Royal Ball Rolls to an Abrupt Stop

Royal Ball Rolls to an Abrupt Stop

The much anticipated annual royal ball was the shortest in the kingdom's history when an altercation between the primary celebrants resulted in both fire and flooding.

"Oh, it was a splendid occasion! We held it in the gardens. Everything and everyone glittered and shone. My darling, Wolfram, took my advice and wore the little blue suit with the extra ruffles and the gold trim. It really brings out his eyes which are just like mine you know," said former maou, Lady Cheri von Spitzburg.

She then added that the festivities started smoothly as the current maou was able to initiate the proceedings as instructed by his tutor, Lord Gunter von Christ.

"His highness was glorious as he lifted the chosen goblet and struck it three times with the golden spork. His radiance lit the endless night as only he can do. Well, until Lord Bielefeld lit it literally that is," von Christ explained.

Not all witnesses to the opening ceremony were as glowing in their criticisms. "It seems someone told the kid to open with a joke. That someone might have been me, but it was worth it. I think he might have actually asked the captain for some pointers," laughed soldier, Yozak Gurrier. The captain he referred to was Sir Conrad Weller, son of the former maou, von Spitzburg and a human father, Dan Hiri Weller of Dai Shimeron.

Medic, Gisela von Christ shared her perceptions as well. "I thought he Yuuri did a very...well, it was interesting at least. I didn't even know chickens could cross the street. Aren't they usually kept in pens?"

Guests, including inhabitants of Blood Pledge castle as well as visiting dignitaries from both demon and human lands, were treated to the opening ceremony and several minutes of cocktail service and orchestral music.

"I was enjoying a very interesting debate regarding the customs of various regions when I heard someone shout cheater and the next thing I knew all the torches were standing five feet high with flames. It didn't take long for it to spread to all the decorations," explained the Cabalcade ambassador, Hristo Cruff.

"Things were really heating up at the lead table before they were really heating up," Gurrier quipped.

The great sage, Murata Ken, was able to provide more details, "Shibuya smiled and waved to Fluurin Gilbit while Wolfram was detailing the mistakes he was making. Let's just say Wolfram didn't enjoy Shibuya's divided attention."

"There's never a dull moment in Shin Makoku. Of course, if I had an appropriate number of volunteers to assist me in my experiments I would have been able to install dampening fields around the castle to keep little lover's quarrels from getting out of hand," said Lady Anissina von Khrennikov with a wink. "I've tried to talk to Gwendal about it, but it is getting harder to find him behind all that paperwork!"

Lord Gwendal von Walde declined to comment.

"It all worked out in the end. His highness was able to douse the flames before anyone was injured," Weller said judiciously.

"It was good of the maou to put out the fire, but it probably could have been done without the flooding or the giant burned word—justice—still steaming in the gardens or the lecture. He really does enjoy his lectures. Does anyone know why his hair gets longer? Is that necessary? Does it make him stronger somehow?" von Khrennikov asked.

The maou possessive force could not be reached for comment.