A Match Made In...

Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the end! Just this short epilogue and another story of mine is complete. Phew!


The next morning, every gossip column in the country was reporting that Roy Harper and Dick Grayson had ended their relationship after only two weeks together. Not long afterwards, however, it was announced that Oliver Queen had told Bruce Wayne (and I quote) "I care" while at Gotham Central Park on Valentine's Day. Thankfully, Mr. Freeze and his men are still behind bars and can't do a thing about it.

Dick and Roy were allowed to complete their recuperations at their respective homes after a seven hour hospital stay. Their guardians were only able to keep them on bed rest for about two days before their wards' whining and complaining practically drove them nuts.

As soon as he was let out of bed, Roy was back in costume and on that R-Cycle, although Robin said he could only have it for six days, since he'd nearly ruined everything by forgetting to send the e-mails. Roy grudgingly agreed, but sadly, he only got to enjoy it for exactly fourteen minutes and thirty-five seconds before being pulled over by a cop and ticketed for going 120 miles per hour in a 35-mph zone. Robin immediately confiscated the bike upon discovering this, so Roy is now out twenty-five bucks and one motorcycle.

Donna has forgiven Roy for everything and their first date together is scheduled for next Friday at the local Taco Bell.

Iris West-Allen was not fooled at all by Barry's explanation concerning the kitchen—apparently, this had happened one too many times before—so Barry was condemned to spend the next few days fighting grease and food stains instead of criminals. Lucky for him, Wally took pity on him and agreed to help out as long as Barry agreed to keep buying cheesecakes.

Wally also managed to make amends with Barbara by promising to never open his mouth in her presence ever again.

The youtube video of Roy and Dick at the mall reached just over seven million hits before the account of the person who had posted the video—an Alexander Randall of Star City, California—was mysteriously hacked into and deleted. The kid's cell phone mysteriously disappeared as well.

About a week after the events at the park, a bouquet of flowers and a dinner invitation arrived for Kid Flash at the Titans' Tower from a certain police sergeant of the GCPD. Aqualad has yet to stop laughing.

This fic is now officially over. Please feel free to review and tell me how awesome I am now. (of course I'm kidding... well, mostly...)