A.N.: So yeah, I broke my promise of this chapter being up sooner than the last... but it's been hectic and I don't know exactly where this is going. But yeah, people are yelling at me to continue so here goes.

Mikayla and Justin dressed to go on David Missiveguy. Both of them were anxious with anticipation (is it possible to be otherwise?), though for different reasons. Justin was excited to see Mikayla in person, even if it was from afar. Mikayla on the other hand, was anxious about the prospect of getting her life back, though she wasn't sure how she would get backstage to see her.

Mikayla put on a tank top with a halter-top over it, and then a mesh jacket over that. She felt sure it would pass her parents' – Alex's parents' – scrutiny. It was cute, too. She didn't know why, but she felt that this would be important. Besides which, she liked feeling cute. To this end she also put on makeup. It belonged to Alex but she found that it accented her skin tone quite well. It was almost scary how alike she and Alex must look.

She wondered what Alex was thinking right now. Was she just as confused as Mikayla? Was she worrying about how she was going to get back to her own life? Or did she somehow engineer this entire situation? Mikayla was disinclined to think ill of anyone else (with the exception of Hannah Montana or her annoying tagalong in the wig), so she went with the belief that this whole thing was an accident – possibly magic gone awry or just an odd occurrence. She wondered if she would like Alex if she had gotten to know her under normal circumstances. She rather liked Harper, and figured that anyone who would choose friends like that was probably OK.

As she was preparing, she heard a cough from behind her, and turned around quickly to see Justin standing in the doorway.

"Can I help you?" she said, batting her eyelashes perhaps a bit too much. The effect was obviously not lost on Justin. He smiled awkwardly, as though ashamed to be intruding on her private sanctum. Mikayla smiled back though, invitingly. She motioned slightly, as though to say "Come in but don't make yourself comfortable." Justin shifted, and then took a step into the room.

"You look nice, Alex," he said, stuttering a bit. Mikayla shuddered, be it out of excitement or disgust she could not tell. She decided to take the compliment, and noticed at that time that Justin was also dressed up. He had on a t-shirt with a normal shirt over it, unbuttoned. It hung loosely, as though to say "Whatever." His hair was styled, and Mikayla noted a glisten of gel. He would probably deny putting so much effort into his appearance, but it caused Mikayla to smirk.

"What?" he asked, looking around.

"Nothing," she replied. "You look nice too."

"Thanks," he said, coming over to her. Mikayla stood up. They were facing each other, looking into one another's eyes without saying anything.

"Something seems...different about you lately," Justin said after a bit.

"I...don't know," Mikayla replied, quickly breaking the gaze and looking at her shoes. They stood there awkwardly for a minute. They were only saved when they heard a cry from downstairs.

"Alex! Justin! Time to get going to David Missiveguy!" Theresa called.

They were both relieved to have the excuse, and shuffled out, and downstairs. They left and got on their bus, and took it to the DET network studios. They took their seats (number 42 and 43) and a crowd gathered around them. Before the show started, they were approached by a man holding a clipboard and wearing an ear bud.

"Seats 42 and 43?" he said. Justin and Mikayla looked up and at him, questioningly.

"You've been randomly selected for backstage passes! After the show you'll get to meet David and his guest star, Mikayla."

"Cool!" Mikayla said. This was the break for which she had been waiting. This would let her get backstage just as she needed. Sometimes she couldn't believe her luck.

Justin, meanwhile, said nothing. He stammered a bit. Eventually the clipboard-guy left and Justin turned to Mikayla.

"Did you hear that? Is this real? Do I - we – get to meet Mikayla? Oh my gosh! This is like a dream come true! I get to meet the girl I love the most in life."

Mikayla just smiled, but thought, to herself Honey, you already had...and I mean long before I came into your life.

Then, just as quickly as that had happened, the show apparently started. David walked onto the set, there was applause, the orchestra played the theme song. David stood in front of the audience and began his light-hearted monologue which was really just him BSing. It sounded like a great job, really.

Meanwhile, Mikayla worried. Would Alex see her in the audience? Was that actually Alex? What if it weren't Alex? She was so wrought with worry that she didn't even notice when 'Mikayla' was brought out and seated next to Dave. But when she finally did see it, she snapped to attention.

"So Mikayla," Dave said to her after the applause died down. Alex, or whomever she was, looked good up there, Mikayla had to admit. At least she wouldn't give her a bad name. "How are you?"

"I'm really well, Dave," Alex replied. Mikayla thought that she had very good presence and control of her voice. She had the perfect pitch and carry for the situation. It was beautiful. "I've been busy lately, of course, but it's all really fun stuff."

"Yeah, you have a new album coming out, isn't that right?"

"Why yes it is Dave! I really love every track on this last album. There isn't a single one that I wouldn't recommend to a friend, you know, if I weren't the artist," she said, laughing coyly. Perfect.

The banter went on for a while, and Mikayla noticed, with growing relief, that she apparently knew a lot about Mikayla and her life. It would be typical for a really dedicated fan to know all this, but she must have done her research. (Or the other option, Mikayla was actually Alex but deluded, but she didn't want to think about that at the moment.) After her interview, Dave talked a bit more and they ran other segments, but Mikayla didn't pay much attention. She was too anxious for the backstage bit.

Finally, it came. The show ended and the same guy with the clipboard and ear bud came up to them, gave them VIP passes on a lanyard, and escorted them back stage. David was sitting on a couch in a lounge.

"Hey, nice to meet you two," he said, sounding sincere. He shook both of their hands. He'd always given off the air that he was probably a really nice guy, even in real life, but this really just confirmed it for both Mikayla and Justin. It was possible that he was still acting, but he'd have to be a really good actor, and then he probably wouldn't be in the late night talk show business.

They chatted for a bit, and then he stood up. "Well, I bet two kids like you are more thrilled to meet Mikayla than an old fogey like me," he said, excusing himself. "Why don't you go back to her dressing room? She sounded excited to meet two fans."

Justin thanked Dave cordially, and with growing excitement bounded down the hall toward Mikayla's dressing room. Mikayla strolled behind him, keeping pace. She wanted to confront Alex.

When they got to the door, Justin paused and took a deep breath. He brought his fist up to the door, prepared to knock, but found he couldn't. He tried again, but before he could even fail, Mikayla opened the door herself.

Inside was sitting the Mikayla-double, at the mirror, surrounded with flowers. Justin looked incredulous that his sister had just barged in on Mikayla, but Mikayla, the real Mikayla, marched right in.

"So pleased to meet you!" Alex said.

"Pleased to meet you too," Mikayla said. "Alex Russo."

Alex smiled. "And you're the real Mikayla. I'm glad you're here."

Mikayla licked her lips. She wasn't going to back down now, though she would give Alex the benefit of the doubt.

"What happened, anyway?" she said. Meanwhile Justin was extremely confused. He sat down on a couch and watched the events unfold.

Alex approached Mikayla. "We switched places, apparently," she said, shrugging. Then without warning, she touched Mikayla on the forehead. Mikayla slumped over and Alex caught her and steered her into a chair.

"Alex?" Justin cried, looking at Alex, the real Alex, whom he had thought was Mikayla for a while now.

"Hush now, I'm concentrating," she said, waving her arms. She began to chant the spell she needed. It took about a minute, and then she snapped her fingers and switched outfits with the real Mikayla.

"But, what? How? ALEX!"

"Yes, it's me," Alex said, disappointed that he believed her so quickly. She supposed she was acting very Alex-like.

"Ooh, you're in big trouble now," he said, backing away.

"Oh come now, you can't prove it. Besides, you won't tell."

"What makes you so sure?"

"That would require admitting you were wrong – I do look like Mikayla."

"Well I was wrong, but..." he trailed off. "Well, I realized something else, too," he said, coming closer to Alex. Alex felt her heart beat faster to be in such proximity of Justin. She finally admitted to herself her growing attraction to him. This was wrong, so wrong, but it was what she wanted.

It was also apparently what Justin wanted. He kissed her, softly, the unconscious Mikayla, the girl Justin thought he loved just feet away from the girl he did.

- Fin