I offer this chapter to LazyCatfish27, in the hopes that the said person will forgive me and return my soul to me. (I mean it, and I need my soul badly.)

School began folks, hell strikes back. So I guess it's obvious why I can't update. We're given tons of homework, asked to purchase dozens of requirements, and the bookstore's not being friendly. Also, my mom just had her surgery, and I'm the one that stays with her in the hospital. So yeah, I'm pretty busy nowadays.

On the other hand, hell may have returned, but there's still a little piece of heaven for me. It's the confirmation that Depp's not getting married. Just a simple piece of info to lift my spirits. Why? This is not the place to talk about it.

Let's get a move on.

Eyes widened. Mouth gaped. Eyes stared. Breathing quickened. Gulps here and there. Poor Toby, he didn't know what to do.

He wanted to take his eyes off the keyhole, he really did. But something's telling him not to. He wanted to run away from the scene that he's currently seeing, without anybody's consent, but he can't. He had this feeling that he should go call for help, but something's telling him to ignore it.

He wanted to stop staring. Right now. He wanted to tear his gaze from the two silhouettes joined together by something he was never aware of. But all he could do was close his eyes and press his ear against the keyhole.


Yes. He heard nothing. Nothing at all. Just the sound of the cool air that's making the leaves of the nearby tree move slightly. And—


His eyes snapped open. He reluctantly returned his gaze to the keyhole. He swallowed, for the umpteenth time. The sound came from inside the shop. Yes. From…


If its possible that Toby's eyes could still get larger, his eyeballs might have popped out of their sockets. Poor kid. The clouds chose the perfect time to reveal the moon. The moonlight shone diagonally against the window, its light finally reaching and illuminating the scene.

Toby gasped. He sealed his eyes shut.Finally, the scene revealed to him. Finally, the silhouettes disappeared. He clamped a hand to his mouth swiftly. But no, there wasn't even any possibility of hearing him. It was too faint, too faint. Nothing compared to their—

"I dare you to make another whimper again, pet. Or a sound."

He heard a woman take a loud gasp. Loud.

He opened his eyes again. And he saw it.

The woman's skirts were lifted up, up, up to her abdomen. She was sitting on the only chair in the room.(a) The neckline of her dress was pushed down, so her chest was revealed. Her hands were on the handle of the chair, gripping tightly. Her eyes were sealed shut, and she bit her lip.

He wanted to stop staring. No. He didn't want to look at her this way. But he can't. He tried a dozen times, but he can't. Poor thing.

And he.

He was somehow kneeling in front of her, something silver glistening from his right hand, the other hand, grasping her thigh, digging his nails to the porcelain flesh beneath his fingertips. His face was, in a way, looked like buried between her thighs.

The only audience swallowed.(b)

He finally knew what the 'other he' was doing.(c)

She moaned.

The 'other he' lifted his head. "I dared you. You complied. You deserve the term 'pet', then."

Toby saw the man pull the woman out of the chair, and saw him sit down. There was something else.(d) In between of his legs. There was definitely something else.

Before Toby could somehow decipher what that was, he saw him pull her to him, and lift her up, and finally place her on top of him. She gasped.

He saw him flick his razor open. The moonlight bathed it with the shades of beautiful silver.

"Say one more thing, or scream and you won't remember anything after that."

"Do you… really… think, you… can… make me… scream?" Toby admired her. She managed to say something in between of her intakes of breath.

He saw him smile. It sent chills to his spine, made Toby fear for the life of his dear mum.

"Is that a dare, Mrs. Lovett?" He nibbled her earlobe and ran swift kisses around her neck.

"You're being gentle. How such can you make me scream?" Regained her usual self, she did.

"That, Mrs. Lovett, is a part of the game we're having." He bit her neck, emanating an "Ah!" from her, and sucked there. A mark was left after that.

She huffed. It was most certainly difficult to speak now, with something hard splitting her half.

"Game?" She asked. It might seem foolish, but she really wanted to know.

"Yes. Whoever comes first loses." He had his way with the hard crowns adorning her breasts.

"And… what… does… the winner… get?"

He lifted his head. It was stupid to have these conversations with her. He was about to fulfill his promise that she has something to be frightened of. Yet, he had given her an answer.

"Everything." He said it against the space between her breasts. And he lifted his head.


She was still speaking, he started moving. He had absolutely no plans of hearing her inquiries. They have wasted time talking. Time is precious.

He lifted her up and down until he finally had the pace he craved for. Though he hated to admit it, during the moment he pressed her against the wall(e), and started biting the sides of her neck, it had quite an effect on him.

This effect grew stronger by the time he used his teeth to tug against the lace of her corset, and during the part where he pushed the neckline of her dress down.

The so-called effect made him crave for more when he cupped one of her breasts with his left hand. The other hand, was, obviously, holding his beloved friend, as mentioned before.

Then he couldn't resist, he dragged her to his barber's chair, and gave her the order not to move. Then he did it.

Now, feeling her against him, it was nearly killing him. The pleasure was too great, she was already sopping wet against him, and he had his own ache as well. Although he wouldn't want to call it an ache, it wasn't acting like an ache now.

He felt something sting. Her fingernails were deeply(f) buried against the pale flesh of his back, but he didn't care. He thrust inside her forcefully, making her moan, dig her fingernails deeper, and utter words between moans and pants.

"Mr. T… that's… ah… too… haaard… I—.."(g)

Judging from what she said, he knew that pleasure was taking over, she was losing all coherent thoughts.

And so is he.

He thrust inside her, deeper this time, while his left hand took one of her hands in his own, and made a cut through her palm using his precious friend. She gasped. A sting of pain. But it was nothing. Nothing, compared to what she's having. Yes, Nellie Lovett was finally getting something.

He dropped his friend to the floor. And he dragged the wounded hand of hers against her neck, down to her breasts, and stopped. Blood was left there.

Rubies, finally finding themselves smeared across a beautifully pale skin.

He started picking her clean, using his tongue. He was still thrusting inside her, yes, but he couldn't just thrust and thrust into her. No, something else to do would be great. He licked the parts of her body smeared in her own blood, while his left hand was still gripping her wounded one, feeling the stickiness of the blood there.

He smiled against her flesh. He called them rubies, but this is one particular ruby that made him feel like he didn't want to waste it. He'd never seen blood as red as hers.

"Beautiful." He whispered.

He felt her. He felt her move to her own rhythm, he saw her taking over, and a smile once again formed on his lips.

From her actions, her sudden decision to move frantically, proved one thing.

He, Sweeney Todd, was definitely winning.

And he heard the loud proclamation of his victory.

Nellie Lovett squealed. Pleasure was finally taking over, and it got her. This would probably be the first time she had her release after years. And with the man she desired. How perfect, she thought.

She moved one last time, and fell limp against him. She found herself being lifted up, and after a while, seated on his lap.

And it happened.

The pressure of her release was too great. He resisted, but he can't. Indeed, pleasure was something that's very strong. It has taken over him.

But not as soon as it had taken over her.

He pulled himself out of her, and had his own.

It reached up to her abdomen, up to her belly, all the way up to her breasts. He then leaned back on his chair.

He felt her lean against him. He wanted to shove her, threaten her, but his friend was on the floor, and this little happening made him feel so weak.

"Mr. T?"

"Hmm?" He growled. There wasn't even a hint of softness in his voice.

She scoffed. "I guess that means you've won, huh?"

"Oh I did. I told you, haven't I? You screamed. Told you you'd be screaming."

"And I did. And what do you get for winning?"

"About that, Mrs. Lovett, I already got it."

Toby finally decided it was time to leave. He finally found the strength to do so.

But not as soon as he heard her say,

"You're a hard man, Sweeney Todd."

Toby halted. And he heard him respond, in that gruffly tone of his,

"No, Mrs. Lovett. Call it bitterness."

Whether this would scar poor Toby for life, or if this incident would make him act different in front of Mrs. Lovett…

That's another story.

I spent an hour for this, I think. Bloody homeworks. Better start working on them. Now.

(a) What's the only chair in that particular room?XD Might have been a desk at school, who knows? You do? Amazing.

(b) LOL. When I thought of that, I was like, 'hey Toby, are you sure you're alone?'.

(c) I enjoyed that part. Haha. The other he. It was like some sort guessing games. Did you know what he was doing? You don't? Very sorry to hear that.

(d) Second time I used that line. LOL. The next to that phrase was veeerrry… you get the idea.

(e) That part Toby hadn't seen.:D

(f) God, I typed 'depply'. Can you believe that?

(g) I'd rather not talk about this one. But the italicized… were, obviously, moans.

Come off it people, I don't expect you to like this. School definitely tampered with my brain.