It's raining again… A depressed Gaara thought to himself. He sighed and resumed his schoolwork. But he couldn't concentrate now…Rain just made him feel…iffy.

"Gaara, could you tell us the answer, please?" Kurenai-Sensei asked him. Gaara turned his head and raised an invisible eyebrow.

"No," he answered indifferently. Kurenai sighed. That was all she would get from Gaara, no matter what she did.

"Alright, then, Hinata, how about you?"

Gaara put his head down in his arms and sighed. God school was boring. It just sucked all around. His teachers sucked. His classes sucked. And, most of all, his classmates sucked, except for his few friends; Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame. They were really the only ones Gaara ever hung out with.

"Alright, everyone," Kurenai interrupted his thoughts. "Get your homework assignment; it's due to tomorrow and don't forget about the test next week!" The class groaned, but Gaara remained expressionless. School wasn't even worth complaining about.

He stood up slowly from his desk and went to collect the assignment. He was like a zombie. He left the classroom not really paying attention to where he was going. He felt something bump into him and turned to see a boy a few feet away, dusting himself off.

"Sorry," Gaara muttered indifferently. The boy gave Gaara a penetrating look that Gaara didn't notice, and then walked on rather huffily.

Gaara's hands were in his pockets. His shirt sleeves extended past his wrists and hooked around his thumb. His black pants were made of a leather-like material and were very form-fitting. As was his shirt. It was gray and the collar went down below the collar bone, revealing that and his very pale neck. He always wore make-up; heavy black eyeliner mostly, and he had several rings in his ears. He wore black boots and walked with a carefree air of indifference. All in all, he was pretty hot. He had some fan girls - not as many as Sasuke Uchiha – and they enjoyed watching him. A lot. They were all obsessive, and, unfortunately for him, he was getting more. In Konoha High School there were two main hot guys with the most fan girls; Sasuke Uchiha and Sabaku no Gaara. They were the most popular, at least amongst the girls. When it came to everyone else, though, they were average.

Gaara spotted the raven haired Uchiha and walked over to him.

"Hey," he said, smirking slightly. The Uchiha turned to him and closed his locker, leaning against it with his arms folded.

"How ya holdin out?" he asked. Gaara shrugged.

"It's hard," he said. "I just missed a month of school so I kinda have a lot to catch up on. Duh. But, what really bothers me is all the…" He paused and glared at another fan girl who had approached him. She scurried away, blushing and he continued. "…Attention I seem to be getting." Sasuke snickered.

"Yeah, they've all been worried about you," he said. "Especially fan girl 15 and 37. They kept asking me if I knew how you were doing." Gaara rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, can I borrow some of your study guides?" Gaara asked. "That bastard Sasori was supposed to bring me my homework while I was gone, but he kept saying it slipped his mind." Sasuke laughed again, reaching into his backpack and handing Gaara some different size books.

"Yeah, it slipped his mind while he was screwing Deidara," he scoffed. Gaara grinned.

"I figured as much," he said. "I actually happened to get pictures of him and Deidara. Here you go. Pass 'em out. Blackmail him. Do whatever the hell you want. But as for me, these are going on the internet as soon as I get home." Sasuke smiled and looked over the pictures Gaara gave him. His eyes widened and he looked at Gaara in shocked admiration.

"Damn, Gaara," Sasuke marveled. "These are pretty damn good." Gaara nodded.

"Hell, they better be, or I got ripped by the bastard who took 'em," he sniggered. Sasuke laughed openly and five of his fan girls fainted.

"GAARA!!" Gaara smirked and hurried past Sasuke, muttering, "Gotta go. See ya." Sasuke turned and saw a flash of red hair as Sasori rushed past him, chasing the little green-eyed devil. An angry blonde followed him swearing violently and shouting for Gaara to get the hell over there with those pictures. Sasuke grinned and put the pictures in his pockets, saving them. After all, there were only a few and he had to choose the perfect people to give them to. Someone who would spread a great rumor…He was thinking either Sakura Haruno or Ino Yamanaka. He laughed and walked to first period.

"Gaara!" Gaara turned and saw a certain blonde ball of energy for exactly one second before he was glomped by him.

"Naruto..!" he growled dangerously. Naruto, sensing his sudden murderous attitude, backed off quickly, pulling the redhead off the ground and nervously brushing him off.

"A-arigato, Sabaku-san," Naruto said nervously, hardly able to suppress his apparent joy, but still careful not to anger Gaara. Gaara slapped the boy's hands away and looked at him.

"What is it?" he grumbled. Naruto beamed.

"I'VE GOT A DATE!!" he shouted. Gaara smirked. He transferred his weight over to his right leg and crossed his arms.

"With who?" he asked. "Haruno?" Naruto blushed. He had been trying to score a date with the pink-haired Sakura Haruno forever, now. Had he finally succeeded? Naruto nodded excitedly. Gaara's grin widened and he clapped a hand on Naruto's shoulder. He may not like people, but he wasn't totally heartless.

"Good for you, I guess," he said. Naruto grinned hugely (crappy hell of a word, I know…) and hooked an arm around the redhead's neck, locking him in a tight vice grip. Gaara felt his head being forced down as Naruto slammed his fist into his messy hair, giving him a hard noogie.

"NARUTO, GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" Gaara shouted. Naruto complied, grinning and Gaara shoved him into a locker angrily, growling.

"Careful Gaara," Naruto teased. "I'm with Sakura, now. I may be bi but you shouldn't take advantage of that." Gaara felt a vein in his head come threateningly close to bursting. He leaned in to Naruto.

"Watch it, Naruto," he said through gritted teeth. "You're on thin ice with me. I don't need any of your gay shit. I'm straight and you know it." Naruto smirked and winked.

"Of course you are, Gaara!" he laughed. Gaara's eye twitched at Naruto's behavior, but mostly at the thought of being gay. He had nothing against gay people but he still couldn't imagine being gay himself. And besides, he didn't want to risk being Uke. He let go of the blonde boy and walked to class, the little pest following him all the way.

Gaara sighed. Naruto was his friend but, damn, the kid could get fucking annoying sometimes. Especially when he tried to hook Gaara up with someone. So far, he had tried Sasuke, who also proved to be gay but had a crush on Nara Shikamaru. That didn't work out at all. Naruto then proceeded to try Aburame Shino but the kid was too damn passive and Gaara could not stand him. Inuzuka Kiba was out of the question because he was mindlessly chasing Gaara's brother, Kankuro. Any of the girls were totally out. However, Naruto debated over Yoshikawa Sai, who was tomboyish enough to pass as a guy, but she was dating Temari, Gaara's other sibling. Tenten, no she was with Hinata and Ino was…no way.

However, Gaara was worried that Naruto would try to get him and the crazy blonde girl together. He had been trying to get Gaara to hang out with her a lot.

"Come on, Gaara," Naruto had pleaded. "There's gotta be someone you can around with besides me and Sasuke! At least try it!" Gaara had vehemently refused.

"Get lost," he had said, and then walked off, leaving Naruto in a huff.

Today was no different.

"Why don't you sit with Ino in class?" he asked innocently. Gaara sighed and turned to Naruto, who, to his credit, managed to maintain a look of innocence.

"Naruto, if you're so obsessed with Ino, then why don't you sit with her?" Gaara fumed. Naruto sighed and shook his head as Gaara entered his classroom.

"Gaara! Naruto!" Naruto and Gaara turned to see Ino, grinning broadly and coming towards them. Gaara sighed at the irony and Naruto smirked at it. Obviously.

"Hey, Ino," he said. "What are we doing in science today?" Gaara sighed at Naruto's obviousness. Of course they were working in partners.

"We're doing that partner lab today," Ino replied, oblivious to what Naruto was trying to do. Naruto smirked.

"Who are you gonna be with?" he asked. Ino turned slightly pink.

"Hinata," she said somewhat timidly. Naruto's smirk faltered before it widened. He looked like he wanted to say something, but decided against it and kept his too large mouth closed.

Please comment!! I need opinions, both on what's good and what I could do better!