Some of you might have heard that I sprained my wrist in work on Monday – I did, and it hurts. But I updated Butterfly, and now The Lambs, regardless.

And here we have the end of the story! I won't be starting a new full-length fiction any time soon, but I do have quite a number of One-Shots planned and I still have to complete Brothers In Arms 4 and Black Complication and Butterfly. When I do start a new long-story, it will probably be Hush Little Baby (another Lucius/Harry, time-travel one that I was supposed to start around two years ago).

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Words: 4,161

Chapter 15

The Wolf and The Lamb

August 27th 1999.

It had been three months of relative peace and quiet. After Ginny's murder, Remus had begun to interact more with the Pack once again, but most notable was the amount of time he spent around the pregnant Harry. It was only their bond of Godfather/son that waylaid any jealousy Fenrir might have felt. The Alpha understood as well as anyone, that Pack needed Pack when there had been a loss of life. Tonks was dead, and Remus' next immediate family was his sire, Fenrir, and his godson, Harry, and Harry's unborn cub.

Remus smiled softly, the edges of his lips pulled up just barely, as he looked down on Harry. They were sitting on the ground in front of the fire, Harry lying on his back with his head in Remus' lap. Fenrir was making the rounds of the Pack, checking with his other Beta and with Charlie's new mate. Pansy was pregnant already, which everyone agreed was some well-deserved good news. Remus had even managed to congratulate them without beginning to cry.

"Cub," Remus whispered softly, carding his hand through Harry's thick, dark hair. "What are you going to call the baby?"

"Depends on if it's a boy or a girl, I suppose. Fenrir suggested I name it after dad, if it's a boy." Harry looked up, his eyes wide and green.

"Do you not agree?"

"I just- dad's dad, you know. This baby isn't him. This baby is its own person, and it'll probably be nothing like my father. It deserves to be seen and known as a separate entity. I know I wouldn't have wanted to be called James. Harry might not be the best name ever, but it's mine, you know?" He smiled softly, fingers spread out over his swollen stomach.

"I understand perfectly. However, naming the child won't be an issue, if the baby is never born." Remus teased, eying the large bulge.

"Uh!" Harry snarled, "I know! I'm already a day overdue!"

"A day? Just one? Oh cub, that's nothing. Wait until you're two months overdue, like my mother was with me." Remus chuckled as Harry's eyes widened in horror. Mouth opened, the teenager stared up at him silently, not quite able to process the information he had just received.

"Two months?" He squeaked. "That isn't possible. It's not! My baby isn't as ungrateful and difficult as you obviously were as a baby. I won't be two months overdu- OH!" His fingers pressed down hard against his stomach. Breath whooshed out of his lungs as he gave another cry. The pain in his stomach was new and different. Harry wasn't sure what it meant, or why it was happening, but it wasn't unbearable. When it passed, he relaxed, willing to forget about it for the moment. But Remus had other ideas.

"I think you might be in labour." The elder Werewolf said, pulling the boy to his feet.

"No, I'm not, I just-" Harry stopped speaking, an embarrassed flush spreading across his cheeks as the seat of his pants was suddenly wet. "I just wet myself?" He asked himself, strangely disorientated.

"No, your waters broke. Time to get you to the Healer." Remus began steering Harry in the direction of his own tent. His eyes met Fenrir's and the man bared his teeth in a silent snarl. Remus lowered his eyes submissively, but refused to leave Harry's side. Fenrir stormed towards them, pulling Harry into his arms, and shifting his weight so that Remus was partially blocked from Harry's reach.

"Go get Snape," the Alpha ordered. He didn't take his eyes off his mate as he lifted the boy and carried him into the tent.

Severus Snape, one of the resident Healers at Hogwarts, had been living with the Pack for the last fortnight. When Harry's due date drew near, Draco and Sirius both had tried to convince Harry to return to Hogwarts and have his baby inside, where it was safer and more sanitary. But the boy had refused. Harry wanted to have his child within his Pack, at his new home, surrounded by every member of the Werewolf's family. Severus had been outvoted, and against his will had been sent to live within the Forbidden Forest.

"About time, Potter," he snapped as he pushed past the flap of the tent. He closed it behind himself. Remus entered in front of him, along with Charlie. Fenrir settled down on the ground, Harry propped up against him. The two Betas hovered nervously, while Snape prepared everything he needed. Whatever was needed for the birth had already been arranged, fresh water replacing old water every morning, towels aired and dried, and herbs and ointments laid out in order of necessity, morning after morning, every day for the past two weeks. "I thought the brat would never come."

Fenrir growled at the insult, but it only made Harry chuckle. He was used to Severus' behaviour. "Next time, I'll make sure the baby comes extra early, just so you'll always look back and think, 'that was the greatest moment of my life'." The teenager panted as another contraction surged through his body.

"Yes well," Snape said, shrugging, "take off your clothes."

"Or maybe," he paused to unbutton his trousers. Fenrir tugged them down, narrowing his eyes as Severus' gaze moved down to Harry's groin. "This will be the greatest moment of your life?"

"Spread your legs, child." Harry did as he was told, trusting that the older Elemental had absolutely no wish to be intimate with him. "Yes, this will be my most looked back on moment, when I am old and impotent. I will fantasise about you, naked and spread out before me, heavily pregnant with the werewolf/human half-breed heir to the throne, while the Alpha father glares holes into every inch of my being, as I strive to make your impending child birth as painless as possible, should Greyback suddenly decided to kill me to avenge your pain. I can't wait to tell all my friends. Everyone I know will envy me this moment." Severus' black eyes met Harry's, but the younger Elemental could see the amusement that was carefully hidden, but existed nonetheless.

"Ok, Mr. Sarcasm. Tone it down a little." Charlie said with a chuckle. "How's it going down there?" He nodded at Severus' hand, which was prodding and poking Harry somewhere Fenrir felt only he was allowed to touch.

"It seems being a submissive Werewolf makes birthing easier than if one were a submissive Elemental." Human, non-magical males, of course, couldn't bare children. "He is almost fully dilated. It shouldn't be too painful, Potter. You're more than half way there already, and we've only been here twenty-three minutes. Congratulations, this may be the fastest birth ever."1

"Your snark is unwarranted," Fenrir hissed threateningly.

"Oh, I don't mind Fenrir," Harry said between pants, "I find it keeps my mind off the pain. Oh, ow, ow!" Severus looked him over speculatively, before his hand lowered and he began probing at Harry's entrance again. Submissive Werewolves, it seemed, lubricated themselves during childbirth to help ease the pain of pushing a baby out of their backsides. Harry's muscles were more relaxed than they should have been. His contractions were coming harder and closer together than would have been normal if Harry hadn't of been a Werewolf. And Severus could see the baby's head crowning.

"Ok, Potter, it's time to push." He kept his hands down low, waiting to catch the child. "Once the shoulders are out, it'll be over quickly, Potter. So push now, one two, deep breath, push, one two, breath," he encouraged in a soft voice, looking uncharacteristically gentle.

In almost no time at all, but what felt like years to Harry through the pain, a baby's cry filled the tent. Severus took it to a mat Remus had laid out, and cleaned it off with a towel Charlie offered him. When the child was cleaned and wrapped up, Snape carried it back over to Harry and Fenrir. The Alpha had cleaned his mate up, but they remained seated on the floor with Harry pressed against Fenrir's chest.

"Can I have my baby, please?" Harry muttered, holding his arms out.

"It's a girl." Remus said quietly, "What are you naming her?"

The child's eyes remained closed, but her head turned and nuzzled towards Harry's chest. "I suppose she's hungry." The submissive said. He didn't produce milk, and he was unable to feed his baby, regardless of how hungrily she sucked on his nipple.

"I'll get her." Charlie left the tent. A handful of other submissives were pregnant, but one had lost her child in the attack several months ago. She still had the milk necessary to feed the child, and she had happily offered to be the Alpha's baby's wet-nurse.

A young, dark haired woman appeared in the entrance of the tent and settled herself on the ground beside Harry. Harry handed the baby over, watching her as she fed. When the girl was back in his arms, and the female wolf had left the tent, he looked up at Remus and smiled. "Can we name her Eva, Fenrir?" He wasn't looking at his mate, but Harry knew Fenrir had nodded without needed to see it. "It means 'life'." He told them softly.

Severus took a deep breath. "I do not know enough about Werewolves to know whether or not I could be of more use. Perhaps I should return to Hogwarts now? I can inform Draconais and the others? I'm certain he is dying to see his goddaughter."

"Yes, please?" Harry asked. Snape met Fenrir's eyes over Harry's dark head and he nodded. The lack of a sneer on the Alpha's face was a way of saying 'thank you', Severus supposed.


August 28th 1999.

It only took Severus a day to return to Hogwarts. The journey was the fastest he could ever remember making, and it had exhausted him and the horse both, but he was pleased to be home. He immediately sought out the Malfoys, unsurprised to find Sirius waiting with them.

"He had a girl. Her name is Eva."

Draco leapt to his feet, hurrying to his godfather's side. "Can we go see her? Now?"

"Yes, he thought that would be what you had in mind. Potter welcomes you all, I'm certain." He cast an ugly look in Sirius' direction but said nothing else. It was common knowledge that the two men despised each other.

"Severus, Sirius, Lucius," Narcissa said softly as she made her way to Draco's side and placed a calming hand on his shoulder, "if you would alert the rest of Hogwarts' population of the good news. This warrants a celebration. Perhaps, in a week's time, King Harry could be convinced to return home with his Heir for a party? I'll leave it up to Draco to convince him. I shall go pack for us. Draco, if you would ready a carriage or two?"

"Yes mother." He left the room with a grin on his face. He headed straight towards the stables. Three stable hands stood around talking softly and laughing, but they fell silent when Draco approached.

"How can we help you, sir?"

"Ready me six horses and a carriage." He told them imperiously. "King Harry has birthed his Heir. My family and I are to travel out to pay our respects."

Two of the men hurried to do as they were told. But the man who had spoken earlier remained at Draco's side. "Well, sir? What was the child?"

"A daughter for the King." Draco told him, a soft smile on his face. "And a goddaughter for myself." The man, satisfied, wandered off to help his co-workers. In the sudden silence, Draco could hear voices that hadn't been noticeable before. He frowned, stepping closer to the wall.

The stables were beside the wall, close to one of the doors. It was handy this way, because it meant less of the distance for the horses to travel through Hogwarts to get outside.

Draco climbed onto the edge of a trough, careful not to spill the water, and tried to lift himself up. Once he was high enough to peer over the wall, he ignored the pains in his arms and fingers and listened.

A man – tall and large with dark hair and angry eyes – paced by the edge of the forest. Three wolves sat at his feet. Draco immediately knew that they were werewolves, but none of them were recognizable from Fenrir Greyback's Pack. While there were many other, smaller Packs in the Forest, Draco didn't see why they would chose to come to Hogwarts. Perhaps they sought a truce? Or an alliance?

"Bloody hell," the man hissed.

A second man walked out from between the trees, completely naked. He looked to be in his early sixties, and he narrowed his eyes at the first man. "Honestly Theodore." He scolded. "Childbirth takes time. You can't expect to show up, and have Potter pop the child out the moment we arrive."

Theodore Nott snarled loudly. Evan Rosier merely chuckled lightly, but he certainly didn't take a step back. Nott snarled louder because of it.

One of the wolves yipped.

Evan chuckled again. "Mulciber is right. We're making too much noise." He scratched his chin lightly, his long nails cutting the flesh and drawing a thin line of blood despite his care. "You know the plan. When he has the child, we kill it. Then Lestrange will kill the King, and the crazy redheaded lady gets to be Queen again."

"She won't be Queen. Lestrange will kill her first." Nott snarled. He didn't like taking orders from a human, and an Elemental to boot.

"I know. But Lily Potter doesn't know that. It's a part of why I think she's crazy." Rosier turned, and walked back into the forest. Nott watched him go with narrowed eyes before turning suddenly to gaze at where Draco was peeking over the wall.

The blond tried not to gasp, but in his surprise he let go of the wall and fell backwards into the trough. When the other Elementals arrived, he was soaking wet and absolutely terrified. "We can't go through this door," Draco told them in a whisper. "Bring the horses around to the other side, and we'll cut through the forest."

"What is going on?" Sirius questioned.

"There are Werewolves outside. I overheard them. They think Harry is having the baby here, and they're waiting for them to come outside to tell the rest of the Pack. They want to kill Harry and the baby and they're working for Bellatrix and Lily."

"Well… damn." Sirius cursed.

Rosier was watching the other door closest to the forest. When a carriage appeared, pulled by six horses, he tensed up, waiting. Three blonds, and two dark haired men emerged from Hogwarts and climbed into the carriage, but none of them smelt like a werewolf. He sniffed the air again. That one, the tall angry looking one, had assisted in the birth though, Rosier could tell. He let the carriage pass unhindered and ran back to Nott.

"A carriage has left. It was a distraction. The child was not present. They will follow the first carriage, hoping that we would already be in pursuit. We shall wait for them." They waited until the sun had set, and when no one else left the grounds, Nott snarled viciously and raked his nails down the bark of the closest tree.

"We've been tricked!" He roared.

"Potter was never here." Rosier agreed. The three wolves came whines and whimpers. Nott and Rosier changed, and all five of them bound off into the forest, in search of the she-wolf.

Bellatrix was not pleased by the news. She howled, her head thrown back and her jaw wide open baring her impressive teeth. Lily stood beside her, wringing her hands nervously. A part of her was worried about her son, giving birth outside where he could pick up any number of germs or diseases. She quelled the thought. He was a Werewolf. He was already diseased. Death would be a blessing for Harry at this point.

"What shall we do now?" Lily asked, turning to face the dark haired female.

Bellatrix cackled, eyes narrowed. "'We'? There is no 'we'!" She reached out, and with a quick twist of her wrist she snapped Lily Potter's neck. The body fell to the ground with a thump, and Bellatrix looked down on it with detachment before she turned to the waiting wolves and smiled. "Hungry?"


August 30th 1999.

Everything had descended into chaos.

There was no right or wrong, only screaming. Blood was thick in the air, the scent of it, and the taste of it on their tongues. Clothing was torn and hair was matted with blood and sweat and the stench of death.

Draco trembled. His arms held tightly to the three-day-old baby, and both of his parents stood in front of him, protecting him and the baby both. Harry was snarling somewhere to his left, Fenrir to the right. The Dark Order had arrived suddenly, and while Draco had thought they would be ready, they hadn't been. There were eight of the enemy in total, but they were all stronger, older, more practised than any in the Pack except for Fenrir. There were many children in the Pack that had to be protected, and the pregnant submissives were unable to fight. They were huddled together, under the protection of several dominants. But the Order didn't seem to be concerned with them.

Over half of the Pack's numbers were made up of wolves that were unable to battle. While, logically, they should have left the women and children and helped to protect the Alpha's mate (on whom the Order had focused all of their attention), they couldn't. It was their mates or children they were protecting, and while they knew the others wouldn't hurt them, instinct told them to stay and protect nonetheless.

Bellatrix took hold of Harry's hair, wrestling the boy's arms behind his back with one hand. She began to drag him away from the rest of the Pack. Rudolphus Lestrange snarled, dived forward in an attempt to save his Alpha's mate, but a Death Eater charged into him. He and Jugson rolled around on the floor, both trying to pin the other down and strike a killing blow. Rabastian ran to help his brother, catching a glimpse of Fenrir snarling and surging against Mulciber and Avery as he ran. The two Death Eaters clung tightly to one of Greyback's arms each, both too desperate and afraid not to let him go. The Alpha jumped forward, and they pulled him back. Dolohov joined them, grabbing Fenrir around the neck and, together, the three of them dragged him to the floor.

Remus charged at them. He knocked Mulciber off of the Alpha and clear across the campsite. Behind Remus, lay the dead body of Barty Crouch Jr., his throat torn out by Remus' teeth. Charlie and Sirius made short work of McNaire. Rabastian and Rudolphus easily overpowered Jugson when they worked together.

Rosier slipped over beside Draco, attempting to sneak around the blond's parents and snatch the baby. Before he could do anything, however, he was suddenly encased in ice. It grew and grew, starting at his feet and rising higher up his body until he was completely trapped. Blaise Zabini smirked coldly, before nodding at his submissive. Seamus gave a snarl and ran at the frozen Death Eater. They hit the ground together, and as the ice around Rosier shattered into a hundred-thousand-pieces, Seamus ripped out his throat.

The Malfoys gave them equal nods of thanks. The two teenage Werewolves stayed close by, protecting their friend's baby girl.

A handful of the other dominants had closed in on Dolohov and Avery. They snarled and hissed as they circled the two other wolves, and in a horridly loud clash of teeth and claws, both sides attacked.

Severus had stayed out of the fight, huddled with the submissives and the children. He was horridly embarrassed of course, but he was a Healer. He had no active power, and getting involved would get him killed. He was of a rare breed. He, and Lily, and only two others in Hogwarts were Healers. And there were none among the Pack. He was needed after the fight, to make sure everyone pulled through.

He was the first to notice Nott, emerging quietly from the trees where he had been hiding. In his hand was something so distinctly human, that Severus was actually unsure if he could trust his eyes. Nott raised it, just as Fenrir was ultimately freed of his assailants.

"WATCH OUT!" Snape yelled, jumping to his feet. His eyes locked with Harry's.

The teenager stopped struggling. Bellatrix's grip didn't slacken, and she continued to try and drag him away. It was easier when he went without a fight, and she grin as she took his stillness as resignation to his fate. However, he suddenly slumped forward, and the unexpected movement had the result of startling the female wolf. She let Harry go. He fell to the floor, a surprised look on his face as he stared down at his naked chest.

The noise, the bang, made by the weapon echoed through the clearing. Snape sank to his knees, his mouth open in shock. He couldn't quite believe it.

A roar of anger escaped Fenrir's mouth, and he threw himself at Nott. He ignored how the man raised the gun for a second time, and slapped straight into his chest. They both tumbled to the ground. The gun went flying, skidding across the ground, unfired. Fenrir's hands went around Nott's throat. He snarled, and hissed, his eyes a furious silver colour as he choked the life out of the man who had shot his mate.

Bellatrix watched Nott die, and made no move to help him. Instead, she turned and tried to run. A sudden weight came down on her back and she stumbled, falling to the floor. The wolf above her bore nothing similar to the kind, gentle Remus Lupin, but it was him. Amber eyes narrowed onto her face as he lifted one hand and uncurled his nails. He placed one nail at Bellatrix's navel and drove it into her. She screamed, bucking and thrasing, but Remus remained on top of her. He dragged the nail upward, stopping when he had reached the bottom of her rib cage. He repeated the action twice more, until Bella had three long holes in her abdomen. After disembowelling her, he sat back and watched as she died, just as Fenrir watched Nott take his last breath and fall still.

Severus was at Harry's side. He tried to harness his magic, tried to force the bullet from Harry's body, but there was nothing he could do. "He needs a human doctor." He told the Alpha when Fenrir laid down on the ground beside his mate.

"He won't make it," Lucius murmured from behind them.

But Fenrir wasn't listening. He pulled Harry into his arms, mindful of the bleeding wound on the right side of Harry's chest. Fenrir's nose was pressed against Harry's neck, nuzzling lightly and breathing in his scent.

"I-I l-lo-" the boy gurgled. He stopped to take a deep breath, but pain welled up inside of him and he cried out instead. "I love you," he managed to say. He didn't say anything else though, in fact he wasn't making noise at all. His raged breaths had stopped, and the wheezing noises he had been making had fallen silent too. Fenrir shook him harshly, but his eyes remained open and unfocused. Harry's head lolled to one side, and then the other as Fenrir shook him again.

"Please wake up," the Alpha whispered. But Harry didn't.

The others crowded around, watching silently. Many were crying. There was no one left to fight now. The Dark Order had been defeated, but at too high a price most would agree. Draco dropped to his knees beside them, the baby still in his arms. He clung tightly to Eva, while Fenrir held onto his dead mate, mourning loudly and heartbrokenly.

But there was nothing anyone could do for him.

Harry's life had been, always, at the mercy of the Fates. Whatever higher power guided them all that decided to allow Harry and Fenrir to be together, but with all good things, it had come to an end. The Wolf had lain with the Lamb. But the Lamb could not remain at his side forever. Their natures were too different, and their lives were not entirely compatible. There were too many factors that wanted to tare them apart, too many dangers waiting to face them. And the Fates were not kind.

The Wolf lay down with the Lamb. And in the end, the Lamb perished.

The End

1 – Actually, I think the fastest birth was five minutes! A woman in Ireland had five babies in five minutes about a week and a half ago. It was in the Irish Sun or the Irish Mirror, or something. Some useless information for you. I've never had a baby, and certainly not in a forest, as you can all tell from reading the scene, I have no idea what I'm doing.

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Thanks for reading. Please leave a review… and don't hate me. You all know how I love unhappy endings! Poor Harry – how I torture him so.