Hey guys...this story takes place immediately after Eclipse...no babies either.....



It was silent in the car as we drove to Charlie's house. Occasionally Edward would lift our intertwined hands, and kiss the finger were my ring should be. Every so often he would ask me if I was still sure about my decision.

I could feel my heart start to throb as we pulled into the driveway. I noticed slight movement in the curtains behind the window. Edward cut the engine, and I sat staring straight ahead.

Edward leaned towards me, "If you're not ready, then it can wait,"

I needed to get married, well, he needed to get married. He said he wanted it to be official, that I would belong to him. But as far as I was concerned, I already belonged to him. Forever.

He leaned in closer and kissed my forehead.

I got out and closed the door. I started to walk away but paused in my tracks. I ran back to his car and tapped the window. He looked concerned as he rolled it down.

"Don't leave," I whimpered.

"Meet me at my house. Alice saw some things happening," he said "Love you," he rolled up the window and pulled out of the driveway.

"Love you too," I whispered. This can't be good.

I could hear the crowd cheering on the TV in the other room. I rounded the corner and sat down on the couch.

"Hey, kiddo," Charlie said happily. Boy, just wait until I delivered my news to him.

"Hey dad. Um, I kind of have to tell you something." I said, probably sounding unsure of myself.

"Are you okay? What happened? Is everything alright?" He asked all at once.

"Yeah, no, everything's fine it's just...Uhhhh," I tried to stall, but failed.

He sighed heavily "Then what is it?"

"You see dad, Edward asked me to marry him," I said slowly. I shifted nervously in my seat.


"I said yes." I winced, knowing what's coming.

"Isabella, he left you before, how do you know he won't do it again?" Charlie raised his voice.

"Because we love each other," I could feel tears welling in my eyes.

"No. You're a teenager wrapped up in the concept of love. You certainly have no idea of what marriage is."

"You don't understand. I—," I stood up from the couch.

"Bella, you won't marry him." His face was fire engine red. Charlie stood up as well.

"Well then," I yelled "I guess you don't want to walk your daughter down the aisle. Remember that! You made that choice."

I ran out of the room. I threw open the front door and ran to my truck. I jammed my keys in the ignition, put it in reverse, and slammed my foot on the gas. My tires squealed against the pavement as I swiftly pulled out of the driveway.


The Cullen's driveway seemed to get longer and longer as I kept driving, until finally the house appeared through the trees.

I cut the engine and fumbled out of the car. I saw the front door open, and Edward appeared in the doorway.

"Edward," I yelled weakly. I ran to him as if my life depended on it.

I crashed into him. It kind of hurt, but I didn't care. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. We stood there for what felt like hours. I pulled him towards me and pressed my lips to his. His cool lips felt good against my burning face, an unfortunate aftereffect of the heated argument. My face was sticky with tears, but he didn't seem to notice, or if he did, he didn't seem to care.

He broke the kiss, and took my face in his hands. "How did it go?" he asked concerned.

"Not so well," I half laughed.

"I'm sorry."

"No, stop. It's not your fault. Besides, that was in the past, and now I'm in the present...with you. And that's all that I care about right now." I kissed him one more quick time before we went inside.

Edward opened the door, and led me inside. I was preparing myself for the pixie attack, but nothing came.

"Where's the family?" I looked around the room, and it was bare.

"Everywhere." He said nonchalantly. "Carlisle's in his study, Esme and Alice are in the basement planning for the wedding. Emmett and Jasper are hunting. And for Rosalie, I'm not sure." his lips pressed in a line.

"Well, why didn't you go hunting? I don't want to cause you pain." I asked.

"Bella you could never cause me pain.

Before I could protest, he pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulled myself closer to him. My stupid stomach grumbled and he pulled back.

"When was the last time you ate?" he questioned, shocked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm fine. I'm really not that hungry."

"I'll take you out." He replied quickly.

"No. There's no reason. I can just run to the supermarket and get some stuff to cook myself." I shrugged.

"Bella, come on. You don't have to do everything yourself. You deserve to go out." Edward said.

"No. I don't like it when you buy things for me. Besides, I am perfectly capable of cooking for myself." I pushed.

"So, I can't even buy you dinner?" he asked, but knew the answer.

"No." I said stubbornly. "Or gifts don't forget."

Edward pleaded with his golden eyes. We stared at each other for a quick minute until finally I gave in.

"Okay, fine." I sighed.

Edward bent over and put his lips to mine. I locked my arms around his neck and hugged him closer to me. His lips caused a chill to run down my back. Of course, he pulled away.

"Thank you." He said softly. Before I had time to respond I was in front of the Volvo.

He opened my door for me like usual, but grabbed me before I had the chance to slip in. My back pressed up against his chest. He spun me around and kissed me feverishly. He rested his hands dangerously low on my hips.

His mood had changed and so had his boundaries- not that I was complaining, it was just new for me. He moved down to my neck and my collar bones.

"Why, have we changed our minds?" I breathed.

"No. You're just making it harder." He said in between chaste kisses.

He sealed his thought with a long slow kiss on the lips before urging me to get into the car. After we were both in and settled, I turned to face him.

"So can I expect more of that later?" I raised my eyebrows.

He chuckled and shook his head.

"If you keep doing what you're doing than yes." He said

He appeared extremely god-like right now. His one hand was at eleven o'clock on the steering wheel, and the other on the gear shift. His tousled bronzes hair swept his forehead and his eyes were gleaming. His shirt was open just enough to make my mouth water.

"Do I need to pull over the car?" he asked playfully. "Or will you recover?"

I jumped a little, snapping back to reality. "Huh....Oh I'm fine." I wouldn't be surprised if drool was escaping the corner of my mouth.

"Mhmm...." he carried off.
