staring at the sleeping face of – yeah, you guessed it – Konoha's blonde knucklehead ninja. At first I was shocked to see him curled up against me, arm draped over my chest, but then my apparent dream came rushing back to me and it hit me.

It hadn't been a dream.

"Mmmm… Kiba…" Naruto mumbled into my neck. It occurred to me that he was probably awake already. Either that or he was also dreaming about me. "More…" Yep, definitely a dream. I suppressed a laugh and instinctively pulled him closer to me. I buried my face in his hair and closed my eyes once more, feeling perfectly at home beside him. It suddenly came to me that I hadn't returned home last night, and my sister would be worried. And no doubt there'd be a cuff to the head from my mom for not even sending Akamaru to tell her where I was. Wait a second…


I bolted upright, knocking Naruto from my side. He slipped off the edge of the bed and landed with a solid thud on the floor of his bedroom. He sat up and sent me a curious glance.

"Do you remember where Akamaru went?" I asked him quickly. He rolled his eyes.

"Duh, he-," he stopped abruptly and frowned. "Actually… no." I got out of bed and looked outside the bedroom, but he wasn't there.

"Uh oh. He's not gonna be happy with me." I groaned, running a hand through my hair. Arms circled my waist and Naruto leant on my shoulder.

"He probably went home." Naruto yawned. "Come back to bed." I suddenly remembered the situation we were in, and what we were wearing – well, in this case, what we weren't wearing.

"Mmm… kay." I turned around in his arms and grinned at him. I was glad he'd grown taller in the years he'd been with Jiraiya. It meant I didn't have to look down at him much. I ran my fingers through his messy blonde hair and let my hand rest at the back of his head. With a swift tug, I brought his face to mine and I kissed him swiftly. It felt strangely right to be kissing him, and it occurred to me that I should probably have done this much, much sooner. I'd missed him when he'd been away from the village. Of course, back then, I'd never have admitted it. I'd walked around saying that I was glad Naruto was gone, despite the fact that I hated the quietness of the village afterwards. I'd tried to fill in that quietness, but it was hard all on your own. Eventually I'd grown tired of it, and I suppose that was when I matured a little.

"Kiba?" I snapped out of my memories to find Naruto staring at me quizzically.

"Huh what? Sorry… I was miles away." I muttered. He smirked.

"It's all those dog biscuits. Melts your brain." I didn't bother to comment on how that made no sense. This was another thing I'd missed – with Naruto gone, who was there to argue with? Shino rarely spoke, Hinata was far too kind and quiet, Sakura and Ino were busy arguing with each other, Rock Lee, Chouji and TenTen weren't the type to argue with me, and then of course, Neji never spoke, and Shikamaru was too lazy to bother. Not even Akamaru could argue with me like Naruto could. It had become so frustrating. "Yo, Kiba! Cut it out!"

"Sorry…" I blushed slightly. "I should probably go. My family will want to know why I didn't go home last night, and I have to train with Hinata later on." The disappointment was clear in Naruto's eyes. "But, I'll come back later!" I added quickly. Instantly, a smile lit up his face. "Yeah, maybe we could go out for ramen or something…"

"Like a date?" Naruto asked bluntly.

"Well, I… uh… yeah, I guess…" I replied, slightly embarrassed. Naruto leant up and kissed me quickly.

"Sounds good." Then he was walking around the room, collecting whatever clothing hadn't been shredded last night.

"Yeah well, to you, anything involving ramen sounds good." I laughed, trying to find my pants. I found them, or at least, what was left of them, draped over a lamp. I held them up and inspected the huge rips in them, and I sighed. "Hey… do you have anything I could borrow until I get home? I doubt Konoha would appreciate me going home like this." I gestured at my cloth-less body.

"I could probably find something…" Naruto moved to his closet and I followed.

"Preferably something that isn't orange." I added quickly, catching a glimpse of the inside of his closet. He rummaged around for a moment before he held up a scruffy pair of black shorts and a white shirt with a ramen bowl on the front.

"This is all I got." He said proudly. Sighing, I took the shorts and shirt from him and quickly pulled them on.

"It'll do." I murmured, looking around for my shoes and headband. "Jeez, where the hell did we throw everything?"

"I dunno…" Naruto laughed, retrieving his own bright orange pants from over the light fitting in the ceiling. "I wasn't really paying attention." He shook his head at the torn orange fabric and tossed them aside. "I think the rest is out in the hall." While he found a new pair of pants to put on, I walked out into the hall and discovered my shoes and headband were indeed out there. There was also a large pile of torn shirts and jackets near the door.

"Hell, if this is gonna happen each time, I'm gonna have to go shopping." I muttered to myself. "And leave some stuff here, just in case." I was still a little concerned about where Akamaru was. I couldn't remember telling him to go home, but I also couldn't remember him coming to Naruto's. The blonde walked out into the hall and picked up his own shoes and headband.

"We were in a hurry, huh?" He said quietly, a light blush on his cheeks.

"Too right." I pulled him to me and I kissed him. "I'll see you later, okay?" Naruto nodded with a smile on his face and opened the door for me. As I went to step outside, Akamaru jumped to his feet. "Akamaru! Were you here all night?" He barked a reply. "Oops… sorry buddy." I turned back to Naruto. "Would six be alright?"

"Six is great. Bye." I waved as I sat astride Akamaru's back, and he leapt up onto the roof of Naruto's apartment, making for the Inuzuka district. He cocked his head towards me and barked a message.

"What!" I shrieked, almost falling from his back. "You mean… Kakashi-sensei and Iruka-sensei saw me and Naruto together?" Akamaru barked again. "Oh great…" I groaned. "Wait a second… what were they doing together?" Akamaru barked slyly, and I smirked. "Oh really… that's interesting. I didn't think Iruka went for guys like Kakashi…"

Naruto's POV

After I opened the door for Kiba and realising that Akamaru had in fact been outside my apartment door the whole night, we said our goodbyes, Kiba promising to be back at mine by six. They left with Kiba on Akamaru's back towards their home, and I watched them leave. After they were out of sight, I closed the door and looked around the room. It was a mess, so I decided to make it a bit more presentable than it looked at the moment.

I realised I should probably go see Iruka-sensei, he did say that he and Kakashi-sensei were going to see Baa-Chan, they might have found out something useful.

Satisfied with my work I put on my t-shirt and my jacket and I made my way to Iruka-sensei's house. When I got there and knocked on the door it was Kakashi yet again who opened the door. Why is Kakashi always here? Doesn't he ever have anything better to do?

"Hello Naruto, how are you today?" Kakashi asked grinning. "Did you have a good night last night?"

I froze, the knowing look on his face stunned me, and I'm wondering does he know about me and Kiba? How can he? No he doesn't know. He can't know.

"It was fine Kaka-sensei, where's Iruka-sensei?" I replied calmly.

"He's in the kitchen; you look like you're feeling a lot better Naruto-kun" Kakashi suddenly looked at my neck. "And what's this? A love bite I believe, who gave you that then Naruto?" Kakashi was clearly amused while I blushed profusely.

He knows! How could he have found out? I hope Iruka doesn't find out. That would just be embarrassing.

"Never knew you had a thing for dog boy eh Naruto?"

I walked into the kitchen, instantly seeing Iruka sitting at the kitchen table.

"Iruka-sensei!" I called to him; he looked up quickly, before turning around and looking down at the table. I ignored it.

"Did you go see Baa-Chan? Did she say anything? Can she help me?" I asked him quickly.

"Na-Naruto, she said we should bring you to her. We best go now, come on" Iruka was stammering for some reason, and he wasn't looking at me. I shrugged it off; Iruka-sensei can be weird like that sometimes.

Just as we were getting up, Kakashi walked into the room, looking over at me and winking.

"Iru-kun, have you seen Naruto's neck yet? It's got quite a pretty mark on it, ne Naruto-kun?"

I shot Kakashi a nasty look, he didn't have to do that, now what's Iruka going to think of me? Hang on... why the hell did Kakashi call MY Iruka, 'Iru-kun'? Is there something I should know about?

"Umm... Kaka-sensei?" I asked, ready to confront him.

"Yes Naruto-kun?"

"Why did you just call Iruka-sensei 'Iru-kun'?"

"I've always called him that, just like he calls me 'Kashi-kun' isn't that right, Iru-kun?" I watched Kakashi turned towards Iruka-sensei and watched him blush silently, before standing up quickly.

"Shouldn't we be heading to see Hokage-sama? She's expecting us."

We all nodded our heads in agreement, and soon enough we were at the Hokage's office. Iruka knocked on the door three times before walking in.

Tsunade looked up, saw me and ushered me closer.

"Ahh brat, I heard you were having problems with this 'heat' Hm?" Baa-Chan said to me.

"Yeah, I want it to leave me alone... can you get rid of it?"

"Well come here, and I can have a look at you."

After a while of Tsunade doing her magic, with various 'Ooo's' and 'Interesting' she sat back and stared blankly at us, before grinning widely.

"Well? Is there anything you can do? Can you get rid of it?" I asked enthusiastically, she must have found out something good, otherwise she wouldn't be grinning like that at me.

"Nope, there's nothing I can do. Just have to let it run its course; although it seems to me you yourself have found a sufficient way of cooling it down. Nice mark isn't it brat?"

This is so embarrassing. Why is everyone commenting on that bloody mark on my neck... damn Kiba, next time I'll tell him not to mark me where other people can see it.

"Hello, Naruto? You can go now." Tsunade broke my thoughts.

I nodded my head and me, Iruka and Kakashi went to leave.

"Wait, Kakashi, Iruka, can I have a few words?"

They ushered me out, and I waited by the now shut door, trying desperately to hear what Baa-Chan was saying them, it's not my fault I'm curious. I couldn't hear a word, I gave up with a sigh, and left, Kakashi and Iruka can walk by themselves.

When I got back to my apartment, it was almost four, which gave me two hours to get ready, for mine and Kiba's date. I couldn't wait.

After finishing getting ready, I sat down to wait for Kiba, thinking about what happened today, it had been quite eventful after all. I wondered what Tsunade said to Kakashi and Iruka, why wouldn't they tell me?

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, I looked at the time, it was six already. Kiba's here. This is going to be good.

A/N: Hey Everyone, this is the sequel to 'That Time Of The Year' so yeah you should know what's going on, hope you liked the first chapter, this was written again by both me and Homesweethomicide13 Kibas POV- homesweethomicide13, Narutos POV- BelieveIt (me) anyways hope you liked it, next chapter hopefully out soon, bye-bye . Oh and by the way sorry my POV is short...