"Are we gonna fuck now


House MD

Rated Mature - SLASH

Warning – language and sex

Plot – not really. Kind of a look at how Chase and House 'got together'. It's short and a little bit smutty.


"Are we gonna fuck now?"

Angry words chucked into the cold night air, words that hung thickly between them threatening to breach the boundaries and throw them head first into a crazy cycle of anger and pain and love, or at least love making. In the morning they would both pretend to regret in and pretend it never happened, but at night when they were alone they each wrapped their respective hands around their dicks and stroked, remembering all the passionate cries and the bite marks and the burn.

The first time it was said had been a joke. House had been taking the piss out of Chase, and eventually the words just came out and silence fell, Cameron's shocked eyes widening in shock at Chase's blunt retort and Foreman quickly finding something more interesting than looking in his co-worker's direction.

"No, but I will kill you if you don't get out there and treat her – or rather, it'll kill her. The patient? Remember her? The woman who's life you are supposed to be saving right now instead of propositioning your boss? Well go, then." House bit back acridly.

"Her name is Sara Goodman." Cameron said tentatively.

"Oh like I care!" House said and limped away down the hallway.

Two hours and fifteen minutes later Sarah-something-or-other-man was stable and responding well to the drugs. House found Chase alone and couldn't resist. He plunged his hand into Chase's golden locks and dragged him along into the cupboard, wit Chase yelling all the way although House noted he didn't try and get away.

Once they had reached their destination House shut the door and pushed Chase roughly against the wall, ignoring medical supplies that fell to the ground with the force of the action. He stood so that he was chest to chest with Chase, breathing the same breath. He was just trying to freak him out a bit – play with his mind.

"Still want that fuck?" House asked, watching as Chase's eyes widened comically and noticing his breath speed up, in panic House thought at first but the realised he could feel Chase's cock harden against his thigh.

"Turned on?" House asked, tauntingly.

Chase gulped and shook his head. House let his hand drift down over the curve of Chase's hips and down to his cock, which he gripped slightly causing Chase to amon.

"And I thought you were joking." House admitted as his tongue searched Chase's mouth and he allowed passion to take him over.

Less than an hour later Chase came out of the room. House had left about ten minutes ago, an unusual bounce in his limp. Chase's hair was a mess and his skin was pink from blushing and exertion. He smelled strongly of sex and walked slightly bowlegged. He managed to make it out of the hospital without seeing anyone he knew and drove home to collapse on his bed with a smile on his face.

"Are we gonna fuck now?" House repeated those long ago words and brought Chase back to the present. He smiled a predatory smile and shook his head, biting down on House's lip as he backed the older man against the wall next to his bed. "No. This time, I'm gonna fuck you."


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