
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar. Stop snickering - what, and you do?

Ozai turned and strode toward Zuko in dark, heavy strides. His fists were clenched. He would teach Zuko this lesson. He would show those in the crowd who their leader was. He would burn the weakness out of his son, like gold was purified through fire.

He looked down at his son and a thunderbolt zigzagged through his head. Ursa's eyes were turned toward him. Tears were streaming from them as she pleaded for her child's life. Zuko was pleading with his father, but Ozai couldn't hear him through the fog. He had cherished those deep golden eyes more than his life.

On the sidelines, the commanders nodded in approval at their lord's indifference. Their leader was, indeed, great.

"I love Zuko more than I fear you." Ozai shook in rage. This son- this son of his had taken Ursa from him. Because of Zuko, Ursa had been forced to leave. She had chosen one over the other. Long ago, a small part of mind would have argued that Ozai had brought it on himself when he asked his father for the throne. But his sanity was long gone. No, it was all the fault of his disgracing son. Yet, her eyes were boring into his with fear, love, and those endless tears. They were right there.

Ozai hadn't meant to hit his face. He didn't know where he had been planning to sear his fury in, but not there.

He let his rage burst from his fingertips and blot out Ursa's face. That look that cut him to the core. The next second, he looked down to see Zuko still kneeling, with his forearms and forehead resting against the warm marble floor. Even from his height, he could see the red stain that bathed his ear and doubtlessly ran across his face. He didn't feel remorse, though. Now he would never see Ursa's face again. She would never haunt him again every time Zuko glanced his way. No.

Ozai turned and left. He enjoyed watching the crowd shrink from his path. Ursa's face didn't appear again, but her voice still vibrated against his skull, trying to find a way out. "Promise me that you will not hurt Zuko, if I do this."

Ozai snarled and stalked away from the weight of the crowd's murmurings.

Please let me know what you think. Reveiws . . .are the highlight of my life.