Disclaimer: I do not, have not, and will not own anything related to the Disney monster, including, but not limited to, Life With Derek.

I drummed my fingertips on the Prince's roof, after school. I glanced at my watch for the third time in five minutes and considered running and catching the bus. Technically, riding with Derek would be faster than the bus, but only if he wasn't flirting with some random girl or purposely making me wait. I figured that today, at least, he would want to get home fast and make sure Marty was alright, but I was obviously wrong.

Making up my mind on the matter, I turned and walked toward the buses.

I shrieked when a hand grabbed my shoulder, almost jumping out of my skin.

"God, Casey. Can you go a second without overreacting?" Derek asked, removing his hand as I turned.

"Der-ek!" I yelled at him, shaking a little with my surprise. "You scared me half to death. That's not exactly overreacting."

"It is when I'm doing to grabbing," he smirked lazily.

"Ew, you pig," I rolled my eyes at him, turning back to the car.

"Oh, c'mon, Case, it was a joke," he grabbed my arm and spun me around, looking a little upset. "Besides, you know you love your big brother."

I pulled a face at him, pretending to vomit. "Every time I think of being genetically related to you, I die a little on the inside."

"That's just because you're jealous of my devilish Venturi good looks."

"I think they may have skipped your generation," I told him, realizing that his hand was still on my arm and I wasn't grossed out by his proximity, which freaked me out. I shrugged off his hand. "Let's just go home."

"Sure thing."

The drive home was conspicuously quiet. Neither Derek nor I felt up to arguing very much. I was thinking about Marty. Derek and I had left for school before she had woken up, but I had kissed her good-bye on my way out. I hoped she wasn't too freaked out about the surgery. At least Mom would be there with her the whole time. But Marty was still probably so scared, being in a hospital all day, and being given anesthesia. And she's so little. And, oh my God, what if something went wrong with the anesthesia, or it didn't work and Marty had to go through the whole thing conscious and-

A warm weight landed on my shoulder and I jumped in my seat. I looked over and Derek was watching me, concern on his face.

"You're freaking yourself out over nothing," he told me. "Absolutely nothing went wrong today, and Marty is fine." His hand squeezed my shoulder gently.

I wished I had his confidence. The thought made me smile. Then gag.

"You will never tell anyone I said this, but there is the possibility that you are not completely wrong," I answered back. Derek removed his hand.

"Please, like I would tell. That would mean revealing that I actually talk to you without being forced by one or more parental units."

"Oh, so it would embarrass you to have people know that you enjoy talking to me?" I asked him, a devilish grin on my face.

"I plead the fifth."

"That only applies in the US."

"Oh, shut up, Casey," he rejoined.

"Light's green, Der," I pointed out. The car behind us honked. I snickered at him. Then I giggled. Soon, Derek and I were out and out laughing so hard tears were leaking from our eyes while the car behind us let out another long blast of the horn.

Derek wiped his eyes and drove home.

Soon, we were home. Mom was waiting on the couch, flipping through a magazine for decorating ideas. She looked tired, but she smiled when we walked in the door. Derek dropped his bag. I opened my mouth, but Mom beat me to the chase.

"She's fine," Mom said softly. "She's exhausted, but fine. Her arm is set and cast, but she's feeling a little sick from the anesthesia."

"What does that mean?" Derek demanded, but didn't raise his voice.

"It means that the anesthesia made her nauseous, but that's not a very uncommon reaction. It's nothing serious. She'll sleep it off and be running and screaming again by tomorrow." She smiled.

"Can I check in on her?" Derek asked, a worried wrinkle still on his forehead.

"I would say to not disturb her, but I don't think a herd of elephants would bother her right now. Go ahead."

"Thanks, Nora," he smiled halfheartedly and hugged Mom.

"He must be pretty upset, huh?" Mom asked, watching Derek run up the stairs. I shot her a smile.

"Well, duh, Mom." Mom looked sideways at me, then smiled before yawning hard enough to crack her jaw.

"Go take a nap, you've had a long day, too. I'll go put my stuff away and figure out what to make for dinner." I ordered, ushering her toward the basement door.

"Thank you Casey, but let's just order in. Everyone will be exhausted after today, and you shouldn't have to cook."

I grinned at her. "Lizzy and Edwin could always-"

"No," she cut me off, glaring. "Now, I'm off to bed, and I'd like to still have a kitchen when I wake up."

I kissed her on the cheek and headed upstairs.

Derek was waiting next to my door.

"Is she asleep?" Derek waiting for me was usually bad. I opened my door and set my backpack down.

"C'mere," he motioned toward Marty's room. We went in, and Marty was awake. She wasn't really lucid, but she was awake.

"Casey!" she shouted excitedly, slurring a little. She started bouncing up and down.

"What's up, Smarty?" I asked, going to the bed and sitting next to her.

"I was telling Smerek that since you're my princess, I want you to sign my cast first," she told me, grabbing a marker from under her pillow and handing it to me.

"Are you sure you don't want Derek to sign it first?" I worried that this was insane, drugged child logic and that she would be mad at me later.

"Mmmhmmm," she said, holding out her arm. "Derek said 's okay." She smiled sleepily up at me.

"Thank you," I mouthed at Derek, smiling at him with watery eyes. He smirked back at me.

I took Marty's arm and signed my name in my best, most elegant handwriting. Above it, I drew a stick figure of a little girl with short hair, fairy wings and a crown. I kissed Marty's forehead and she was already back asleep.

I looked up and Derek hastily dropped his hand from his face. I pretended I didn't notice anything.

I left Marty's room and Derek followed.

"Casey," Derek began and I turned to face him. "You don't think she's... brain damaged, do you?"

I glared at Derek. "You are such an ass."

Derek grinned and swept me into a hug.

"It's a secret, but you're an alright big sister," he whispered directly into my ear. Shivers from the weirdness of the situation ran down my spine, but I hugged him back anyways.

"I'd tell you that you're an alright big brother, but you're crap when it comes to being a brother to me," I retorted to his shoulder, into which my face was smashed. I felt him vibrate with laughter before he released me.

"Touché, Case," he smirked, walking to his room and shutting the door. I walked to my room and shut my door softly.