Right, so... It's not what I meant to work on next, but the idea was just there and I couldn't say no. If you don't understand this, go to youtube and type in 'Charlie The Unicorn'. And enjoy.

Oh, and please forgive me for the crack.

Title: Of All The Things...
Series: Close Drapplings Of The Third Kind (11/??)
Characters: Perceptor, Ratchet, Spike, An Egg
Summary: Perceptor's oblivous, Ratchet's confused, and Spike's going to break his ribs soon.
Author's Note: I have no clue where this came from. Or if Charlie The Unicorn was even around in the 80's. Oh well.
Disclaimer: I own neither the Transformers nor Charlie The Unicorn. It's probably for the best.

"… Perceptor?" Ratchet stared at his long-time scientist friend in something that might have been shock in a human.

"Yes?" Perceptor, naturally, didn't notice.

"Is that an egg?" And the Chief Medical Officer of Prime's unit was using the tone that said he wasn't really sure that he believed he was actually asking this question.

"Yes." Again, the red Autobot didn't notice.

"… Where did you find an egg that big?"

"I used biological engineering to splice deoxyribonucleic acid in such a way as to create a creature of great mass, the beginning stage of it's life cycle just happens to be an egg." Or, in English, he'd engineered it. Genetically. Meaning, it would not likely be anything previously seen on this planet.

"You created that thing?" The medic was long used to the odd things Wheeljack and Perceptor created when left alone, but this was a new one.


"And… What, exactly, will it be when it hatches?" This time the tone wasn't so much shocked as resigned, as though he wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer to his question.

"A youngling." And the white emergency vehicle wondered vaguely if Perceptor was deliberately avoiding the question, or if he just wasn't paying attention. Most likely it was the latter, as the scientist seemed quite intent on monitering the status of the 'youngling'.

"A youngling of what species?"

"I believe the human term for it is a 'Liopleurodon'."

A second later and Spike had literally fallen out of his chair laughing.