A.N: Sorry for the wait I've been having issues thinking about plot.

insert disclamer here

Sakura: Eve

Orochimaru: Satin

Dream: Reality

Naruto: Revenge

The Bitten Fruit the Last Promise

We'd both taken our baths (it was a pain trying to get the boiled water from the kitchen because the cook could only speak the native Italian.) Sakura was dozing in the comfortable looking bed while I attempted to fall asleep in the armchair that sat near. I'd been way to shy to even come up with the words to even think that we could sleep in the same bed which I was cursing myself for now because I just couldn't find a comfortable spot on the old worn chair. Sakura being ignorant to my discomfort had fallen asleep right away.

I sighed pulling my legs to my chest and resting my chin on my knees watching her annoyed. I eyed the bed hungry for some sleep. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I told her of my discomfort…I thought as I gingerly moved off the chair and to the unoccupied side of the bed.

Most of the sheets had already been pulled out of the neat fashion we'd found them in thanks to Sakura's rolling and tugging through the night. So it was easy for me to get myself under the covers and finally let my spine rest into the mattress. I closed my eyes blissfully feeling much better then having to be in that horrible chair. I was just about to drift off when I felt something squish into my left side.

Slightly annoyed I tried to push it off with my arm but that just got my arm stuck under it. Now in panic I opened my eyes to see what had trapped my arm and to my dread I found that Sakura had crawled over, and had her head resting on my shoulder, and her body was curled slightly so she could fit better to my form. And well of course I'd gotten my arm stuck under her when I tried to blindly push her away.

Once my panic wore off I started to silently watch her sleep. I'm sure there must be a blush smeared over my face, but what could I do? I couldn't nudge her off in fear of her waking up, but my arm was also beginning to fall asleep from blocked circulation. Thinking I carefully pulled my arm out from under her and behind her head so I was more comfortable. Yes, I know it looks a lot like a lover's embrace, but what was I going to do? Push her off?

Her lips parted slightly as she nuzzled up next to me. I watched her thinking over what I should do. In the end, as I fell into sleep, I just hoped she'd roll away on her own and if not well I didn't much mind the closeness either.

"I'll deal with it when I wake up," I murmured under my breath as I fell asleep with a beautiful girl next to me. I mean really, who could complain?

"What's going on Tsunade-sama?" asked a vaguely familiar voice. I tried to open my eyes but they where swollen shut.

"She seemed to have regained regular brain activity," said another voice.

I could hear the hustle of feet and the buzz of machinery and I could only guess that I was in a hospital for some reason. Maybe I'd gotten sick when I was swimming in the canals, I really wouldn't doubt it if that where the case, but that wouldn't explain why I couldn't open my eyes however.

That's when the pain came. It was horrible and I felt like my flesh was going to split open. I opened my mouth to scream but all I heard was a raspy cry. I whimpered and twisted trying to find any comfort, but with every movement only came more of the ripping dry pain.

I felt hands holding me down making the pain shoot me harder up and down my spine.

I screamed again but again it came out as a horse whimper as I began to tier from my wild movements. All I could feel was my breath becoming slower and slower and the dull throb of pain…

"Sakura," Orochimaru hissed "S-Sakura come on get off!"

I opened my eyes and blinked the tears that had formed in my eyes. I rubbed my face into the cloth that was under my cheek and clung to my warm spot. Warm spot however was squirming away for dear life, so I stubbornly held it down and threw my leg over it. The movement stopped and I buried my face in what felt like a crook of a neck.

"Uh Sakura-san," murmured a soft voice from the throat I was currently putting my face on.

"Yes?" I sniffed, tears still pouring from my eyes.

"Could you get off me?" he asked and I almost smiled but the dream had scared the humor out of me.

"No," I said snuggling closer still to him, "besides you're the one who climbed in the bed first."

"What's wrong Sakura?" he asked, I could feel him calm down under me as his muscles relaxed. I closed my eyes not sure how to answer his question. He must have known I was crying I'm sure I'd been crying in my sleep too.

"Just a bad dream," I replied as I rolled over off of him so my back was facing him. I felt very cold for some reason so I curled up in a little ball within the blankets. Orochimaru did not move beside me. He must have been puzzled or just thinking that I was some weakling for crying about some stupid dream, but it'd been so real I couldn't help myself. "God it's freezing in here," I grumbled pulling the blankets over my head.

"No, it's not," Orochimaru said as he got out of the bed. "It's the middle of summer."

"Well I'm cold," my voice said muffled by the blankets that covered me. I heard Orochimaru give an amused snort as he hopped out of the bed. I didn't move from my position, blinded from his activity. "What are you planning on doing today?"

"Going to see the futile lord," he said "he's a trader and has been sending the Leaf useful information on the hatter of a Kage that rules these lands. The lord understands that the Mizukage must be liquidated if the Water country is to survive. Venice is only this beautiful and wealthy because the lord knows how to care for his people."

I had gotten myself out from under the covers and the boy looked at me before giving a muffled laugh. I tilted my head at him. "Your hair is all static," he said making me grumble and begin to comb my hair down with my fingers. "Here anyway," he said tossing a leather bag down onto the bed. The contents of it clang together and I realized that there where weapons inside the safe looking pouch.

I took it and opened the little bag and examined the crude ninja tools, the grandfathers of the skillfully made and beautifully sleek weapons of the future I'd come from. My insides where dissatisfied by the worn prototypes but it was better then not being armed at all. After checking each blade I replaced them back into the bag and looked up to see that Orochimaru had left into the bathroom. I sighed and leaned back on the plan back board of the bed.

I'd been snuggling with Orochimaru hadn't I? The thought didn't make me quiver in disgust rather I felt my face grow hot and I knew I must have been blushing. Have I completely forgotten who he is…will be? Have I forgotten what I was to do, my own plans?

"Are you going to kill him?" I asked myself in a whisper so he couldn't hear in the other room "or fall in love with him?" I smirked at my out load thoughts, silly of me to say such things. I didn't love Orochimaru he was…a friend I suppose but I was in love with no one. I wouldn't let my heart be broken again, especially not by Orochimaru. "The fruit never falls far from the tree," I murmured knowing the truth of these words more then anyone would know.

It was true with all three of us. Sasuke, Naruto, and I have all taken major attributes from our teachers but I never had thought of how similar we all where to the Sanin till I met this boy. In reality young Orochimaru's personality parallels with Sasuke's, if it weren't for the Uchiha whip out by Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke's brother, the Uchiha youth would have probably been like Orochimaru. Smart, quiet, perhaps shy, but not as cold as Sasuke had grown up being.

And as I'd fallen into deep infatuation with Sasuke in my tenderness of youth there was no doubt in my mind that I could fall in love, real love, with Orochimaru as I became a woman.

The tips of my figures where in my mouth as the great and terrible reality came into view. But now that the truth was before my eyes these feelings could be easily avoided, yet I knew I'd never be able to kill Orochimaru, my feelings where already much too deep for me to murder him and then be able to live with myself afterward. No, it was utterly impossible.

The forbidden fruit had already been bitten long ago and there where was no going back from this. I would forever hold the evil man dear to my heart but I would never love him, I willed myself to never love him.

"Sakura-san," he said making my head snap up "are you alright?" His hair dripped wet and the water droplets ran down his neck and soaked into his half open shirt. Gods if he wasn't so handsome. I thought hopelessly before giving a half hearted smile and nodding.

"Yea I'm fine."

Kakashi had bought me ramen to try to get my mind off of Sakura. Of course it worked but not for long as my thoughts began to drift back to the broken girl. If she lived how would she ever be able to be a ninja again? How could I ever go on a Sasuke hunt without her watching my back and keeping me going?

I didn't have the heart to see her hurt like this. It was as if I'd been blind to how much her heart burned every day missing Sasuke and it took a mad man to blow himself up to see how much Sasuke had killed her inside. Now I had another person to blame I felt a little better. The burden was now on three shoulders so the weight was now lighter then before.

But as the burden faded anger filled its spot. How much more must Sasuke destroy before he is satisfied that his clan has been avenged? The fault of Itachi shouldn't punish me and Sakura as well! That isn't fair!

As these thoughts filled my mind I realized that Sasuke may or may not come home alive the next time we fought, because this feeling that took hold of me was probably the closest to hate I've ever known.

Soon the fault in my mind no longer rested on Kakashi or I for that matter, Sasuke Uchiha did this. He hurt Sakura more times then I'd realized but this was unforgivable and I would no longer take his 'out for revenge' an excuse any longer.

I slammed my fists on the bar table making the bowl clatter and Kakashi's cup of sake to tip and spill. I was so angry I didn't even care anymore.

"Naruto," the Copy Ninja blinked looking over at my tense and fuming form.

"I don't care anymore…" I growled through clenched teeth "dead or alive Sasuke will come home. And if he comes alive he'll wish he where dead!"

Kakashi gave a sigh and clasp my shoulder attempting to calm me down. He tried to reason with me but I made it very clear that the next time I see Sasuke that it would be a fight to kill. He sighed again but respected my wishes before ordering another cup of sake.

"If she dies," I murmured "he dies painfully. I swear to that."

A.N: Oh I love this chapter. It's full of biblical symbolisum. You get alot of that with this pairing I came to find out.

Review please!