Disclaimer:Darkwing Duck belongs to Disney. Know Your Stars a show from All That belongs to Nick. KYS was when an unknown voice said lies about someone that was in the show .


Chapter 4 Negaduck

"Know your stars, know your stars, know your stars." A mysterious voice echoed.

Negaduck was sitting in a chair looking rather grumpy and holding his chainsaw.

"Negaduck, is in love with Darkwing Duck," The mysterious voice said.

Negaduck eyes widened and he growled. "LIES! I hate that stupid goody doer and you people reading this stop laughing at me! Or else..." He reeled his chainsaw.

"Negaduck, is the nicest guy in the world and he loves bunnys,"The voice snickered.

"LIES! I hate bunnies! I'll blow them up into smithereens and I'm the meanest guy in the world. Especially more than the stupid Dr. Slug, " Negaduck grumbled.

"Then why did you adopt such a sweet daughter? Hmm?" The voice asked.

"My therapist said it would be good for me," Negaduck answered with a shrug.

"Negaduck, wants all you fan girls to come over and give him a big hug," The voice surpassed a laugh.

A whole tornado of girls come over hugging and kissing Negaduck. "I love you!" One grinned...It was a boy.

"GET OFF! OFF! GRRRRRRRRR!" Negaduck used his chainsaw and chopped everyone into bits.

"Now you know Negaduck," Says the mysterious voice.

"When I find who you are. .. " Negaduck said through gritted teeth. "YOU'RE DEAD MEAT!" He growled, angry.