Yes! A one-shot! This has been in my head ever since I heard the song 'Leaving on a Jet Plane' and I decided to write it out before I forget it. I tried to work more on description here, because I love describing things. I didn't want to make it into a songfic, since I wasn't sure exactly WHERE to put the words, and I don't like songfics much anyway DX

There is a bit of fluffy Kataang in here. Why? Because I ship Kataang :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar


It was a chilly morning at the South Pole. The sun's rays peeked over the horizon; making everything they touched glisten in the morning light. Nearby, a village stood proudly against the frozen landscape. It was a cluster of igloos, tents and ice huts, surrounded by a strong wall, making it akin to an icy fortress.

A lone figure trudged through the snow, a navy blue cloak wrapped around his shoulders to keep him warm. He was young, clearly no older than 14, but anyone who glanced at him would see a clear look of determination etched into his features. However, his deep, grey eyes held a different emotion – sadness, for everything he was leaving behind.

This was no ordinary teenager. No, he was the Avatar, the one who had brought balance to the four nations by ending the war two years ago. He had defeated the Fire Lord with the help of his friends, and soon after had returned to the South Pole to live with his 'family'. Everyone had thought he was living a normal life – eating, sleeping and laughing with everyone else. But he had a secret. One he had kept from everyone but himself.

For about a year, he had been receiving letters from the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation governments, asking him to come as soon as possible to resolve 'political issues'. He had replied saying that he had other matters to take care of, but had assured them that he would assist them later. Now, he had realized that he couldn't keep them hanging for so long. It was his destiny and his job, as Avatar, and no one else was going to fill in for him.

And so he had made his decision. He would leave the South Pole without anyone knowing. He had written them a letter, explaining where he had to go and what he had to do. Then he had packed his few belongings and set off. Now he was on his way to the docks, where his flying bison had been staying for the past few years. Everything was going smoothly; he had not been discovered yet. Until…

"And just where do you think YOU'RE going?" said a deep masculine voice from behind him. He turned around and found himself face-to-face with Sokka.

"…" he stammered.

"I read the letter, Aang."

Aang turned his gaze downward, unable to meet the warrior's eye. He had been caught. What would Sokka think of him now?

"If you have to leave, don't do it without a proper goodbye" said the 17 year-old smugly.

Aang lifted his head again and managed a small smile. Then he began to explain.

"I have to go, Sokka. It's my job and I've been avoiding it for two years!"

"I get it. But at least say goodbye to my sister. She isn't going to be happy."

"I know…"


Aang pulled back the tent flap and saw a sight that almost broke his heart. Katara, who had always seemed so emotionally strong, was lying face down on a sleeping bag, crying.

"Katara…?" he whispered hesitantly.

Upon hearing her name mentioned, the 16 year-old girl's head jerked up. She recognized the person immediately.

"Aang! You're still here!" she cried. Without waiting for a response, she got up hastily and flung herself at him, hugging him tightly. He returned the hug gratefully.

"I thought you had left. I thought I'd never see you again…" she sobbed into his shoulder.

"It's okay," he said softly, "I'm still here. But I'll be leaving soon."

"Why?" she asked, pulling away and looking up at him through tear-stained eyes. "I thought you were staying here with us. I thought we were your family!"

"You are my family…"

"Then why are you leaving me?" she shouted. "I need you. WE need you…"

"But the world needs me too," he said sadly. "It's my job to bring peace. I have to leave."

"Sokka and I will come with you! We can travel the world again, just like old times!"

"I'm sorry, Katara, but it's too dangerous. I can't see either of you get hurt. It's safer if you stay here."

"But what if…I…never see you again…"she stammered, burying her face in his shoulder again.

"I'll come back soon, don't worry. And I'll write you everyday so that you know exactly where I am and what I'm doing."


He stiffened up in surprise, not having expected that question. He hugged her tightly again and whispered:

"I promise."


Katara and Aang walked hand in hand towards the docks, where the rest of the village was waiting. The sun had risen higher in the sky, but a gloomy atmosphere still hung over the crowd gathered. They all knew that the Avatar was leaving; Sokka had told them a while ago, and they had gathered here to see him off.

Aang stepped into the stable he and Katara had made out of ice for Appa to stay in. Momo, who had been resting on Appa's saddle, flew towards him and perched on his shoulder. Aang moved closer to the bison and began petting his head, causing him to wake up.

"C'mon buddy," he said to the giant creature, "We're leaving…"

Appa moaned softly in response and ambled out of the stable. Aang took in the sights he would not see again for a long time – the frozen landscape, the village and the people he cared so much about.

"Take care, guys," he said to Sokka and Katara before leaving.

"We're gonna miss you, Aang," said Sokka sadly.

"I'll miss you too…" he replied.

Tears welled up in Katara's eyes. She could not bear the thought of being away from her best friend (or maybe more…) for so long. Aang pulled her into another hug. She let her emotions pour out, not caring that everyone in the village was watching her, and cried. He stroked her hair in an attempt to comfort her.

"I'll be back, I promise," he whispered again into her ear. He then pulled away and mounted Appa. And with a solemn 'Yip, yip', they were off. Sokka held his sister close to him as they watched the beast disappear into the horizon.


Wow, I think that's the longest single chapter I've ever written! I'm kinda proud of myself, 'cause I need to work on my chapter length. Please R&R and tell me what you think!