Sleepy green eyes fluttered open when she felt someone grabing her six year old body, carefully she looked up to see her ojiisans smiling face. His eyes warm and caring like they always were, but then she caught a glimpse of worry, sadness, and regret in his dark brown eyes.She turned her attention to what he was doing and found that she was being carried outside and he was walking with his personal ANBU gaurds carefully she shifted her attention back the Sandaime

"Ojiisan where are we going?" The small pink haired girl asked

"You're coming with me to the Uchiha compound I need to disgust something with Uchiha-san, you & these fine shinobi we'll be there as my witnesses if anything happens. Actually your gonna help me just by doing what you do best." Sarutobi replied

"What is that?" The young girl asked innocently

The Sandaime looked at her, his eyes were full of sorrow and regret, almsot as if he was pleading for forgiveness, but Sakura just couldn't understand why.

"The best thing you know how to do, you know how to be a child, you have a gift at getting the good side out of people"
Before the young child could reply Sarutobi set her down at the entrence of the Uchiha compound looking her dead in the eye, his face full of regret, sadness, and now she could see that he truly was pleading for her forgiveness. But she still couldn't figure out why.

"Sakura what you're about to hear his top secret you can't tell anybody about anything that happens beyond these walls I know you understand what a secret is, you're a bright child, but I really need you to do this for me & for Konoha okay." The Sandaime said

Sakura shook her head up and down before she gave her answer "Okay Ojiisan." She said before he picked her up and cradled her back into her arms, she looked at the shinobi that were walking with her and the Sandaime and smiled at them and in return he was rewarded with a nod.

She watched all the people she passedbye and watched as they stopped and looked at her and the people she was with she could feel the glares, and she could feel the threatning auras that they had let loose to intimadate her and the other but she only smiled back not allowing her self to back down, in return to her smile many woman and men looked at her and smiled at her, and soon enough she was smiling her way down the Uchiha distric, they stopped in front of a door. She was set back down and one of the ANBU held her hand as they watched the Hokage put his hat on before he knocked on the door.

They stood in silence and watched as the door slid open slowly. A man with short brown hair was reveled, his eyes were as black as night itself possibly darker. Sakura shivered when he looked at her in almost a disgusted way, she let go of the ANBU's hand and hid behind him her small hands grasping at his dark gray cloak.

"Hokage-sama What can I do for you?" The man spoke he voice stern and strict.

"Fugaku you already know the reason I'm here." Sarutobi replied in his aged voice

"Very well then but they stay out here." Fugaku said as he pointed to the ANBU behind him.

"Ah but you see I promised Haruno-san that I'd watch Sakura until he gets back from Earth Country, I can't just leave her alone with no one familiar to her, so at least let me bring her and one of my men." Sarutobi exclaimed.

Sakura poked her head out to watch the interaction with the two, but she quickly moved her head back when the man looked at her, she poked her head out again when she though it was safe.

"Fine but only the two of them, if any of your men try to sneak in, I'll know...and the consequences will be severe." Fugaku said before he turned around walked through the house.

The ANBU that Sakura was clutching at turned around and picked her up, she rested her head on their shoulder, wanting to tell them that she could walk on her own, but decided against it, realizing that she was safer in the ANBU's arms than on the floor. When she saw how he was walking cautiously through the hall, keeping away from certain spots on the floor, and making it seem as though he was floating on top of the ground, looking out for any booby traps, that could endager of them.

She looked in front of her and watched as the man slid open a shoji screen and dissapeared onto the other side of it, the Sandaime, soon after, adn herself and the ANBU went in as well. They were greeted with many men, who didn't look really happy to see them there.

"So it is true Fugaku, well unlike the elders and Danzo I don't think violence is a way to settle this manner, that is why I'm here, I hope we can negotiate some sort of deal to avoid such violent acts." Sarutobi said

"So you do have a spy here, tell me what did the elders & Danzo want to do when they found out what we were planning?" Fugaku asked

"What would you do if you found out that someone in your village was planning to overthrow you and take over your village, if you answer that you will find the answer to your question."

"So they wish to destroy us...the only thing that Konohas enemies fear."

"That is what they wish, I don't want such an exceptional clan as this destroyed, we need you, the elders are just scared at the though of you claiming war on the village that is all, fear brings out the worst in people sometimes, that is why I'm trying to negotaite with you."

"How do we know that this isn't just some trick, and your men outside aren't trying to kill the rest outside?" Fugakua asked

The Sandaime smirked "Ah even though those are my personal ANBU I highly doubt that even them can take on such a clan, only a fool would try that, and my men are no fools."

"I hope you're right."

"Tell me what we have to do to stop this silent battle?" Sarutobi asked

"What do we want?..." Fugaku asked himself as he tapped his chin in deep thought.

Four hours later...

"I'm glad we came to an agreement." Sarutobi said as he walked down the Uchiha district Sakura and his men ahead of him.

"As am I." Fugaku replied

"It's amazing isn't it." Sarutobi said as he watched Sakura and the ANBU that carried her learn handsigns.

"What is?" Fugaku asked

"Innocence, and how children can turn even the most evil men back into he good men they once were."


"Fugaku I remember when you were younger, you were always so mean to the other kids, you even belittled them, but once you got married and had Itachi and Sasuke you changed, for the better, for your children, that is why you made no aggresive moves, Sakura was in there with us and even you won't make a child go through something like that."

"Hai...Itachi has already been through that once I don't think we need another person like him walking around."


"I hear that Sakura-san has activated her kekki genkai." Fugaku said as he watched the pink haired girl in front of them

"Really now, where did you hear that?" Sarutobi asked

"Itachi overheard Masato-san and you speaking about it when he was coming back from a mission."

"Ah...she has, she activated it overnight unconsciously; from what Masato-san had told me she had been having nightmares about her parents death for the last week, and then the night she activated it, she woke up and began screaming he walked into find her shaking in fear. Sakura said that she had saw a woman in her room that was burned horribly all over her body, and she was trying to talk to her. From what I can conduct she activated her spirit connection, she can now speak with the dead." Sarutobi explained

"Poor kid, she'll be hauted by the images of the dead her whole life."

"No she can deactivate it but she's still to young to know how so I sealed her kekki genkai until I believe she is ready, and just incase my guess is correct, she was given the same sleeping pills as Itachi, so she won't be dreaming for a long while."

"So you believe her dreams activated her kekki genkai?"

"Not her dreams exactly, but the fact that a week before she activated her kekki genkai she had been dreaming about her parents deaths, only fuels my guess."

"Which is?"

"Well she watched her parents die, the fact that they died so gruesome in the fire and she didn't, it seems as though that she has to be put through a near death experience to activate it, and the face that she never thought about her parents deaths until their anniversary which was day her nightmares began. But for some reason I believe she'll be able to activate all of them, and not just one."

"If she's able to when she's older you may have to keep an eye on her, if people found out that she may be able to use stuff like that, they'd try use her for their own purposes."

"That is why I sealed it away for now."

"Ojiisan look what I can do!" Sakura said as she ran up to The Hokage and Fugaku.y

They watched as she slowly made the handsigns for the bushin technique, and then with a poof of smoke, it cleared to reveal a pefect copy of Sakura.

Sarutobi and Fugaku stood there in silence as they looked at the bushin, before Sakura canceled it and ran off to the ANBU.

"Wasn't she just learning the handsigns a few minutes ago?" Fugaku asked in shock


"She's a quick learner, Itachi didn't learn that until he was nine."

"Masato-san wasn't kidding when he said she picked things up fast."

"Do you think Masato would allow me to train her?"

"I highly doubt that, he doesn't want her to wast little childhood she has left."

"That's too bad I would've like to see what more she could do."

"It won't matter anyways, I feel that even if she waits until she twelve to be assigned a sensei that she'll still end up a stronger kunoichi than any of the others."

"I was told that you and Masato-san got into another argument."

"Hai, that man doesn't want me to be with Sakura, he's so scared of losing her like he did his son, but what he's forgotten is that I as well lost something in that fire as well, and Sakura is the only piece of her I have left. It's ironic how the first spirit she see is someone whi died in a fire, and her parents died in a fire as well ain't it?"

" know you can just take her from him, you are the Hokage after all."

"Of course I know that. Sango would have wanted us to fight over Sakura, and even though she may not be my blood, I was the one who found her and raised her, she is my daughter and I knew how she thought and I'll go by her wishes, if that' what it'll take for her soul to rest in peace."

"She looks so much like them, Mikoto can barely look at her becuase she looks exactly like Sango, on the exception that she has Ichiros eyes."

"I know not many people can, there's one thing that her and Naruto have in common they look exactly like their parents."

"How is Naruto doing?"

"Not good if the villagers continue to treat him the way they do, he'll surely not turn out the way Minato & Kashina wanted him to."

"Such a shame."

"Yes but perhaps in time it will change for the better."

"Perhaps." Fugaku agreed.

Please Review I'm wondering If I should continue this or not.

Midori Blossom

Oh and check out my other stories if you want