
"Ah! Mello, it's nice to see you,"

"Don't 'Ah!' me, as if you didn't know I was going to be here; you yourself called me here right after I stepped out of the classroom," The blonde mumbled, a little agitated and tired from having to deal with a punk all day that thought he and Mello were friends because Mello kicks ass; and the guy, being the punk he is, wants to be around his kick assy-ness. Which made Mello want to kick his ass, but he just gritted his teeth, and kept asking himself 'What would Jesus do?'... Though, I can't say what Mello thought Jesus would do, because that would offend certain people.

A sigh came from the other occupant of the room, the one that wasn't thinking about Jesus eradicating people. But, of course, no one was actually thinking that…

"I have heard from the staff that the boy that is now occupying the other bed in your room isn't responding to others. Since this has occurred a vast amount of times, we just kept trying our best, but it has come to my attention that maybe the boy needs…"

"Help from a dashing young man that will snap him from his stupor that goes by the name of Mello?"

There was another exhausted sigh that emanated from the old man , the fingers that were laced neatly together on top of his wooden desk came unwoven, and a hand gently massaged the mans right temple.



And with that, Roger waved him out the door, obviously getting the hint that the blonde got the hint. When the door fully shut behind the youth, his composure completely broke down, a forced neutral look turning into an exhausted frown. "I am never saying dashing in that context ever again, especially talking about myself. What am I, narcissistic?" He paused at that, mouth halfway closed on the end of a Hershey bite size bar that he picked off the secretary's desk. "Okay-" Bite. Chew. Chew. "I wouldn't go as far as to say narcissistic,"

And with that final note to himself, he left the room entirely, lazily flicking the chocolate wrapper in the general direction of the trashcan before the door closed behind him.


Matt stared a little dumfounded looking as he just continued to stare into the icy blue eyes, which now made his eyes widen slightly at how calculating he saw the other looking at him. 'Well, shit.' He thought to himself as he realized he just gave himself away with his horrible reaction.

The redheads limbs stiffened as he saw a triumphant smirk spread across the milky skinned blonde's face. He kept telling himself he was just psyching himself out, the other boy didn't actually know-

"So I'm right,"

-Well, damn it.

On reflex to try to make the other think 'No', Matt started shaking his head.

Mello, on the other hand, instead of thinking of how right he was, was thinking about things he would involuntarily speak because of. First thing was pain…though, as he thought about his experience with the boy, he realized that even when he was in pain, he didn't say anything. 'Alright, next…'

Being the age he was, his mind immediately went straight into the dark (yet completely inviting and unavoidable) gutter. "Hmmm.." Mello hummed, wondering about that for a second, before crossing it off the list. He had to keep reminding himself that he was trying to help the kid, not traumatize him with ra-… What if…


Matt, who had fallen into a mess of jumbled thoughts, during which he just sat there staring into space, looked up to see Mello looking at him with a controlled- (was that mischievous?) smile. Mello, seeing as he had gotten the others attention, started again.

"Hey, another question, are you gay?"

At that moment, all Matt wanted to write was: 'You bastard' Buuut…that would mean actually answering. So, what should he do?

Staring down at the paper, pen pressed down a little to tightly, he wrote something, looked at it, and hesitantly turned it around.

'Am I? '

Was written smaller than the others had been, but Mello saw it. Boy did he see it.

In the split second after seeing the page, Mello stood up, making Matt slightly jump. Blonde bangs falling down into the older boys face, he made his way towards the young gamer, expression unreadable. Pushing himself slightly backwards so that the distance between them wouldn't shrink as he was, he felt his stomach tighten and his heart skip a beat as he felt the cold wall against his back, a sign that he had gone as far as he could go, and couldn't get away this time.

Before he knew it, hands were pushing down the mattress near his hips, blue eyes looking at him from a couple inches away. Was that knee? …Yes, the older boys knee was also placed at the edge of the mattress, keeping his balance perfectly.


Asked a perfect mouth, hard eyes, and low voice, snapping Matt out of his own questions he was asking himself as he smelled and felt warm mint chocolate breath wash over his surprised features. He wanted to say something. He wanted to reply to that, but a overwhelming force made him keep his mouth closed, because he knew he would remember what the other was going to say till he died.

"Why do others have to choose who you are? Why do you let everybody form who you are? Because you are afraid of decisions? Because you don't like who you are? Because you think you would be better that way?"

Well, now that he thought about it, he really didn't have anything at all to say to that.

"You can be who you want to be, you know…or at least choose to be able to be molded into something beautiful by someone you deem worthy. Though it will be tough to find around here, there are nothing but stuck up pricks who strive for the same goal, but…God damnit, be who you want to be!"

And with that, after making himself angrier as those sentences progressed, Mello pulled himself away from hovering above the silent and awed looking Matt, storming out of the room for the second time that day, the first when he found his computer trashed.

Ten minutes after the door had slammed shut, the gamer felt something come to life in him.

He wouldn't let them make him into something they thought he should be. That would be an ugly mess of a creature, something nobody would want, only pity. But that person…The one who literally told to his face to find someone worthy…Was then deemed worthy in his mind. Let everyone form who he was? Never. Doesn't like who he is? Definitely. But he who has been deemed worthy in his mind…Mello…could make him into something wonderful. Something people could envy, look up to.

With Mello as that one person…perhaps…he could be made into something…



Hah, talk about ruining the moment there. Anyway, I would just like to say, that it is exactly 12:13 A.M., and it seems I take that time to write these chapters. What a neat trivia fact.

I would like to thank those who have reviewed! Seriously, I was surprised at the amount of people that reviewed last chapter, and it also made me very happy to be threatened.

I'd just like to say, that this authors note will be quite long since I want to say something to each of you.

YoroichiKaze- Thanks! I'm glad you think they're good. :D

Anime is for the Kindhearted-Nuuuh! Choco-lat-eeeh! I updated, are you pleased? –Hovers protectively around chocolate-

GoggleGamer- Well written? Weeeelll, you get a star plus plus for the name along with the review. :3

Mail JeevasxXMihael Keehl- And it loves you also. I hope to update again soon!

Iridescentxroses- Thanks. –love love love-

Never.To.Late-Oh muh gawd, props for falling down stairs with class. That takes skillz that no n00b could possess. YouNot a n00b, therefore, I love you. :P

Eternalbleedingstrawberry- And you know what would be better? Continuing to log in to show love! I am attention starved, you know you love Matt mute-ish. :D?

Compato- Did I hear REPLY? …I thought not. And nice shot Mello.

Topaz Maia-OF COURSE IT IS. I love your review, we are even steven.

L'Archel-Hotishi- oo You-…I-…I didn't kill that man by giving him leukemia! D: Thanks for the review though, however traumatic it might have been.

Death To Pink- Thank you, I will. –love-

OvenBased-Wat? :D? I think I'm lost, not updating in over a month? MSIftw. And THANK YOU LOTZ.

Everynameistaken(ect.)- Clever, aie? –eyebrow waggle-

Griffen-gal- I hope I didn't disappoint.