Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis and any of the characters. All of the characters belong to Takeshi Konomi Sensei. The name of the restaurant is also not owned by me as there is such a restaurant in the US.

Pairings: Tezuka X Echizen, Sanada X Yukimura, Yanagi X Inui, Kawamura X Sakuno, Oishi X Eiji


Italic means flashback

Bold will be Ryoma or other people talking in English instead of Japanese

' ' will be people's thoughts

" " will be dialogue

might contain slight OOC

Warning: Might contain spoilers of the manga, Boy X Boy loves, gender switch (not completely) which leads to MPREG

P.S. If you cannot stand the above warning, please hit the 'backspace' pad on your keyboard

To the story then…

Chapter 1

Ryoma Echizen shocked the world of tennis when he defeated the champion of the grand slam at the tender age of 15 and became the youngest ever to reach Grand Slam. He was also known among the fans as the 'Prince of Tennis' which really suited his character. His life had always revolved around tennis, and was still single. But, unknown to his fans and the press, he was already married with a certain GUY whom he had met when he was 13.

Game Echizen, 7 – 5

Some of the spectators were on their feet, applauding their spectacular performance and it was seen that Echizen Ryoma's fans were already shouting his name, throwing kisses and waving banners as Kevin Smith's fans wore disappointed facial expressions and throwing curses at Ryoma for defeating their idol.

"And thus, Echizen Ryoma has once again defeated Kevin Smith and has become the champion of the Grand Slam. We will commence with the prize giving ceremony after a 15 minutes break," announced the commentator as Ryoma went to the net and shook hand with Kevin.

"Good job. I'll be back with better moves to defeat you Ryoma Echizen", said Kevin after both of them had let go of each other hand.

"Mada mada dane". Ryoma threw a smirk at Kevin as he turned around before walking away, towards his manager with his racket resting on his shoulder. His manager went on his feet, and started clapping along with his thousands of fans after giving Ryoma his towel.

"Damn you Ryoma. You never change. Still the same arrogant brat even though you're married", muttered Kevin as he too, walked towards his manager who was waiting with a towel and a bottle of water.

After he had done wiping himself dry, he placed his towel on his shoulder and walked towards the tunnel. "Where are you going? Hey Ryoma!" shouted his manager, Sam when he realised that Ryoma was walking towards the tunnel.

"Ponta", said Ryoma without turning around.

"Fine, be back before the prize giving. Do you hear me?"

Ryoma tugged his cap and headed towards the vending machine. He saw his husband waiting for him with an opened can of grape Ponta on his left hand. He took it and started gulping the drink down.

After quenching his thirst with the drink, Ryoma asked, "Why are you here?"

"Can't I watch my husband play tennis?"

"Hmm…Is that the only reason?" Ryoma tilted his head to side.

"They want to see your match. So I brought them here".

"The champion and the runner-ups, please get ready for the prize giving ceremony. The ceremony will start in 3 minutes".

"Souka (I see)". Ryoma threw his empty Ponta into the bin and started walking away. He halted before turning around and said, "Dressing room".

"Hurry up. It's almost starting", said Sam when he saw Ryoma emerged from the tunnel. "Why do you always have to be late for the prize giving ceremony?" Ryoma ignored his manager and walked toward the podium.

"And now, we will continue with the prize giving ceremony. The 1st runner-up, Lawis Michel; 2nd runner-up, Kevin Smith; and lastly, the youngest ever champion of Grand Slam, Echizen Ryoma. That's all for this year's Grand Slam and we hope to see you all again next year. Thank You".

After getting his medal, Ryoma walked towards his dressing room twirling his medal. He opened the door and someone grabbed him into a tight bear hug.

"Ochibi! Long time no see, nya! Congrats!"

"Ki-kikumaru sem-sempai…c-can't bre-breath", Ryoma choked out as he tried to pry out of Kikumaru's bear hug.

"Eiji…stop it. You're suffocating Echizen", Oishi said as he help to restrain Kikumaru from suffocating the tennis prodigy. Kikumaru let go of Ryoma with a pout. Oishi then gave Ryoma his attention and started fussing over him. "Echizen, are you okay? Can you breathe? Are you feeling okay?"

"Maa, maa…Oishi. He is fine. Right, Echizen?" said Fuji.

"A-aa", replied Ryoma before Momoshiro grabbing him into a headlock.

"Momo-sempai. Yamette", said Ryoma as he struggled to release himself.

"Nope I won't", said Momoshiro happily.

"Momo, I think you better stop", said Oishi when he saw Tezuka death glared at the black haired man.

"Doushitte (Why), Oishi-sempai?" asked Momoshiro as he looked at the mother hen. Momoshiro then could feel someone death glaring at his back. He turned around and accidentally made an eye contact with Ryoma's husband. He quickly released Ryoma from the headlock and put up his hands to the back before walking away from Ryoma, looking sheepish.

"Ommedeto (Congratulation), Echizen. There's a 98.6 chances that you would have succeeded in winning the Grand Slam", said a voice from Ryoma's back. Ryoma almost jump out of his skin if not for his self-control.

"Fssshhh…Omedetto, Echizen", wished the viper.

"Arigatou (Thank you), sempai-tachi (seniors), for coming to watch", thanked Ryoma gratefully.

"Are (Eh)…Since when has Echizen become so polite?" said Kawamura, the sushi master.

"Nya, Ochibi. Since when have you become so polite? So cute!" said Kikumaru as he started another bout of hugging (more like suffocating) his human plushie.

"Enough, Kikumaru. Let go of him", ordered Tezuka, as he started walking towards Ryoma. Kikumaru let go immediately when he heard Tezuka's lap commanding voice.

After Tezuka had reached Ryoma, he bent down and started giving him a long passionate kiss (his present for winning the Grand Slam). Ryoma felt Tezuka's tongue asking for entry and he allowed it. Tezuka explored Ryoma's mouth and tasted a slight sweetness thanks to the Ponta he just had before the prize-giving ceremony. Ryoma tried to fight for dominance but lost the battle, as Tezuka did not give up easily.

They broke off after a few minutes when air has become a necessity. Ryoma cheeks were tinted with pinkness when he realised that Tezuka had kissed him right in front of their friends.

"Ii…data…" said Inui as he whipped out his notebook and started scribbling like mad.

A slight blush could be seen on Kaidoh's and Oishi's cheeks as they averted their gaze from the pillar pair. Kawamura too, averted his gaze as Fuji was clicking away madly with his camera. Momoshiro whistled at the public display as Kikumaru tried his hardness not to laugh at the pinkness of Ryoma's cheek.

After they broke off, Tezuka leaned in on Ryoma's right ear before whispering to the emerald haired man. "We'll continue tonight".

"Usu (okay)", Ryoma reply the brunette shyly. At that moment, the door opened and admitted Ryoma's manager with a paper bag.

Sam walked towards Ryoma and handed the bag to the tennis prodigy as he said cheerily, "Here you go. You should have a bath first before going out, as it is quite cold outside. I've got to go and oh yeah, remember that you've got a photo shoot on Monday. I'll call you on Sunday to remind you anyway. Bye!"

Sam skipped happily to the door before turning around and wished the others, "Nice meeting you all!"

The occupants of the room (minus Tezuka, Inui and Fuji) stared at door where the manager had disappeared too. "Weirdo…"

Ryoma opened the bag and saw a change of clothes and also a towel. He treaded towards the shower room with the bag. Before he left, he said to his friends, "After I bathe, let's go out and eat. It will be my treat".

"Yahoo!" shouted Momo and Eiji simultaneously with their hand punching the air.

"Fssshhh…baka peach! What a glutton".

"What do you say, Mamushi! Do you want to fight?" Momo walked towards Kaidoh and when he reached the bandana man, he grabbed a fistful of his shirt and yanked him forward. Kaidoh in turn, also grabbed a fistful of Momo's front shirt and thus, they started their squabbling. Oishi walked towards them and tried to separate them by placing himself in between them.

"Saa…Echizen seems to be in rather good mood ne, Tezuka? I wonder what you had said that throw him in such a good mood?" said Fuji as he looks at Tezuka with his half closed eyes. He had his evil smile plastered on his face.

"…" Tezuka remained silent, as he already knew that Fuji's sharp hearing had most probably picked up what he said to Ryoma.

After breaking Kaidoh and Momoshiro apart with Momoshiro walking towards Kikumaru, Oishi walked towards Tezuka and started a conversation with Tezuka.

"Ne, Tezuka…"


"…Echizen has done a good job in defeating Kevin hasn't he?"


"His Twist Serve seems to have gotten sharper and his Drive B's lob seems to have gotten higher as well", said Oishi. Tezuka nodded, being his usual self.

"Oh yea, How's your job? I heard that you've started teaching the kids here karate?"

"They're okay. Aa…" replied Tezuka with short answers since he was a man with few words.

"Souka. Are you going back to Japan this year again? And have your parents accepted your relationship with Echizen?" Oishi asked again.

"Aa. We decided that it's most probably next month. Otou-sama and Okaa-sama have accepted but Oji-sama hasn't".

"Ohh, okay. Then we'll be meeting you and Ryoma next month again then".


After that, Oishi's attention was shifted towards Kikumaru and Momoshiro who were discussing where Echizen would be bringing them to eat. Oishi started walking towards Kikumaru when Ryoma came out from the shower room looking fresh.

"Ochibi! Let's go and eat. I'm hungry nya~" whined Kikumaru as he gave Ryoma a bone breaking hug again.

"Eiji! Don't be like that. Let Echizen rest first. He just finished his match", said Oishi when he saw Ryoma swayed slightly at the impact of Kikumaru's hug.

"It's okay Oishi-sempai. I'm hungry too. Ikimashou?" asked Ryoma as he looked at the group.

Ryoma opened the door and the rest of them made a beeline towards the door. Ryoma then led the group to the parking lot of the stadium. When Tezuka opened the door, everyone shivered except for Tezuka.

"Ochibi! Where are you planning to bring us to eat?"

"Diner?" Everyone nodded in agreement immediately so that they could escape the freezing wind. "We'll be going in two cars. Fuji-sempai, you'll drive my car. Is that okay?" asked Ryoma. Fuji nodded before taking the keys from Ryoma. Oishi, Kawamura and Eiji decided to be in Ryoma's car while the others will be sitting in Tezuka.

In Ryoma's car

"Ne Oishi, don't you think that Ochibi has changed a lot since the last time we saw him? Demo, Tezuka still remained as a wooden block…or maybe not", Kikumaru added at the end when he remembered Tezuka kissing Ryoma.

"Yea, Echizen seems to have changed quite a lot. He is not that bratty anymore compared to when we first met him. Looks like Tezuka had rubbed some sense on Echizen", said Oishi.

"Saa…I wonder", said Fuji with a knowing smile.

"Fujiko-chan? Why you say that? Ochibi sure changed his way of treating us".

"He's just happy with what Tezuka whispered to him after the kiss", replied Fuji.

"What did Tezuka whisper to him, nya?" asked Kikumaru excitedly as he bounces up and down from his seat.

"Do you really want to know Eiji?" as he looked away from the road to looked at Kikumaru before looking back at the road.

Kikumaru nodded his head vigorously while saying, "I want to know! I want to know! I want to know!"

"'We'll continue tonight'".

"Huh? Ne Fujiko, don't play nya. I want to know now!" whined Kikumaru.

"I'm not playing Eiji. I just told you. 'We'll continue tonight' ", said Fuji.

"We're not continuing tonight, nya. I want to know right now, Fujiko-chan", said Eiji as he started to bear hug Fuji from his seat since he was sitting right behind Fuji.

"Eiji! Stop that. Fuji's driving. It's very dangerous", said Oishi. Eiji stopped his bear hug and started to pester Fuji again

"Tezuka told Echizen 'we'll continue tonight' ", said Fuji as his smile widen when he saw his fellow friends reactions.

At that, Oishi, Eiji and Kawamura started to blush. "Tezuka said that, Fuji? Tezuka really said that?" asked Oishi as his face became as red as a tomato.

"N-ne, Fu-fujiko-chan, did Tezuka sa-say that or did you ju-just make it u-up?" asked Kawamura as he stuttered a bit. Fuji nodded in confirmation and this caused Kawamura and Oishi to blush even more red if it is possible.

"Aww…Tezuka really said that? Kawaii, nya!"

"Tezuka really said that. I even recorded it. Want to see?" said Fuji as his smile got wider. Oishi and Kawamura saw that smile and shivered. Both of them knew instantly that Fuji was planning to use this for blackmailing purpose again.

"I want to see! I want to see! I want to see! Fujiko-chan, Let me see!" said Kikumaru as he started bouncing up and down again.

Fuji open his eyes and said, "Saa…I'm not letting you see Eiji. This is for blackmailing Tezuka and my collection".

"Mou…"said Kikumaru before his saw Fuji's cerulean eyes open and thus, Kikumaru immediately stopped his pestering.

"Okay, here we are", announced Fuji as he step on the brake.

In Tezuka's car


"Two of you seem to have caught a cold. Here, I recommend it to you, Inui's Influenza-Fighting-Juice. It's good for a cold. When you've finish this cup, I can guarantee a full recovery within 15 minutes", said Inui as he whipped out a cup of Inui Juice out of nowhere. The colour of the juice was brownish-black. The top layer of the juice seemed to change colour every two seconds from green to blue to red to yellow and the constant plopping sound from the juice. Kaidoh and Momoshiro smartly inched away from the mad scientist.

"No thanks. It's not a cold", said Echizen and right at the moment, he sneezed again.

"If it's not a cold, then why are you sneezing? It seems to have gotten worse. Here, a second version which is much better and stronger", Inui said, as he whipped out a second one which was clear but you could see the smoke coming out of the cup. The next moment however, the colour of the juice changed to blood red then purple and became black.

Right at the moment, Tezuka announced that they had arrived. Kaidoh and Momo quickly leaped out of the car and ran into the restaurant to find a vacant table to avoid the Inui juice.

After settling down in the table that Kaidoh and Momo had chosen, Fuji's group opened the door and spotted them. They walked towards them with Fuji in front and Kikumaru beside the tensai. When Oishi and Kawamura saw Tezuka and Ryoma, they blushed slightly and excused themselves to go to the bathroom.

"Kikumaru-sempai, why did Oishi-sempai and Kawamura-sempai blush when they saw Tezuka-san and Echizen?" asked Momoshiro.

Saa…I wonder too…" Fuji said with a knowing tone

"Nya, it's because we…" Eiji trailed off when he too, started to blush. Kikumaru was saved when Kawamura and Oishi came back from the bathroom looking back to normal.

During the dinner, the topic shifted from junior high to each of their love life and their rivals. When they were talking about their love life, each of them received quite a number of shocking news. Apparently, Eiji and Oishi were officially a couple now, with their parents approvals, Momo and Ann had been planning to wed next month and Sakuno, Kawamura's wife, is having a second baby. Inui and Yanagi had also become a couple and, Sanada and Yukimura were going to get married next month (from Inui).

"Excuse me sirs, we're planning to close already", said the waiter politely. The group looked at the clock and saw that it's really late.

"We should go back already".


"I'll pay and then meet you all in the parking lot", said Ryoma as he stood up and walked towards the cashier. The ex-regulars walked to the parking lot and waited for Ryoma.

After paying, Ryoma walked out of the restaurant, and turned left to the alleyway to where the parking lot was. Ryoma saw a group of people and he tried to avoid them. However, before he knew it, those men ganged up on him by surrounding him leaving his no space to escape.

"What do you want?" Ryoma asked the longhaired guy which seemed to be the leader.

The guy didn't reply Ryoma's question as he took hold a bunch of Ryoma's coat and shoved him to the wall. Ryoma was temporarily disorientated thanks to the shock and before he knew it, the guy punched him on the stomach.

Ryoma gritted his teeth in pain as he slide down the wall with his left hand clutching his stomach. The leader stepped away and the rest walked up and started to kick him. After the leader was satisfied, he commanded, "Stop".

The rest of followers stopped their kicking and made way for their leader. He took hold of Ryoma's fronts with his left hand and brought his up while the other hand reached into his pant's back pocket. He brought out a foldable knife and started to play it in front of Ryoma.

"You bastard!" cursed Ryoma as he spat blood at the man. The next moment, Ryoma felt an intense pain on his stomach and realised that the man had just stabbed him right on the stomach. The leader laughed evilly before pulling the knife out. He let go of Ryoma's front and Ryoma slumped on the floor with his left hand holding on to the wound.

At the parking lot, the ex-regulars were starting to get worried as Ryoma was taking way too much time to pay the bill. Inwardly, Tezuka was having a very bad feeling and he was starting to get restless as he started to walk back and forth.

"What is Echizen doing? What's taking him so long to pay? Argh!" said Momoshiro as he ruffled his hair in frustration.

'What's taking Ryoma so long? He usually doesn't take that long time to pay. The walk from the restaurant to the parking lot only takes 2 to 3 minutes and what was this bad feeling that I have?' thought Tezuka.

"I'm going to search for him. All of you wait here", said Tezuka as he started to walk to the restaurant's direction.

"I'll go with you Tezuka", Oishi called out, as he followed after Tezuka.

When Tezuka and Oishi reached the alleyway, they saw someone sprawled on the floor. Tezuka looked hard and found out that the person looked very familiar. They ran towards the body and realizing who it was.

'Ryoma!' Tezuka shouted in his mind. He turned him around and saw a big blotch of blood. A gasped escaped his and Oishi's mouth.

"We need to bring him to the hospital, quick", said Oishi as he stood up quickly and ran towards the parking lot. Tezuka gathered Ryoma in his arms and followed Oishi.

"Echizen!" "Ochibi!" called out everybody when their eyes fell on the limp body on Tezuka's arms.

Fuji quickly went to starts the car and the regulars sorted themselves up. "Tezuka, I'll drive. Where's your car key?" asked Oishi.

"Here", said Tezuka as he handed Oishi his keys. Tezuka sat behind with Inui while Momoshiro took Ryoma's seat.

When they were inside the car, Tezuka said with slightly panic voice, "Momoshiro, get one of Ryoma's clothes from the bag. We need it to slow down the bleeding".

Momoshiro immediately rummaged the paper bag and brought out the T-shirt Ryoma was wearing just before passing it to Tezuka.

"Inui", said Tezuka. Inui grabbed the shirt and quickly pressed it on the wound to slow down the bleeding.

Fuji reached the hospital first and started shouting for help. Right after Oishi stomped on the brake; Tezuka leaped out of the car and ran towards the trolley and place Ryoma there. The nurses and doctors immediately went to work. The nurses pushed the trolley while the doctors examine Ryoma's condition while running. Tezuka tried to follow the doctors in but was stopped by one of the nurses.

"I'm sorry sir. You are not allowed to go inside. We will do whatever we can to save him. You and your friends can wait in the waiting room to wait for the news", said the nurse as she point to one of the rooms.

"That's my husband in there. You can't just ask me to wait in the waiting room when I know that he is in danger! I'm going in there!" the nurse pushed him back when Tezuka charged on.

"Tezuka, calm down! You're making a ruckus here. Let the doctors do their job", said Fuji as he helped the nurse to push Tezuka back.

"How can I calm down? Ryoma's IN there!" Shouted Tezuka and he tried to force his way into the ER. If not for Inui and Kawamura restraining him, he would have successfully forced his way into the ER. Right at that moment, Fuji punched him across the face to wake him up. Everyone gaped.

"Will you calm down now? Echizen will be all right. He is not as weak as you think he is!"

At long last Tezuka calmed down as Inui and Kawamura lead him into the waiting room. He settled on the plastic chair nearest to the ER's door. Kawamura and Inui sat down beside him and let go of his arms. In the waiting room, Tezuka could hear Kikumaru sobbing and Oishi consoling words to his lover.

In the ER

"His heart beat is slowing down! We're losing him!" said one of the nurses.

"Come on…You're too young to die!" said the doctor

To be continued...

A/N: That's it for the first chapter. Hope you all like it and it doesn't feel boring to you all. Any comments on my writing style or wrong spellings, grammars and tenses, please feel free to correct me anytime. I've made a slight change in the story but not major ones. Just to make it look more logical.


In this story, Ryoma is 26 years old and Tezuka is 27. It takes place after the manga's storyline but Ryoma did not go back to US when Seigaku won the National. He attends Seigaku until 3rd year of junior high and then he went back to US. They are now in the end of autumn, going to winter.

Yosh! Read and Review


Edited: 16/11/2008