(It's been six months now since that day . . . I try not to think about it, but how can I not it still feels like it was just yesterday. I can still see it and feel it, thinking back to it now I wish we hadn't come back and I wish I hadn't done what I did. Do I feel so guilty about that? Did I want to die so badly? I hate this and I hate myself, but whenever I see her I still remember what I told her knowing my words were just lies. I feel so lost I don't know what I should do . . . what can I do?)

Fuuka Academy 10:00 a.m.

Natsuki lays down on the cool grass under a shady tree hoping to catch some sleep before the next class. As she lays there, she tries to comprehend all that's happened thus far. It bothered her so much but felt that there was nothing that could be done about it. Natsuki yawns and closes her eyes, but before she drifts off to sleep an image enters her mind. She opens her eyes quickly and sits up shaking her head. (Why? Why? How come?) Natsuki lays back down clearing her mind of all thoughts finally closing her eyes and falling asleep.

Meanwhile, a very concerned Redhead was looking for her Blue haired friend. "Hey where are you huh? Geez I swear she's like Batman, there one minute gone the next." (Sigh) After a long while of walking around the campus searching in every place possible (except in the last place she should have looked first, go figure) Mai finally found Natsuki lying under the tree.

"Finally there you are. Do you know how long I've been looking for you? Anyway's let's get going were gonna be late." When Mai didn't hear any response or movement coming from Natsuki she looked over to see that Natsuki was sleeping. So instead of trying to wake her gently Mai took a hands on approach. (Sorry but I have no choice.)



Natsuki was ranting and raving at Mai while rubbing her head accusing her friend of trying to kill her.

"Hehehe sorry I was just trying to wake you up . . . " Mai smirked.

"BY TRYING TO KILL ME!? YOU BETTER HOPE I'M NOT BLEEDING!" Natsuki yelled still rubbing her head and then looking at her hand to make sure she was in fact not bleeding.

Mai couldn't help but laugh slightly at her friend.

"Oh see you're fine, now come on we need to go or we'll be late." Mai said waving the book she had just "assaulted" Natsuki within her hand.

"So grab your book bag and jacket and let's go, please." Mai said in almost a demanding tone

Natsuki sneered at Mai still rubbing her head. "Just go ahead without me, besides I don't fell like it."

"Why not? Natsuki is something wrong? You can tell me." Mai asked.

Natsuki grunted and said "No nothing's wrong."

"Are you sure?"


"But Natsuki . . . "

"I SAID NOTHING'S WRONG OKAY!" She raised her voice at Mai.

Natsuki turned to look at Mai and notice that she had upset her friend by yelling at her. Natsuki picked up her jacket, put it on and then grabbed her book bag. She walked over to Mai and put her had on her right shoulder.

"Mai I'm sorry I yelled . . . but really it's nothing. If something were wrong, you'd be the first to know trust me." Natsuki said with a smile. Mai nodded in agreement, but now wondered if Natsuki was telling her the truth. As they started heading to their next class, Mai kept thinking about what, Natsuki had said to her. (Natsuki would you really tell me if something was wrong? I'm your friend you know you should be able to tell me anything . . . so what's really going on with you?) Mai was in deep though, she put her hand to her chin as she kept pondering what could be going on with her friend. Natsuki happened to look over at Mai and could see the concentrated look on her face.

"Mai ? You all right ?" Natsuki asked putting her hand on Mai's shoulder again.

"Huh, yeah I'm find Natsuki. Let's hurry ok."

Natsuki raised an eyebrow but decided to shrug it off and hurry to her next class with Mai.

Fukka Academy 12:00 p.m.-noon

"Ah! finally food I'm starving." Natsuki said happily as she started to eat her food, but not before she smothers what she was about to eat in mayo. Mai looked at just how much Natsuki put on her food and felt nauseated. (How can she eat that stuff? Burp I think I'm going to be sick . . . I still can't get used to her mayo eating habit.) Natsuki swallowed her food only to notice Mai hadn't touched hers yet.

"Mai aren't you going to eat ?" Natsuki asked.

"Oh . . . uh . . . I'm not very hungry right now." Mai said as she pushed the plate of food in front of her to the middle of the table.

Mai couldn't think about eating right now after watching Natsuki gulp down her food, beside the thing that was really on Mai's mind was the fact that she knew there was something wrong with her friend. What Natsuki said to her earlier was still nagging at her, but it wasn't what she said but how she said it. Mai was trying to get her stomach settled before she was ready to ask Natsuki about it, she didn't want to risk barfing on the girl before getting an answer from her. Before Mai was about to ask Natsuki what was the problem was Natsuki spoke up.

"Hey Mai ? Where's Mikoto ? You would think she'd been here since its lunchtime after all." Natsuki asked as she looked around at the other tables.

"Oh well she said she'll be back before her next class you see, she went shopping with Nao."

"With Nao ? I see. Guess they've become good friends then huh?"

"Guess so." Mai smiled and then deiced to take this opportunity to finally ask Natuski.

"Which brings me to my question how is . . . " Before Mai could finish Natsuki put her hand on Mai's mouth and gave her a look as if to say (You won't let it go) Mai pulled Natsuki's hand away and crossed her arms and turned her head.

"Hmph. I don't know what your problem is? I was just going to ask how you were." Mai said angrily

Natsuki crossed her arms as well and looked down at the table.

"You asked that earlier and I said nothing cause I'm fine." Natsuki said in a low tone of voice.

Mai turned her head and saw that Natsuki seemed upset. Weather if it was Mai's questioning her or that something was really bothering her.

(Sigh) "Natsuki look I'm just worried about you. To be honest you haven't been acting like yourself." Mai said looking very worried.

"Like how ?" asked Natsuki still looking down.

"Well for one . . . your actually showing up for school instead of ditching."

Natsuki swiftly stood up slamming her hands down on the table. Giving Mai a fierce look.

"What, it's true. Don't give me that look." Mai said waving a hand in dismissal.

Natsuki sat back down and crossed her arms and legs pushing one foot onto the floor so that she could rock back and forth in her chair.

"Natsuki look is there something going or not ?" Mai asked seeming like she was begging now for an answer. Natsuki didn't give her one and continued to rock back and forth her chair. Seeing that it was hopeless Mai figured she should just leave well enough alone, but because Mai was the type of person to try and solve other people's problems besides her own she couldn't let this go. So instead of asking her friend directly what was wrong she took a different approach to ask about another matter that was sure to grab the blue-haired beauty's attention. (Fine then Natsuki if this is the way you want to play it. Then I'll play.)

"So then . . . how are things with you and . . . Shizuru ?" Mai asked slyly.

Natsuki suddenly stopped and let her chair fall back too the floor. She was shocked at what Mai just asked her. Natsuki's heart began to race. Mai smiled knowing fully well she had her answer within her reach or. . . so she hoped. She decide to go on with another question she knew for sure would really grab her attention.

"How are the living arrangements? You two getting along ?"

"Wh-why would. . .why would you ask that ?" Natsuki asked nervously.

"Well it just occurred to me that if something is wrong, it has to do with her. " Mai said sitting back in her chair. Natsuki felt panicky. Her heart began to race her mind was racing as well. She wondered if Mai had it figured out. (No sh-she can't know . . . ? Can she? Has she found out?) As Natsuki was doubting whether or not Mai knows what's troubling her the bell rings and snaps her out of thinking. Mai sighed knowing just how close she was to finding out the problem with Natsuki but having to wait now. Natsuki quickly grabbed up her book bag and ran leaving a shocked and confused Mai in the dust. (You're not getting away that easily Kuga just you wait.) Mai thought to her self as she headed for her next class.

Meanwhile Natsuki was leaning up against a tree catching her breath. Well . . . huff I dodged that bullet . . . puff but I know she'll be back . . . puff huff . . . to interrogate me again. (Geez I must be outta shape.) While Natsuki caught her breath and start to head off to her next class she realized that Mai wasn't just being nosey, she was only asking out of concern because she was her friend. Natsuki thought about it for a bit and began to wonder if maybe she should tell Mai she could trust her after all. Natsuki headed off to class. . . . late as usual.